%X This article analyses female religious authority among members of Indonesia’s Tarbiyah movement. It focuses on how women members at the lower levels of the organisational hierarchy of the Tarbiyah movement regularly and continuously build their own religious authority through liqo (weekly religious trainings) and how they perceive and practice religious authority in the liqo designed by the movement. This article argues that liqo is used not only as a means for developing members’ Islamic knowledge and religiosity, but most importantly for building its members’ religious authority. However, although women joined liqo in a very disciplined way to have more authority in their community, religious authority generally is still dominated by men. The only religious authority that these female members have comes through the structure for becoming a mentor in the liqo. %L repository13047 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I EHESS Paris %J Archipel %P 187-207 %T Female Religious Authority among Tarbiyah Communities in Contemporary Indonesia %D 2021 %V 102 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, Presensi/Kehadiran, Nilai %L repository10281 %D 2021 %C Malaysia %N 3 %I University Pendidikan Sutan Idris Malaysia %D 2020 %X Penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan kini bukanlah sesuatu yang asing lagi, bahkan penggunaanya sangat digalakkan bagi meningkat keberkesanan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, khususnya melalui kaedah Kelas Berbalik. Kelas Berbalik adalah suatu bentuk pengajaran yang menggunakan teknologi dan berpusatkan pelajar. Kajian lepas menunjukkan bahawa kaedah Kelas Berbalik banyak memberi kesan positif dalam meningkatkan minat pelajar terhadap pembelajaran. Walaubagaimanapun, kajian lepas menunjukkan kebanyakkan gurubahasa Arab masih lagi menggunakan kaedah tradisional dalam pengajaran mereka menyebabkan suasana pembelajaran menjadi pasif dan membosankan. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan membincangkan pengetahuan yang perlu dikuasai pada guru bahasa Arab dalam melaksanakan Kelas Berbalik bagi memastikan proses pengajaran lebih berkesan dan mampu menarik minat pelajar. Kata kunci: Teknologi, Kelas Berbalik, bahasa Arab, pengetahuan %L repository1110 %A Asma Binti Hilmi %A Zarima binti Mohd Zakaria %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %P 50-67 %J MJSSH (Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities) %T Tahap Pengetahuan Guru Bahasa Arab dalam Melaksanakan Kelas Berbalik (The Level of Knowledge of Arabic Languange Teachers in Implementing Flipped Classroom) %V 4 %C Jakarta %N 1 %I Fakultas Agama Islam, UHAMKA %D 2020 %X Women's participation in da'wa activities in the community has been widely studied. Likewise with the contribution of their involvement in various da’wa movements or Islamic organizations. This research aims to strengthen the existing studies, with a focus on the Aisyiyah da’wa community in urban areas. Specifically, this research seeks to investigate how inclusive and solutive the da'wa community is in carrying out its various activities among the Ulujami community in South Jakarta. This research was assessed using a qualitative approach that is not only by conducting relevant literature reviews but also by conducting in-depth interviews with leaders and members of the Aisyiyah branch of Ulujami, and the female community who reside and participate in various activities of Aisyiyah Ulujami-South Jakarta. In addition, participant observation were also conducted to look closely variety of their da’wa activities, ranging from religious education for empowering people and strengthening their religiosity to health services for helping people around them. The result of this research conducted in 2019 and early 2020 shows that the variety of activities carried out by Aisyiyah Ulujami in the middle of the Betawi urban community has made significant social contributions, especially in terms of women's empowerment related to strengthening religious insight, awareness to maintain health and strengthening social harmony in the midst of pluralistic society. This research could contribute to the discourses of the activities of female da'wa community in urban areas and its influences to the wider female community and society in general. Keywords: Aisyiyah, Da’wa, Islamic education, Social harmony, Urban society. %L repository1003 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %P 1-16 %J Jurnal Pendidikan Islam %T PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN DAKWAH PEREMPUAN DI PERKOTAAAN:AISYIYAH JAKARTA SELATAN %V 11 %C Yogyakarta %N 2 %I Uiversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta %D 2019 %X This research examines the the impact of modernity that has been reshaping Muslims’ lives in Muslim societies. It particularly examines various impact of modernity such as colonialism, secularism, liberalism, and Westernisation that led Islamists to worry about the decreasing role that Islam was playing in