relation: title: (MIB - S3) - Nugroho, Hasan [2024-04-23] creator: Hasan, Firman Noor subject: T Technology (General) description: Human daily activities inevitably produce waste, which negatively impacts environmental balance due to the bad habit of indiscriminately disposing of waste. As a result of this issue, there is a youth community named Pandawara Group that wants to help clean up trash on Sukabumi Beach. However, their initiative faced rejection from the local village chief and youth organization, sparking various opinions on social media platform X. Consequently, this research seeks to analyze public sentiment towards Pandawara Group's waste cleanup efforts at Sukabumi Beach using Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes methods. The objective is to gauge positive and negative sentiments and compare the accuracy of Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes. In this sentiment analysis using 2,339 datasets, the highest accuracy was achieved using the Support Vector Machine method at 91.67%, whereas the Naïve Bayes method only achieved 63.89%. Thus, it can be concluded that Support Vector Machine is superior in classifying sentiments regarding Pandawara Group's waste cleanup activities at Sukabumi Beach compared to Naïve Bayes. publisher: STMIK Budi Darma date: 2024-04-23 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Hasan, Firman Noor (2024) (MIB - S3) - Nugroho, Hasan [2024-04-23]. MIB: Media Informatika Budidarma, 8 (2). pp. 843-853. ISSN 2548-8368 relation: relation: identifier: relation: title: BUKU TUTOR BLOK 4.3 TA. 2023-2024 fix creator: Wawang Setiawan Sukarya, Wawang creator: Endin Nokik Stujanna, Endin creator: Bety Semara Lakhsmi, Bety creator: Rizka Aries Putranti, Rizka creator: Chairinda Dachwan, Chairinda creator: Zainal Abidin, Zainal creator: Gea Pandhita, Gea creator: Astrid W. Sulistomo, Astrid creator: Erlin Listiyaningsih, Erlin creator: Leli Hesti Indriyati, Leli creator: Wening Tri Mawanti, Wening creator: Prasila Darwin, Prasila creator: Nurhayati, Nurhayati creator: Asri Mega Pralebda, Asri creator: Arif Wahyono, Arif creator: Ismaily Fasyah, Ismaily creator: Erlina Pudyastuti, Erlina creator: Aditiawarman, Adit creator: Ayu Andira Sukma, Ayu subject: R Medicine publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA date: 2024 type: Book type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Wawang Setiawan Sukarya, Wawang dan Endin Nokik Stujanna, Endin dan Bety Semara Lakhsmi, Bety dan Rizka Aries Putranti, Rizka dan Chairinda Dachwan, Chairinda dan Zainal Abidin, Zainal dan Gea Pandhita, Gea dan Astrid W. Sulistomo, Astrid dan Erlin Listiyaningsih, Erlin dan Leli Hesti Indriyati, Leli dan Wening Tri Mawanti, Wening dan Prasila Darwin, Prasila dan Nurhayati, Nurhayati dan Asri Mega Pralebda, Asri dan Arif Wahyono, Arif dan Ismaily Fasyah, Ismaily dan Erlina Pudyastuti, Erlina dan Aditiawarman, Adit dan Ayu Andira Sukma, Ayu (2024) BUKU TUTOR BLOK 4.3 TA. 2023-2024 fix. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. (Unpublished) relation: title: Analysis of Postgraduate Students’ Habits in Watching Preaching Videos: The Impact on the Development of Rhetorical Ability creator: Wini Tarmini, Wini subject: L Education description: This study aimed to analyze the correlation between the habit of watching preaching videos on YouTube and the rhetorical skills of Indonesian Language Education students at the graduate school of Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA). A quantitative method with univariate-bivariate analysis was employed. The results showed that p-value (0.251) was bigger than alpha (0.05), hence H0 was accepted. These figures indicated that there was no significant correlation between the habit of watching preaching videos and the graduate students’ rhetorical skills. The odds ratio (OP) value of 0.381 within the range of 0.103-1.410 also suggested that the habit of watching preaching videos on YouTube had a power potential of 0-1 against rhetorical skills, which is categorized as low. The conclusion of this study is that while observing sermon videos does not directly enhance rhetorical skills, graduate students still need to focus on intensive training and continuous practice to improve their public speaking abilities because it will be beneficial to support their academic career. publisher: FKIP Universitas Lampung date: 2024 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Wini Tarmini, Wini (2024) Analysis of Postgraduate Students’ Habits in Watching Preaching Videos: The Impact on the Development of Rhetorical Ability. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif / JPP, 14 (1). ISSN 20879849 relation: title: Hubungan antara Kebiasaan Membaca dengan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Di Sekolah Dasar creator: Pramudiani, Puri subject: ZA4450 Databases description: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between reading habits and critical thinking skills of students in elementary school. The practice of reading has an impact on the increase of one's knowledge and also on the ability to think critically.This study usedquantitative research with the correlational analysis method. The research targets are 50 students in SDN Batu Ampar 09 East Jakarta grade 3. The studywas conducted from November 2022 to July 2023 in the even semester of the 2022/2023school year. In this study,non probability sampling techniques with saturated sampling techniqueswere used. The results of this study showedthe value of r count is 0.618 while r table is 0.288 at the 5% significance level. Therefore,the null hypothesis (h0) is rejected, while the research hypothesis (h1) is accepted, meaning that there is a positive who havelevelinterpretations moderate or sufficientcorrelation between reading habits and critical thinking skillsThe results of thisstudy can be used as a reference for the development of learning strategies in primary schools. publisher: Program Studi PGSD Universitas Majalengka date: 2023-06-08 