Prosiding Membangun Karakter Islami Melalui Lau Kuntu

Chandrawaty, Chandrawaty dan Masykuroh, Khusniyati Prosiding Membangun Karakter Islami Melalui Lau Kuntu. In: THE 1st UICIHSS UHAMKA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, Jakarta.

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This research aimed is to describe Islamic characters building through Lau
Kuntu activities at SD Islam Sabilina, Kota Bekasi. This was a descriptive
research study employing a qualitative approach. The data were collected
through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed by using the steps of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. Based of the result analysis, the research showed that Islamic character building through Lau Kuntu activities at SD Islam Sabilina was supported by teachers, gave challenging and interesting activities. Lau Kuntu, in Arabic means ‘If I become,’ is an opportunity for student to learn about daily life of the poor in a day. The student helped and accompanied
scavenger, farmer, broom seller, fiish seller, evegetable seller, cobbler, and rice seller, working together to earn living. The activities ended by reflection and donation. Lau Kuntu activities build Islamic characters: trustworthy, economical, patience, obedient, tolerance, emphaty, independent, brave, respectfull, dan well behave. The contsrain emerging were parents worries of student safety, but good coordination with School Committee made Lau Kuntu activitiy could be implemented and be one of the best program at SD Islam Sabilina. Lau Kuntu activitiy was supported by teacher, parents, and society.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources > ZA Information resources > ZA4450 Databases
Depositing User: Chandrawaty Chandrawaty
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2020 08:02
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2020 08:02

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