society and in the state. Their worry about the absence of Islam in the public sphere led the Islamists to become the front line da’wa group, intensively countering the impact of modernisation in the Islamic world. This research employs qualitative approach combining observation and texts review. Reviewing the relevant texts and observation to the contemporary da’wa movements and individuals are conducted within both fieldwork and desk work. As the result, I argue that the Islamists are the most ‘active’ Islamic da’wa movement in the modern societies including in Indonesia. Activism is their core da’wa characteristics that routinely calls on Muslims to respond to the impact of Western power. Their da’wa, therefore, is an activist ideology. This research contributes to the contemporary da’wa discourses and movements in the Muslim world. Keywords: Da’wa, Islam, Modernisation, Muslims, Western. %L repository970 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %P 187-202 %J AFKARUNA Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies %T Modernity and the Islamists Notion of Active Da'wa %V 15 %C Jakarta %N 1 %I Fakultas Agama Islam, UHAMKA %D 2018 %X This research studied on purification and modernization of Muhammadiyah in the Ranting Ulujami, South Jakarta. This research is conducted through qualitative method combining three data collection techniques; review on documents (books and journal articles), interview, and observation. This research reveals that purification and modernization as the main character of Muhammadiyah, are performed by its branch in the Ranting Ulujami. Regarding the purification of aspect of worship (mahdhoh), the Muhammadiyah leaders in the Ranting emphasize the need to strongly hold the hadith shohih and reject the hadith dhoif. Innovation in worship, for these leaders, is bid’ah. However, the implementation of the purification has been negotiated with the local religious tradition that has been long established in Ulujami. Tahlilan, a religious ceremony during the death of family, is an example. The Muhammadiyah in Ulujami negotiate it by producing new kind of tahlilan, or constructing new meaning of the tahlilan to prevent them from “cultural or religious clash” within the society. Meanwhile the modernization of social aspect is perceived by the leaders of Muhammadiyah in Ranting Ulujami as social piety. For them, a Muslim can be categorized as modern when he/she is not only concerned on their individual piety such as praying and reading the Qur’an, but also enthusiastic in implementing Islamic values related to public good. %L repository568 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %P 47-58 %J Jurnal Pendidikan Islam %T PURIFIKASI DAN MODERNISASI DI MUHAMMADIYAH RANTING ULUJAMI JAKARTA SELATAN %V 9 %X Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka mengetahui pengaruh metode Muroja’ah terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini sebanyak tiga kelas XI IIS 1, XI IIS 2 dan XI Mia. Dan samplenya adalah kelas XI MIA sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI IIS 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan pretest dan posttest yang telah dilakukan uji validitas dan uji realiabilitas serta uji prasyarat analisis. Setelah data terkumpul maka dilakukan analisis, menggunakan analisis independent sample t test. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data didapatkan Sig (2 tailed) sebesar 0,0002.007). Berdasarkan perhitungan analisis di atas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan metode Muroja’ah berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa mata pelajaran Al Qur’an Hadist kelas XI di Madrasah Aliyah Annajah Jakarta Selatan. %L repository15585 %A Afwah Muntazzah %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka %T Pengaruh Metode Muroja’ah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Al Qur’an Hadist Di Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Annajah Jakarta Selatan. %D 2018 %X Permasalahan Yang Terjadi Ialah Peneliti Melihat Langsung Proses Pengajaran Yang Dilakukan Oleh Guru Tidak Kreatif Dan Murid Dikelas Menjadi Jenuh Dan Bosan Setalah Itu Pai Merupakan Salah Satu Cerminan Dalam Kehidupan Karena Didalamnya Terdapat Materi Akidah Akhlak Yang Membentuk Karakter Siswa Taat Beribadah Serta Selalu Menjauhi Segala Larangan-Nya, Dan Pai Sangat Penting Karena Guru Merupakan Orang Tua Kedua Setelah Orang Tua Kandung Dengan Demikian Bahwa Peranan Guru Sebagai Motivator Ialah Membangun Siswa Nya Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Pembelajaran Pai Dengan Baik, Kemudian Prestasi Belajar Siswa Merupakan Target Yang Besar Dalam Proses Pendidikan Karena Merupakan Pendorong Supaya Dapat Menjadikan Semangat Motivasi Untuk Bersaing Di Bidang Ke Ilmuan.Pada Pembahasana Selanjutnya Mengenai Proses Pembelajaran Di Kelas Dengan Pengambilan Nilai Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi Yang Berjalan Lancar Seusai Dengan Tujuan Maka Dari Itu Dapat Disimpulkan Bahwa Penelitian Ini Membuahkan Hasil Yang