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Pramudiani, Puri (2023) Hubungan antara Kebiasaan Membaca dengan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia, 6 (2). pp. 304-313. ISSN 2615-4625 relation: relation: identifier: relation: title: PROFIL HABITS OF MIND DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BIOLOGI SISWA KELAS XII creator: Farida, Nahla creator: Amirullah, Gufron subject: L Education subject: Q Science (General) subject: QH301 Biology description: Habits of mind merupakan kemampuan peserta didik untuk mengontrol perilaku positif agar memiliki rasa percaya diri dan berkepribadian mantap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya profil habits of mind dalam pembelajaran biologi peserta didik kelas XII SMA Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di SMA Muhammadiyah 11 Jakarta pada bulan April 2022. Sampel yang dipilih sebanyak 3 kelas yang berjumlah 50 peserta didik. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan angket dalam bentuk Google Form yang diisi oleh 50 peserta didik dan dilanjutkan dengan wawancara 1 pendidik. Setelah memperoleh data, dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas yang diperoleh hasil bahwa data dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu hampir seluruh peserta didik kelas XII memiliki profil habits of mind dalam pembelajaran biologi di masa pandemi Covid-19. date: 2022-08-09 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Farida, Nahla dan Amirullah, Gufron (2022) PROFIL HABITS OF MIND DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BIOLOGI SISWA KELAS XII. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. Hamka. relation: title: UJI AKTIVITAS EKSTRAK ETANOL 70% DAUN PETERSELI (Petroselinum Crispum Mill.) SEBAGAI ANTIDEMENSIA PADA TIKUS YANG DIINDUKSI ELECTROCONVULSIVE SHOCK DENGAN METODE MORRIS WATER MAZE creator: Rahma, Fira Abila creator: Maifitrianti, Maifitrianti creator: Rahmi, Era subject: R Medicine subject: RS Pharmacy and materia medica description: Demensia mengacu pada sindrom klinis yang ditandai dengan penurunan kognitif secara progresif yang mengganggu kemampuan untuk berfungsi secara mandiri. Penderita demensia mengalami perubahan kognisi, fungsi dan perilaku. Daun peterseli (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) diketahui dapat mengurangi kerusakan oksidatif yang terkait dengan penyakit neurodegeneratif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas ekstrak etanol 70% daun peterseli (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) sebagai antidemensia pada tikus yang diinduksi Electroconvulsive Shock dengan metode Morris Water Maze. Parameter yang diamati adalah escape latency, yaitu waktu yang dibutuhkan tikus untuk mencapai platform (acquisition test) dan waktu untuk mencapai kuadran target (probe test). Penelitian ini menggunakan 25 ekor tikus yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok I (kontrol negatif) diberi suspensi Na.CMC, kelompok II (kontrol positif) diberi suspensi citicoline 100 mg/kgBB, kelompok III (dosis 1) diberi ekstrak daun peterseli 20 mg/kgBB, kelompok IV (dosis 2) diberi ekstrak daun peterseli 40 mg/kgBB, dan kelompok V (dosis 3) diberi ekstrak daun peterseli 80 mg/kgBB secara oral. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan ANOVA satu arah dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan dosis 2 (40 mg/kgBB) dan dosis 3 (80 mg/kgBB) memiliki aktivitas antidemensia yang sebanding dengan kontrol positif. Kata kunci : Antidemensia, Petroselinum crispum Mill, Electroconvulsive Shock, Morris Water Maze date: 2022 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Rahma, Fira Abila dan Maifitrianti, Maifitrianti dan Rahmi, Era (2022) UJI AKTIVITAS EKSTRAK ETANOL 70% DAUN PETERSELI (Petroselinum Crispum Mill.) SEBAGAI ANTIDEMENSIA PADA TIKUS YANG DIINDUKSI ELECTROCONVULSIVE SHOCK DENGAN METODE MORRIS WATER MAZE. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. relation: title: Pengaruh Inflasi, Jumlah Uang Beredar dan Kurs Rupiah terhadap Nilai Akumulasi Penerbitan Sukuk Korporasi Indonesia Periode 2017-2021 creator: Wahyuni Ramadhan, Nurul subject: HG Finance description: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Inflasi, Jumlah Uang Beredar dan Kurs Rupiah terhadap Nilai Akumulasi Penerbitan Sukuk Korporasi Indonesia Periode 2017-2021. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan sampel jenuh yaitu seluruh data Nilai Akumulasi Penerbitan Sukuk Korporasi Indonesia yang terdaftar pada OJK pada periode Januari 2017 – Desember 2021. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis statistik deskriptif, analisis regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, analisis korelasi dan analisis determinasi dengan menggunakan E-Views 12. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel inflasi dan kurs rupiah pecara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai akumulasi penerbitan sukuk korporasi Indonesia. Terlihat dari hasil uji t yang menunjukan -ttabe < thitung < ttabel hasil uji t inflasi yaitu -2,003240 < 0,711956 < 2,003240 dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0.4794 > 0,05 dan kurs rupiah hasil uji t inflasi yaitu -2,003240 < 1,659298 < 2,003240 dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,1026 > 0,05. Sedangkan variabel jumlah uang yang beredar secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan nilai akumulasi penerbitan Sukuk Korporasi Indonesia. Terlihat dari hasil uji t yang menunjukan thitung > t tabel yaitu 15,15298 > 2,003240 dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,0000 < 0,05. Secara simultan variabel inflasi, jumlah uang yang beredar dan kurs rupiah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan nilai akumulasi penerbitan sukuk korporasi Indonesia. Hal tersebut terlihat dari hasil uji F yang menunjukan F-statistic > Ftabel yaitu 389.2779 > 2,536579 dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000000 < 0,05. Kontribusi penelitian dapat disimpulkan dari hasil riset bahwa jumlah uang beredar berpengaruh baik pada pertumbuhan sukuk korporasi. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pemerintah dapat meningkatkan sukuk korporasi dengan membuat lebih banyak sosialisasi penerbitan sukuk korporasi kepada stakeholders adapun peran stakeholders selanjutnya yaitu membuat promosi yang edukatif dan menarik untuk menarik investor dengan tambahan bahwa data statistik jumlah uang beredar mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. date: 2022 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Wahyuni Ramadhan, Nurul (2022) Pengaruh Inflasi, Jumlah Uang Beredar dan Kurs Rupiah terhadap Nilai Akumulasi Penerbitan Sukuk Korporasi Indonesia Periode 2017-2021. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. relation: title: Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan dan Pengendalian Diri terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa UHAMKA creator: Widjayanti, Anggi subject: HG Finance description: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif.Sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa FEB UHAMKA. Penelitian dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 190 orang responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode regresi linier berganda dan menggunakan uji – t dengan taraf signifikansi a = 5%. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama:Literasi Keuangan memiliki thitung sebersar 1,741 dan ttabel sebesar 1,653 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,083 < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama, LIterasi Keuangan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif. Kedua, Pengendalian Diri memiliki thitung sebersar 9,631 dan ttabel sebesar 1,653 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,000 < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variable Pengendalian Dirberpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif. Ketiga, variabel Literasi Keuangan dan Pengendalian Diri secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif di Kalangan Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen tahun 2018 di FEB Uhamka. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari Fhitung (66,248) lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan Ftabel (3,04) dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. date: 2022 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Widjayanti, Anggi (2022) Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan dan Pengendalian Diri terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa UHAMKA. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. relation: title: Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan dan Pengendalian Diri terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa Uhamka creator: Widjayanti, Anggi subject: HG Finance description: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif.Sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa FEB UHAMKA. Penelitian dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 190 orang responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode regresi linier berganda dan menggunakan uji – t dengan taraf signifikansi a = 5%. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama:Literasi Keuangan memiliki thitung sebersar 1,741 dan ttabel sebesar 1,653 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,083 < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama, LIterasi Keuangan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif. Kedua, Pengendalian Diri memiliki thitung sebersar 9,631 dan ttabel sebesar 1,653 dengan tingkat signifikasi 0,000 < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variable Pengendalian Dirberpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif. Ketiga, variabel Literasi Keuangan dan Pengendalian Diri secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif di Kalangan Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen tahun 2018 di FEB Uhamka. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari Fhitung (66,248) lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan Ftabel (3,04) dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. date: 2022 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Widjayanti, Anggi (2022) Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan dan Pengendalian Diri terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa Uhamka. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. relation: title: THE USE OF LEARNERS’DIARIES: DOES IT WORK TO ENGAGE STUDENTS’METACOGNITION IN LEARNING IF CLAUSES? creator: Tiarsiwi, Fidaniar subject: L Education subject: PE English description: Metacognitive strategies are expected as ‘higher order executive skills’ which enable college students to approach learning systematically and effectively by using the elements of planning, monitoring and evaluating. This study is conducted to investigate whether or not metacognitive strategies can affect the development of structural knowledge of students. To reflect how the students use these strategies, learning diary can lead the learners to strategy use. Twenty-one participants of third semester students were involved. Nine of them were selected to be probed intensively for their metacognitive habits in learning If Clauses. Then, they were divided into three groups according to the level of students’ progress and their mid test score. The first group was assumed as novice learners, the second group was categorized as medium level students and the last group was presumed as expert learners. This study revealed that expert learners were better diarist in documenting what they did when learning. The medium level students also indicated that their capability in realizing the use of their cognition was up and down. They were good at evaluating their shortcoming and monitoring some progress, but they were poor at planning and modifying strategies. Meanwhile, the novice learners less reflected how they learned on their documentation. It could be illustrated that they did not have any motivation to plan their learning, evaluate and monitor their learning. publisher: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Uhamka date: 2021-10-30 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en rights: cc_by_4 identifier: identifier: Tiarsiwi, Fidaniar (2021) THE USE OF LEARNERS’DIARIES: DOES IT WORK TO ENGAGE STUDENTS’METACOGNITION IN LEARNING IF CLAUSES? ELLTER Journal, 2 (2). pp. 26-35. ISSN 2746-1424 relation: relation: 10.22236/ellter.v2i2.7684 identifier: 10.22236/ellter.v2i2.7684 doi: 10.22236/ellter.v2i2.7684 relation: title: Knowledge and Healthy Behavior of the West Java People Related to COVID-19 Pandemic creator: Ahmad Faridi, AF subject: R Medicine description: Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus that was discovered in Wuhan, Hubei, China in 2019. COVID-19 spread widely to cause a global pandemic that continues to this day. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the level of knowledge and healthy behavior of West Java People adopted related to COVID-19. Method: This study used a cross-sectional design using an online questionnaire given to the people residing in West Java Province, Indonesia. The total sample of 1,700 people aged 16 years and over. Knowledge and healthy behavior were analyzed using Spearman test and Mann-Witney test. Results: This study showed that the level of public knowledge about COVID-19 was high, in general. Knowledge was significantly related to healthy behavior such as sports habits (p <0.05), consumption of fresh food (p < 0.05), and washing hands with soap (p < 0.05) and there are significant differences between men and women on knowledge about COVID-19 and healthy behavior such as smoking habits (p < 0.001), consumption of fruit and vegetables (p < 0.001), consumption of fresh food (p < 0.001), and washing hands with soap (p < 0.001) but not for sunbathing habits in the morning (p> 0.05). Conclusion: Level of public knowledge about COVID-19 was related to healthy behaviour that can prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic publisher: Wolters Kluwer MedknowPublications date: 2021-09 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ahmad Faridi, AF (2021) Knowledge and Healthy Behavior of the West Java People Related to COVID-19 Pandemic. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 7 (6). pp. 7-13. ISSN 09746005 relation: 09746005 identifier: 09746005 relation: title: ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (TPACK) CALON GURU BIOLOGI PADA PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH creator: Rahmadani, Muthia creator: Elvianasti, Mega subject: L Education subject: Q Science (General) subject: QH301 Biology description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan TPACK yang dimiliki oleh calon guru biologi pada pembelajaran jarak jauh melalui tiga aspek utama yaitu Technological Knowledge (TK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), dan Content Knowledge (CK). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui lembar observasi TK, CK, dan PK, video pembelajaran jarak jauh calon guru biologi, lembar penilaian RPP, dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan TK calon guru biologi berada pada kriteria baik dengan persentase 80%, kemampuan PK calon guru biologi berada pada kriteria baik dengan persentase 77,27%, dan kemampuan CK calon guru berada pada kriteria baik dengan persentase 80,94%. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan ketiga aspek TPACK calon guru biologi berada pada kriteria baik, dimana interpretasi paling tinggi yaitu pada kemampuan TK, dan interpretasi paling rendah yaitu pada kemampuan PK. date: 2021-08-11 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Rahmadani, Muthia dan Elvianasti, Mega (2021) ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (TPACK) CALON GURU BIOLOGI PADA PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. Hamka. relation: title: PROFIL HABIT OF MIND MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI FKIP UHAMKA creator: Mareza, Adelia creator: Kartikawati, Eka subject: A General Works subject: L Education (General) subject: Q Science (General) subject: QH301 Biology description: Habit of Mind mempunyai fungsi penting dalam kegiatan belajar mahasiswa dalam pemecahan masalah. Kebiasaan berpikir cerdas ini perlu untuk diketahui karena akan membantu mahasiswa dalam memahami konsep untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dimasa pembelajaran online ini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran profil habit of mind (kebiasaan berpikir) mahasiswa dalam 3 indikator yaitu self regulation, creative thinking dan critical thinking serta faktor yang mempengaruhi HoM mahasiswa di program studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UHAMKA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa Pendidikan biologi FKIP UHAMKA dengan jumlah 256 mahasiswa. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 147 mahasiswa dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan angket HoM dengan 15 indikator yang disebar secara online melalui google form dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif menggunakan Ms. Excel. Hasil penelitian mengkonfirmasi bahwa semester 2 mendapatkan nilai HoM sebesar 76,23%, semester 4 sebesar 78,59%, semester 6 sebesar 78,21% dan semester 8 sebesar 80,09%. Nilai HoM mahasiswa semester 8 mendapat nilai tertinggi. Kategori HoM tertinggi yang didapatkan mahasiswa Pendidikan biologi semester 2,4,6 dan 8 FKIP UHAMKA yakni aspek Critical thinking, Self regulation dan terakhir Creative thinking paling rendah. Semua kategori dikatakan cukup, baik dan sangat baik. HoM dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya pengalaman belajar, jenis kelamin, asesmen formatif, model/strategi dan media pembelajaran serta motivasi. date: 2021-07-31 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Mareza, Adelia dan Kartikawati, Eka (2021) PROFIL HABIT OF MIND MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI FKIP UHAMKA. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Kejadian Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II pada Lanjut Usia di Indonesia (Analisis Riskesdas 2018) creator: Handayani, Sarah subject: D History General and Old World description: Diabetes Mellitus adalah salah satu gangguan metabolik dengan karakteristik hiperglikemi karena kelainan kelainan insulin yang disebabkan gangguan kerja dan atau sekresi insulin. DM tipe 2 merupakan 90% dari seluruh kategori diabetes mellitus. Lansia secara alami juga akan menghadapi masalah yaitu perburukan kondisi kesehatan. Salah satu penyakit yang menyertai lansia adalah Diabetes Mellitus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian DM tipe 2 pada lansia di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Penelitian ini menganalisis data sekunder yaitu data Riskesdas 2018. Hasil bivariat penelitian ini menggambarkan, terdapat hubungan DM tipe 2 pada lansia dengan pendidikan (OR=0,403, nilai p=0,000), pekerjaan (OR=3,010, nilai p=0,000), aktivitas fisik (OR = 1,466, nilai p=0,000), kebiasaan merokok (OR = 0,764, nilai p=0,000), konsumsi buah sayur (OR=0,797, nilai p=0,000), obesitas (OR=1,896, nilai p=0,000) dan riwayat hipertensi (OR=1,960, nilai p=0,000) serta makanan/minuman yang berisiko kecuali makanan bakar (nilai p=0,577) dan makanan pengawet (nilai p=0,577). Dapat disimpulkan hampir semua variabel konsumsi makanan/minuman berisiko berhubungan secara signifikan dengan DM tipe 2, kecuali konsumsi makanan bakar serta makanan pengawet. Saran dari peneliti, dibutuhkan upaya preventif dan promotif berupa deteksi dini faktor-faktor risiko DM serta edukasi kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat. publisher: Jurnal UMJ date: 2021-02-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Handayani, Sarah (2021) Kejadian Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II pada Lanjut Usia di Indonesia (Analisis Riskesdas 2018). Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, 17 (1). pp. 9-20. ISSN 0216-3942 relation: relation: identifier: relation: title: Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Religiusitas, Lokasi dan Promosi Terhadap Minat Generasi Milenial Menabung Di Bank Syariah (Studi Kasus Remaja milenial RW 009 Desa Kebantenan Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan). creator: Aisyah, Nurul subject: HB Economic Theory subject: Skripsi description: Nurul Aisyah, Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Religiusitas, Lokasi dan Promosi Terhadap Minat Generasi Milenial Menabung Di Bank Syariah (Studi Kasus Remaja milenial RW 009 Desa Kebantenan Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi, Perbankan Syariah, Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah faktor Pengetahuan, Religiusitas, Promosi dan Lokasi dapat mempengaruhi minat generasi milenial RW 009 Desa Kebantenan menabung di bank syariah. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan populasi 1.200 orang dan yang dijadikan sampel 93 orang. Penelitian ini tertuju pada masyarakat usia 17 – 27 tahun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linear berganda dengan olah data SPSS versi 25.0 Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel Pengetahuan secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat menabung di bank syariah. Variabel Religiusitas secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat menabung di bank syariah. Variabel Promosi secara parsial tidak berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap minat menabung di bank syariah. Variabel Lokasi secara parsial tidak berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap minat menabung di bank syariah. Dan secara simultan variabel Pengetahuan, Religiusitas, Promosi dan Lokasi berpengaruh positif terhadap Minat Menabung di Bank Syariah. Berdasarkan hasil uji koefisien determinasi menjelaskan bahwa pengaruh variabel Pengetahuan, Religiusitas, Promosi dan Lokasi terhadap Minat Menabung di Bank Syariah adalah sebesar 53,7% sedangkan sisanya lagi sebesar 46,3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak terdapat dalam penelitian kali ini. date: 2021 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Aisyah, Nurul (2021) Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Religiusitas, Lokasi dan Promosi Terhadap Minat Generasi Milenial Menabung Di Bank Syariah (Studi Kasus Remaja milenial RW 009 Desa Kebantenan Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka. relation: title: BUKU PANDUAN TUTOR BLOK 4.3 KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT DAN KESEHATAN KERJA 2 creator: Ira Wahyuni, Ira creator: Wasis Sumartono, Wasis creator: Astrid W. Sulistomo, Astrid creator: Erlin Listiyaningsih, Erlin creator: Leli Hesti Indriyati, Leli creator: Wening Tri Mawanti, Wening creator: Roito Elmina Gogo Harahap, Roito creator: Prasila Darwin, Prasila creator: Nurhayati, Nurhayati creator: Asri Mega Pralebda, Asri creator: Arif Wahyono, Arif creator: Mieke Nuryani, Mieke creator: Ismaily Fasyah, Ismaily creator: Erlina Pudyastuti, Erlina creator: Aditiawarman, Adit creator: Zainal Abidin, Zainal creator: Achmad Irawan, Awang creator: Ayu Andira Sukma, Ayu subject: A General Works publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA date: 2021 type: Other type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ira Wahyuni, Ira dan Wasis Sumartono, Wasis dan Astrid W. Sulistomo, Astrid dan Erlin Listiyaningsih, Erlin dan Leli Hesti Indriyati, Leli dan Wening Tri Mawanti, Wening dan Roito Elmina Gogo Harahap, Roito dan Prasila Darwin, Prasila dan Nurhayati, Nurhayati dan Asri Mega Pralebda, Asri dan Arif Wahyono, Arif dan Mieke Nuryani, Mieke dan Ismaily Fasyah, Ismaily dan Erlina Pudyastuti, Erlina dan Aditiawarman, Adit dan Zainal Abidin, Zainal dan Achmad Irawan, Awang dan Ayu Andira Sukma, Ayu (2021) BUKU PANDUAN TUTOR BLOK 4.3 KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT DAN KESEHATAN KERJA 2. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA. (Unpublished) relation: title: Incorporation of Smartphones and Social Media to Promote Mobile Learning in an Indonesian Vocational Higher Education Setting creator: Ningsih, Sri Kusuma subject: DG Italy description: This brief article reports on an exploration of students’ adoption of smartphone technology and social media to promote m-learning in the con- text of a state polytechnic classroom. To this end, a mixed-methods approach was employed. A quantitative survey involved 221 students across education programmes in an Indonesian vocational higher education, and six of them were asked to write a reflection after a course. Findings of the current study have re- vealed that students’ attitude and connectedness to the smartphone and social media play prominent roles in determining their acceptance of smartphones and social media for m-learning. Specifically, the students’ connectedness, per- ceived ease of use and perceived playfulness of using social media for m- learning affected their attitude. Findings of the study also revealed that students’ mobile learning using the smartphone helped develop their learning motivation, facilitated learning activities and enabled interaction amongst the students, and between teachers and students. Students also benefited from the use of the smartphone by which means they could share information and materials about the learning, enabled peer-assessment and feedback. Two critical issues that were found included limited smartphone features and less space for interaction and explanation. Keywords—Smartphone, mobile learning, polytechnic, learning motivation, in- teraction, learning performance date: 2020-12 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ningsih, Sri Kusuma (2020) Incorporation of Smartphones and Social Media to Promote Mobile Learning in an Indonesian Vocational Higher Education Setting. International Journal of Interactive Mobile technology, 14 (19). pp. 66-81. ISSN 1865-7923 relation: relation: title: Hubungan Antara Mathematics Anxiety dan Habits Of Mind pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dengan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang creator: Anggraini, Daz Vholasky creator: Ma'arif, Samsul creator: Nuriadin, Ishaq subject: A General Works description: Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui terdapat atau tidaknya hubungan antara mathematics anxiety dan habits of mind pada masa pandemi covid-19 dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis pada siswa Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kelas IX semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2020-2021. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX di Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang sebanyak 150 orang dengan sampel penelitian menggunakan proportional random sampling sebanyak 110 orang. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan survey non-kausal dengan teknik korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Uji instrument dengan uji validitas pada variabel kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis terdapat 5 butir soal valid dari 7 butir soal yang diujikan, untuk variabel mathematics anxiety terdapat 20 butir pertanyaan valid dari 35 butir pertanyaan yang diujikan, dan untuk variabel habits of mind terdapat 23 butir pertanyaan valid dari 40 butir pertanyaan yang diujikan. Uji persyaratan yakni uji normalitas menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov dengan α 0,05 pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah diperoleh asymp.sig (2-tailed) secara berturut-turut sebesar 0,200; 0,173; dan 0,200 serta uji linearitas regresi kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis atas mathematics anxiety diperoleh sig 0,837, kemampuan pemecahan masalah atas habits of mind diperoleh sig 0,885. Uji signifikansi koefisien regresi untuk kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis atas mathematics anxiety diperoleh sig 0,011 dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,243, kemampuan pemecahan masalah atas habits of mind diperoleh sig 0,043 dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,193, dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis atas mathematics anxiety dan habits of mind diperoleh 0,017. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan dengan arah negatif antara mathematics anxiety dan habits of mind pada masa pandemi covid-19 dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis pada siswa Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang. date: 2020-11-27 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Anggraini, Daz Vholasky dan Ma'arif, Samsul dan Nuriadin, Ishaq (2020) Hubungan Antara Mathematics Anxiety dan Habits Of Mind pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dengan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PROF. DR. HAMKA. relation: title: The Role of Critical Reading to Promote Students’ Critical Thinking and Reading Comprehension creator: Arifin, Syaadiah subject: PE English description: Developing students' critical thinking and reading comprehension is crucial, particularly for those in colleges, because they need to read numerous scientific journals and textbooks written in English. Therefore, students need to employ critical reading strategies to raise their critical thinking skills for a successful academic life. However, current studies have shown a lack of critical thinking strategies among Indonesian students, thereby leading to various academic problems, particularly the inability to comprehend English. Therefore, this research aims to explore critical reading's role to support students' critical thinking and reading comprehension skills when reading a text. This is a qualitative research with the purposive random technique used to obtain data from seven (7) EFL non–English major undergraduate students in their 2nd semester through three (3) short argumentative texts, a semi-structured interview, and students' answers in written forms. The results showed that students developed their critical thinking skills and improved their reading comprehension in