Sangat Memuaskan %L repository15334 %A Achmad Rizki Riswanto %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka %T Implementasi Metode Demonstrasi Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Pembelajaran PAI Siswa MTS Ziyadatul Ihsan %D 2018 %X This research aims to find the Islamic da’wah values in Api Tauhid novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy using genetic structural study. This research is qualitative research using content analysis technique. The findings of the values observed in terms of da’wah bil hikmah method are 28 pieces, da’wah bil mauidzah alhasanah method are 48 pieces, and da’wah bil mujadalah alhusna method are only 9 pieces. Meanwhile, the values of Islamic da'wah in terms of the da’wah material are as follows. The Islamic da’wah values of aqidah material are 21 pieces. And Islamic da’wah values in terms of morality material are 22 pieces. Thus, the overall total of the values of Islamic Da'wah is 128 pieces. It can be concluded that the da’wah bil almauidzah alhasanah is more widely used in the Islamic da’wah method of Api Tauhid novel. And da’wah material that is more widely used in the Islamic da’wah of the novel is morality (morality for God and neighbor). From the above conclusion, it is understandable that the da’wah conducted by Habiburrahman in the Api Tauhid novel talks more about morals through bil mauidzah alhasanah (good word) method. The researcher found the correlations between the content of the novel with the author's life. First, the characters of Hamza and Bilal who know the biography of a remarkable scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in very detail, so that in the story they are able to tell Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s struggle coherently. Secondly, the depiction of the characters in the novel are very religious, especially the main character, Fahmi. Religious background is created no other than the madrasah he attended, after which he studied at boarding schools, and finally he enrolled to study religion in the Middle Eastern country. Third, the story when Fahmi invited by his friend, Hamza (the Turk) to get around Turkey in memory of the history of the struggle of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Fourth, it is told in the novel about the Fahmi, Hamza and his friends’ trip in Turkey. They visited various places that become the traces of the history of Islam and the struggle of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Based on the correlation explained above, the author in his work cannot be separated from the circumstances of the surrounding community. In this case, the characteristics, ideological, political, economic, and social culture's are influental on this Habiburrahman’s work. Social culture that is attached to a work can be viewed from several aspects, such as: social culture, language, religion, employment, customs, arts, and others. The implication of this research is the implementation or application in High School which is expected to have a positive impact on students after studying the literature teaching topic. Api Tauhid novel may be one of the sources of teaching Indonesian subject for High School class XII in the second semester. %L repository908 %C Jakarta %A Fauziah Fauziah Suparman %A NI Nini Ibrahim %P 221-230 %T ‘Da’wah Islamiyah’ Values of API TAUHID Novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy: Sructural Genetic Study %D 2017 %X Facing the 21st century, not only should students learn knowledge and skills, they also should learn behaviors, attitudes and values, which must be integrated in learning process. Thus, the article aims to elaborate the issues of education, analyze and evaluate the need of a value-based design as a proposed model of education based on the concept of system as well. The purposefulness of its design is to overwhelm the issues of morality which modern education is in critical state due to many factors, including the effect of technology advancement and communication. Its design consists of creative values, aesthetic values,material values, ethical values, experiential values, instrumental values, spiritual values and social values affecting the whole spectrum of human values to enhance the meaning of education. To sum up, for values are the foundation of one’s character, a curriculum enriched by values will be highly in need for the search of human excellence. Furthermore, It will increase the students’ motivation to learn as it will be reflected in their real world experience. Keywords: education in crisis, value based design, system, curriculum, and education issues %L repository5121 %C Jakata %A Somariah Fitriani %P 123--133 %T Is Our Education in a Crisis State? %D 2017 %X Islamic identity has been a central issue since the emergence of Islam in the seventh century. Muslims have been interacted with many symbols of religious identity since this early time of Islam. Every generation of Muslims has their own way to show their religious identity. Muslims in Britain are also still continuing to search for religious identity. They seek to re-evaluate their identity and construct a sense of what it means to be a Muslim in Britain today. This article would like to elaborate several discussions on Muslims’ identities in Britain. There are two different opinions on this issue. The first opinion comes from Muslims who believe that a Muslim individual should choose to be either a Muslim or a British. They argue that national values differ from religious norms. The second, however, states that one Muslim can be both a Muslim and a British at the same time. For them, there is no contradiction between being a Muslim and being a British citizen. They argue that nationality and faith can be combined in Muslim individuals who live in Britain. %L repository81 %N 2 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I STAIN Salatiga %J Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies %P 215-240 %T Muslims in Britain: questioning Islamic and national identity %D 2012 %V 2 %X Dalam paper ini penulis berusaha membandingkan peran dari dua organisasi Islam di Inggris yaitu Jama'at-i Islami (JI) dan Hizbut Tahrir (HT) terkait dengan gagasan integrasi, isolasi dan resistensi Muslim, terhadap budaya masyarakat Inggris. Penulis menganalisis persamaan dan perbedaan yang dimiliki dua organisasi ini dalam pola dan pendekatan pergerakan keislaman mereka dalam menyikapi gagasan-gagasan di atas. Bagi organisasi-organisasi yang berafiliasi ke JI, Muslim di Inggris bisa menjadi "British Muslims" yang mengamalkan komitmen-komitmen keislaman mereka dan nilai-nilai modern negara Inggris secara bersamaan, sedangkan bagi HT, Muslim di Negara sekuler seperti Inggris harus memilih untuk menjadi Muslims atau British. HT berpandangan bahwa nilai-nilai modern di Negara sekuler adalah bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Perbedaan ini adahalhasil interaksi nilai dan komitmen keislaman mereka dengan faktor-faktor sosial yang ada di Inggris. Penulis berpendapat bahwa kedua organisasi ini memiliki perbedaan dalam pola pergerakan keislaman, namun keduanya memberikan kontribusi terhadap perkembangan Islam di Inggris. %L repository78 %N 1 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %J Jurnal Kajian Wilayah Eropa Agama dan Religiusitas di Eropa %P 5-21 %T The Role of Islamic Organizations in Britain in Promoting Ideas about Muslim Integration, Isolation or Rejection within the British Society: A Comparison between Hizbut Tahrir and Jama'at-i Islami %D 2009 %V 5 %A Dwi Hartono Bambang %I MM UHAMKA %T SK Komisi Komisi MUI -- 2020-2025 %L repository5078 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T ?"?? %L repository30335 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %T ////'''; %L repository27261 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T ///';;' %L repository30314 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T ,./;,?? %L repository30309 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T ////;'' %L repository30313 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T ////'';; %L repository30312 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T ////;'';' %L repository30311 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T ////'';; %L repository30310 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T ////.,;' %L repository30308 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T ///''; %L repository30307 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T 1A Aqidah Prodi PBA Semester Gasal 2023-2024 %L repository32501 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T 1A Aqidah Prodi PS Gasal 2023-2024 %L repository32503 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T 1B Aqidah Prodi PBA GASAL 2023-2024 %L repository32505 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T 2021_LAPORAN PENELITIAN HIBAH DIKTI-MODEL DAN IMPLEMENTASI INOVASI SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN PENDEKATAN GENDER %L repository31668 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T 7A Seminar Proposal Gasal 2023-2024 %L repository32506 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T 7B Seminar Proposal Gasal 2023-2024 %L repository32508 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka %T BAP, Presensi dan Nilai Aqidah 1A %L repository18747 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, Presensi dan Nilai Aqidah IE %L repository18791 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, Presensi dan Nilai Aqidah Kelas ID %L repository18756 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %X BAP, Presensi, dan Nilai Aqidah Kelas IB %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, Presensi, dan Nilai Aqidah Kelas IB %L repository18749 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, Presensi, dan Nilai Aqidah Kelas IC %L repository18750 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Book Chapter: Karsa untuk Bangsa %L repository31796 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Kinerja Pembimbing Tesis: Tesis Rafa Basyirah %L repository32520 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Kinerja Pembimbing Tesis: Zaenul Muttaqin %L repository32521 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Kinerja Penguji disertasi mahasiswa Doktor UIN Yogyakarta %L repository31378 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Kinerja Reviewer IJIMS 13 September 2023-FPI %L repository31382 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T Bukti Kinerja mengajar Semester Gasal 2023 (20231) %L repository33747 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Korespondesnsi dan Publikasi di Jurnal Internasional Archipel Scopus Q2 %L repository30552 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Pengajaran Semester 20211 %L repository30549 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Pengajaran Semester 20212 %L repository30550 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Pengajaran Semester 20221 %L repository30551 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Bukti Reviewer IJIMS Journal "COUNTERING ISLAMOPHOBIA IN PORTUGAL: THE EXPERIENCES OF INDONESIAN MUSLIM EXPATRIATES" %L repository31338 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I CV. Semesta Irfani Mandiri %T Cover, Daftar Isi, Chapter 1 dan Hasil Turnitin : Buku Islamism And Dakwah in Indonesia %L repository33555 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I CV. Semesta Irfani Mandiri %T Cover, Daftar Isi, Chapter 1 dan Hasil Turnitin Buku Akidah - Urgensi dan Implementasi dalam Kehidupan %L repository33556 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Dokumen Lengkap Berajah Journal: Soul Therapy Efforts with Dhikr for Teachers at Tadika Al Fikh Orchard Malaysia School %L repository32078 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Dokumen Lengkap Jurnal Afkaruna: Religious Authority in Islamic Law %L repository32072 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Dokumen Lengkap Jurnal JRTIE: Analisa Konten Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Islam dalam Buku Ajar Akidah Akhlak di Madrasah Aliyah Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Radikalisasi %L repository32075 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Dokumen Lengkap Jurnal Ta'dibuna: Diskursus Radikalisme di Kalangan Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di DKI Jakarta %L repository32077 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Dokumen Lengkap-Jurnal Hayula: The Contestation of Feminism and Religious Authorityand Its Implication Towards Islamic Education %L repository32068 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %X Covid-19 pandemic intersected with some aspects of our religiosities to an extent surviving Covid-19 is seen as a religious experience. The very simple example was the strengthening of people’s reliability and trust toward dua (prayer) as an extra effort to prevent and to outdo the virus. Second, religious narrative influences our responses or reactions toward Covid-19. In some aspects, the reason an individual obeys or disobeys health protocol can be traced back to what kind of religious narrative she/he holds. %I Australia Global Alumni dan IYLN %B Faith & pandemic %T Faith and Pandemic: Religious Narrative and Covid-19 Survival %L repository23522 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T HKI %L repository30436 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T HKI: Female Religious Authority In Indonesia (Discourse And Practice, Otoritas Keagamaan Perempuan Di Indonesia: Wacana Dan Praktek) %L repository30609 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T HKI: Islamic View On Property Rights For Women %L repository30608 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitin An-nas Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat: "Penguatan Ideologi Muhammadiyah “Phiwm” di PRM Pondok Petir, Bojongsari, Depok, Jawa Barat" %L repository32036 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitin Berajah Journal: "Soul Therapy Efforts with Dhikr for Teachers at Tadika Al Fikh Orchard Malaysia School" %L repository32035 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitin Journal of Contemporary Islam %L repository33365 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitin Jurnal Internasional Archipel %L repository30577 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitin Jurnal Internasional IJIMS %L repository33369 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitin Jurnal Nasional Sinta 2 Afkaruna: "Religious Authority in Islamic Law: A Debate on Conservative and Progressive Methods" %L repository32032 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitin Jurnal Nasional Sinta 4 JRTIE: "Analisa Konten Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Islam dalam Buku Ajar Akidah Akhlak di Madrasah Aliyah Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Radikalisasi" %L repository32033 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitin Jurnal Nasional Sinta 5 Transformatif (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat): "Pemberdayaan Perempuan Muda Nasyiatul ‘Aisyiyah DKI Jakarta melalui Pelatihan Islam Wasathiyyah Berkemajuan" %L repository32034 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Hasil Turnitini Jurnal Nasional Sinta 3 Hayula: "The Contestation of Feminism and Religious Authority and Its Implication Towards Islamic Education" %L repository31996 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %X Islam guarantees equal rights to women and men in the ownership and management of property, whether obtained from work or from marriage and inheritance. In marriage, women have the right to get property both as a dowry and nafaqah (subsistence). %I Suara muhammadiyah press %T An Islamic Perspective on Advancing Women's Property Rights %L repository23905 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %X Data in various countries with Muslim-majority populations show that men have more property than women (O Neil and Toktas, 2015; 2015). This is partly influenced by a patriarchal culture that provides more opportunities for men and less space for women to work. The patriarchal culture indirectly creates a division of labor that places men more likely to get wealth; men work outside the home while women take care of domestic issues such as taking care of children at home. In other words, in a patriarchal culture, men are placed as economic actors. On the other hand, women who are required to take care of domestic problems will have an economic dependence on their husbands. It is not surprising that property ownership in patriarchal culture is the domain of men. %I UHAMKA %T An Islamic perspective on Advancing women's property rights %L repository24116 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Laporan Akhir 2021-Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Pr %L repository31667 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Laporan Akhir 2022-Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Pr %L repository31665 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Laporan Akhir Hasil Penelitian - Gender %L repository32624 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Laporan Akhir Hasil Penelitian - Radikalisme %L repository32628 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Laporan Hasil Penelitian: Implementasi Hidden Curriculum dalam Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Islam Moderat pada Peserta Didik %L repository32479 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %X Penerapan manajemen risiko tentunya dimulai dari suatu kebijakan dari atasan lembaga terkait, yang dapat menghindarkan risiko, meretensi risiko, mentransfer risiko, dan mengkontrol risiko itu sendiri yang datang tidak diketahui waktunya, bisa mungkin timbul dari keputusan yang tidak relevan dan bisa timbul dari kinerja serta kesalahan dalam proses menjalankan fungsi dari lembaga keuangan bank dan non bank. Manajemen risiko dalam perspektif maqashid syariah menjadi sangat penting dalam diskursus ini. %I Grama Surya %T Manajemen Resiko Perspektif Maqashid Syariah %L repository24111 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Modul Penulisan Proposal Penelitian %L repository31184 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties Jurnal Afkaruna: Religious Authority in Islamic Law A Debate on %L repository30569 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties Jurnal An-Nas Pengabdian Masyarakat: Penguatan Ideologi Muhammadiyah “PHIWM” di PRM Pondok Petir, Bojongsari, Depok, Jawa Bara %L repository31142 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties Jurnal Contemporary Islam %L repository31985 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties Jurnal Hayula: The Contestation of Feminism and Religious Authorityand Its Implication Towards Islamic Education %L repository30570 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties Jurnal JRTIE: Analisa Konten Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Islam dalam Buku Ajar Akidah Akhlak di Madrasah Aliyah Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Radikalisasi %L repository30589 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties Jurnal Ta'dibuna: Diskursus Radikalisme di Kalangan Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di DKI Jakarta %L repository30634 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties Jurnal Transformatif: Pelatihan Islam Wasathiyah Berkemajuan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Muda Nasyiatul %L repository30643 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin - Jurnal Humaniora %L repository33367 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %J Attractive : Innovative Education Journal %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Attractive Innovative Education Journal %L repository33501 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Journal on Education %L repository32682 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal ARRUS %L repository33363 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Afkaruna %L repository33498 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal An-Nas %L repository32079 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Archipel %L repository30568 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Berajah %L repository30905 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Contemporary Islam %L repository33361 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Fikroh %L repository33364 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Hayula %L repository33500 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Internasional IJIMS %L repository33370 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal JRTIE %L repository33503 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Ta'dibuna %L repository33511 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Bukti Korespondensi dan Turnitin : Jurnal Transformatif %L repository32076 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Turnitin: Jurnal Edumaspul %L repository33729 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, Turnitin: Jurnal Urwatul Wutsqo %L repository33735 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, dan Turnitin: Attractive Innovative Education Journal %L repository33688 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, dan Turnitin: Jurnal ATTRACTIVE (Implikasi Pembelajaran Khot Imla’ terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Al-Qur’an Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Kudus) %L repository33694 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, dan Turnitin: Jurnal ATTRACTIVE (Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Mencegah Perilaku Bullying Pada Peserta) didik di SD Islam Al-Mu’min %L repository33693 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, dan Turnitin: Jurnal ATTRACTIVE (Konsep Tazkiyatun Nafs menurut Tafsir Al Misbah Karya Quraish Shihab) %L repository33692 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Properties, Artikel, dan Turnitin: Jurnal Dawuh Guru %L repository33691 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Reviewer 08022023: Jurnal At-Tamaddun (JAT) %L repository33223 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Reviewer IJIMS 2021 %L repository33215 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Reviewer Jurnal Tamaddun 08 Februari 2023 %L repository31307 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T SK dan Lampiran Pembimbing Skripsi, Cover, Hal Pengesahan dan Abstrak an FITRIA %L repository18792 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T SK dan Lampiran pembimbing Skripsi AN Nurlaela miftah %L repository18793 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %X SK, BAP, Presensi dan Nilai Semester Genap 2022 %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %T SK, BAP, Presensi dan Nilai Semester Genap 2022 %L repository27265 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %X SK, BAP, presensi dan Nilai Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam 4D %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T SK, BAP, Presensi dan Nilai Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam 4D %L repository27263 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PROF. DR. HAMKA %T SK, BAP, presensi dan Nilai matkul Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam dan Metodologi penelitian %L repository16901 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %T Video Pembelajaran Al-Islam dan Filsafat Kemuhammadiyahan : Islam Berkemajuan %L repository31141 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T Video Pembelajaran Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam : Hidden Curriculum %L repository31273 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %T Video Pembelajaran Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam : Integrasi Ilmu dan Agama Dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam %L repository31291 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %T Video Pembelajaran Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam: Pendidikan Agama Islam Multikultural untuk Pencegahan Radikalisme %L repository31276 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I UNIVERSITAS muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T bap, kehadiran dan nilai matkul LAHJAAT %L repository7610 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, Daftar Hadir dan Nilai mata kuliah Sejarah Pendidikan Islam %L repository7111 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I universitas muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, KEHADIRAN DAN NILAI MATKUL AQIDAH %L repository7600 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I universitas muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, KEHADIRAN DAN NILAI SEJARAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM %L repository7616 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, KEHADIRAN DAN NILAI SEJARAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM,AQIDAH, LAHJAAT %L repository7767 %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I UNIVERSITAS muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA %T BAP, KEHADIRAN DAN NILAI SEMINAR PROPOSAL %L repository7618 %R 10.1007/s11562-019-00442-x %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %X Stories about women activism in the Tarbiyah movement in Indonesia has gained scholarly attention. The existing literatures, however, tend to focus on the official discourses. This article discusses female members’ everyday experiences within the the liqo activity, as part of the Tarbiyah movement (circle of religious teaching). It examines the extent to which liqo members experience, receive, and practice the da’wa ideology designed by the Tarbiyah movement. It focuses on cadres’ stories about the lived experiences they have had through joining the liqo, with special reference to the female liqo group in Jakarta. Using ethnographic approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews with 26 female liqo members from a total of 45 interviewees and 15 observations of the liqo sessions. The study concludes that although the official form of religiosity, piety and political identity have been promoted by the Tarbiyah movement and its leaders, the experiences and practices of women revealed a heterogeneity and complexity of meanings of being in the liqo. This study attempts to contribute to the existing analysis of the da’wa (Islamic preaching and mission) and politics of a contemporary female Islamist movement with a case study of the Indonesian Tarbiyah movement. %J Contemporary Islam (Springer) 2019 %T Da’wa and Politics: Lived Experiences of the Female Islamists in Indonesia %L repository727 %R 10.1007/s11562-019-00442-x %X Stories about women activism in the Tarbiyah movement in Indonesia has gained scholarly attention. The existing literatures, however, tend to focus on the official discourses. This article discusses female members’ everyday experiences within the the liqo activity, as part of the Tarbiyah movement (circle of religious teaching). It examines the extent to which liqo members experience, receive, and practice the da’wa ideology designed by the Tarbiyah movement. It focuses on cadres’ stories about the lived experiences they have had through joining the liqo, with special reference to the female liqo group in Jakarta. Using ethnographic approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews with 26 female liqo members from a total of 45 interviewees and 15 observations of the liqo sessions. The study concludes that although the official form of religiosity, piety and political identity have been promoted by the Tarbiyah movement and its leaders, the experiences and practices of women revealed a heterogeneity and complexity of meanings of being in the liqo. This study attempts to contribute to the existing analysis of the da’wa (Islamic preaching and mission) and politics of a contemporary female Islamist movement with a case study of the Indonesian Tarbiyah movement %L repository730 %C Netherland %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Springer %J Contemporary Islam Dynamics of Muslim Life %T Da’wa and politics: lived experiences of the female Islamists in Indonesia %X This research analyses the historical development of the Tarbiyah movement in Indonesia. Specifically, it analyses on how and to what extent the da’wa of the Tarbiyah movement has been transformed due its changing of religious, social and political dynamics of Indonesia since 1970s until now. Based on this written document-based research, I argue that the gradual transition of the Tarbiyah movement from a politically repressed network of religious purists in the 1970-80s into a fully-fledged dakwah political party (the Prosperous Justice Party /PKS) was the outcome of new ‘political opportunities’ which emerged during a period of demo­cratisation. The political situation during the time of the Tarbiyah movement’s emergence in the early 1980s saw state repression of Islamic movements and this constraint on political opportunity structures was one of the main factors causing the Liqo to be informally organised. Only in the post-New Order period (begun in 1998) did the movement start to generate its formal organizational structure in the shape of a political party named the PK(S). The move towards formality aimed to take advantage of the ‘political opportunity’ provided by a more democratic government, while the less formal and the informal aspects of their organisation supports the party in recruiting new members and mobilizing its sympathisers. %L repository918 %C Jakarta %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad %I Jurnal LEKTUR Keagamaan %J Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan %P 349-382 %T Kajian Literatur tentang Perkembangan Historis dan Transformasi Dakwah Gerakan Tarbiyah di Indonesia %A Emma Rachmawati %I Fikes Uhamka %T SK Mengajar, Daftar Hadi, Daftar Nilai dan BAP Tahun 2010 sampai tahun 2019/2020 (Ganjil dan Genap) %L repository10892