varying degrees by exposure to numerous tasks. Keywords: Critical Reading, Critical Thinking, Reading Comprehension publisher: Undiksha Press date: 2020-09-26 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Arifin, Syaadiah (2020) The Role of Critical Reading to Promote Students’ Critical Thinking and Reading Comprehension. JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN PENGAJARAN, 53 (3). pp. 318-327. ISSN E-ISSN: 2549-2608 relation: relation: title: Population Dynamics of Prosboscis Monkey in Kuala Barito River Delta creator: Dharma, Agus Pambudi creator: Setyaningsih, Maryanti creator: Meitiyani, Meitiyani creator: Rayhan, Muhammad creator: Hafiz, Muhammad creator: Prayogo, Adi Bakti creator: Firdaus, Muhammad Fikri subject: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion description: Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus van Wurmb, 1787) is entered endangered species, Appendix I CITES and endemic on the island of Borneo. Bakut Island Nature Tourism Park (NTP) is located in the Barito Kuala River Delta in South Kalimantan which is used as a natural habitat for re-release from the evacuation of conflict with humans or the result of community surrender. Monitoring of proboscis monkeys in Bakut Island NTP has been carried out since 2010 with baseline data on 29 individual proboscis monkeys. Data on population development over the past 9 years shows a fluctuating trend. This study aims to determine the dynamics of the proboscis monkey population in Bakut Island NTP of each year. This research was conducted in February to March 2020 in Bakut Island NTP. Bekantan population data collection using census survey methods directly by down the river using a boat in the morning and evening. The results of this study the development of the proboscis population within 10 years between 2010 and 2020 in the Bakut Island NTP experienced a change in the number of individuals from 29 to 90 individuals. Hunting of proboscis monkeys by the community does not occur at Bakut Island NTP because this location is included in a conservation area which is guarded by officers from morning to evening. Bekantan population density of 5.696 ind/ha with the number of individuals in a group between 25 to 39 individuals dominated by young age structure. date: 2020-09-23 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Dharma, Agus Pambudi dan Setyaningsih, Maryanti dan Meitiyani, Meitiyani dan Rayhan, Muhammad dan Hafiz, Muhammad dan Prayogo, Adi Bakti dan Firdaus, Muhammad Fikri (2020) Population Dynamics of Prosboscis Monkey in Kuala Barito River Delta. The 2nd International Conference of Education on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (ICE-STEM 2020). pp. 80-85. relation: relation: title: Internet Addiction Pada Remaja Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin (Studi Terhadap Remaja di Jawa Barat) creator: Aisyah, Syifa creator: Sagita, Dony Darma subject: L Education description: Ketidakmampuan remaja untuk mengontrol penggunaan internet dan merasa dunia maya lebih menarik dibandingkan dunia nyata dapat memicu meningkatnya gangguan internet addiction. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui terdapat perbedaan internet addiction pada remaja berdasarkan jenis kelamin (studi terhadap remaja di Jawa Barat). Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengandesainpenelitiandeskriptif komparatif. Sampel yang digunakan adalah Convinience Sampling. Peneliti mengadopsi instrumen Internet Addiction Test (IAT) versi Bahasa Inggris IAT oleh Kimberly S. Young yang dialih bahasakan ke bahasa Indonesia oleh Jalaluddin Rakhmat yang telah teruji validitas dan reabilitasnya dengan Cronbach Alpha sebesar 0.895, yang berarti memiliki reabilitas yang baik. Data dianalisis uji persyaratan yaitu uji normalitas dengan menggunakan teknik analisisi One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test diperoleh nilai remaja laki-laki sebesar 0.169 > 0.05 dan remaja perempuan sebesar 0.051 > 0,05. Maka dapat diartikan data berdistribusi normal, sedangkan uji homogenitas dengan menggunakan rurmus Levene Statistic diperoleh 0,000 < 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa varians data Internet Addiction pada remaja laki-laki dan perempuan adalah berbeda atau tidak homogen. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Internet addiction pada remaja laki-laki dan remaja perempuan berada pada kategori rendah dengan persentase 47% hal ini menunjukkan internet addiction dengan hasil yang baik. Walaupun sama-sama berada pada kategori rendah, internet addiction pada remaja laki-laki memiliki rata-rata dan persentase lebih tinggi (48%), dibandingkan dengan remaja perempuan (46%). Masalah terkait kecanduan internet pada remaja di Jawa Barat sebagian besar berada pada kategori sedang pada dua sub variabel anticipation (59%) dan neglect to social life (54%). Pada uji hipotesis digunakan uji-t diperoleh berdasarkan tabel output “Independent Sample Test” pada bagian “equal variace not assumed” diketahui nilai sig.(2-tailed) sebesar 0,008 < 0,05, maka terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan internet addiction pada remaja berdasarkan jenis kelamin (studi terhadap remaja di Jawa Barat). date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Aisyah, Syifa dan Sagita, Dony Darma (2020) Internet Addiction Pada Remaja Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin (Studi Terhadap Remaja di Jawa Barat). Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka. relation: title: Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) Berbasis Zoom Meeting Terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas IV MI Al-Wathoniyah 14 Jakarta Utara creator: Dhini, Nur Sari Rama creator: Kowiyah, Kowiyah subject: L Education (General) subject: QA Mathematics description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan literasi Matematika siswa kelas IV yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning di MI Al- Wathoniyah 14 jakarta utara. Meode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Quasi Eksperiment dengan Posttest-only grup desain. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik sampel jenuh dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 62 siswa, yang terdiri dari 32 siswa kelas IV-A sebagai kelas control dan 30 siswa kelas IV-B sebagai kelas eksperimen dari hasil Expet Judgement, dengan 20 soal uraian/essay di dapat 12 soal valid dan 8 soal drop. Sedangkan uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronback diperoleh rhitung> rtabel yaitu 0,909 > 0,514, maka data tersebut memiliki instrumen yang reliabel. Selanjutnya data dianalisis uji persyaratan yaitu uji Normalitas dengan menggunakan uji Liliefors diperoleh kelas kontrol Lo< Lt yaitu 0,1239 < 0,1618, dan kelas eksperiment Lo< Lt yaitu 0,1085< 0,1566, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua data berdistribusi normal. Sedangkan uji homogenitas dengan menggunakan uji Fisher diperoleh Fhitung < Ftabel yaitu 0,868 < 1,848, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa uji homogenitas tersebut memiliki data varians kelompok homogen. Pada uji hipotesis digunakan uji t-test diperoleh thitung> ttabel yaitu 2,315 > 2,000. Dengan demikian Ho di tolak dan H1 diterima, yang menyatakan bahwa adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning(PBL) terhadap kemampuan literasi matematika peserta didik kelas IV MI Al-Wathoniyah 14 Jakarta Utara. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning(PBL) berbasis zoom meeting terhadap kemampuan literasi matematika peserta didik kelas IV MI Al-Wathoniyah 14 Jakarta Utara. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Dhini, Nur Sari Rama dan Kowiyah, Kowiyah (2020) Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) Berbasis Zoom Meeting Terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas IV MI Al-Wathoniyah 14 Jakarta Utara. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka. relation: title: The Relationship Betweeb=n Reading Habit And Speaking Skill of The Eleventh Grade Students of Boedi Luhur Vacational High School in The 2019-2020 Academic Year creator: Eviana, Julia creator: Hasibuan, Bahrul creator: Sari, Heni Novita subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: The objective of this study is to find whether or not there is a relationship between reading habit and speaking skill of the eleventh grade students of Boedi Luhur Vocational High School in the first semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. The method of this study was a quantitative method of a correlational approach to analyze the relationship between reading habit and speaking skill. The data were collected in a form of reading habit questionnaire and a score of speaking skill. The sample of this study were the students of Boedi Luhur Vocational High School. The results showed that 2 out of 28 students have low reading habit score, 8 students have medium reading habit scores, 17 students have reading habit scores, and 1 students have very high reading habit scores. The result of the Pearson‘s Product Moment correlation calculation found that ro > rt (ro=2.77, rt=0.317, df=26, p=0.05), meanwhile the significance test also shows that to > tt (to = 5.47 , tt = 68388, df = 27, p=0.05). From the result of the calculation above, Hi is accepted and Ho rejected. It means there is correlation between students‘ reading habit and their speaking skill. From the findings of the research, the writer concludes that there is a relationship between reading habit and speaking skill of the eleventh grade students of Boedi Luhur Vocational High School on the first semester in the 2019/2020 academic year. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Eviana, Julia dan Hasibuan, Bahrul dan Sari, Heni Novita (2020) The Relationship Betweeb=n Reading Habit And Speaking Skill of The Eleventh Grade Students of Boedi Luhur Vacational High School in The 2019-2020 Academic Year. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: The Relationship Between Students’ Habit in Playing Video Games and Their Vocabulary Mastery of Eleventh Grade Students of Taman Harapan Vocational School in 2019/2020 Academic Year creator: Farhan, Muhamad creator: Hartati, Neti subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: This research is attempted to discover the relationship between the students’ habit in playing video games (X) and their vocabulary mastery (Y). The hypothesis tested is whether or not there is a significant relationship between the students’ habit in playing video games and their vocabulary mastery. It was conducted in June on the eleventh-grade students of Taman Harapan Vocational School. The instruments are habit in playing video games questionnaire and vocabulary test. In calculating the correlation between students’ habit in playing video games and their vocabulary mastery, the writer used Pearson Product Moment Correlation formula. In calculating the normality of the data, the writer used Kolmogorov-Smirnov in SPSS 24 program. The result of the analysis shows that the data of the two variables have normal distribution. The result of normality of the data distribution of X variable is 0.165 and it is bigger than 0.05 and the result of normality of the data distribution of Y variable is 0.57 and it is bigger than 0.05. In calculating the linearity of the data, the writer used SPSS 24 program. In the linearity test, the result of significance is 0.694 and it is bigger than 0.05. The result of the correlation between students’ habit in playing video games and their vocabulary mastery (rxy) is 0.730 and it is bigger than the rtable (rt) = 0.297. As rxy>rxt, it can be said that Ho is rejected, and Hi accepted. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between the students’ habit in playing video games and their vocabulary mastery of eleventh-grade students of Taman Harapan Vocational School. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Farhan, Muhamad dan Hartati, Neti (2020) The Relationship Between Students’ Habit in Playing Video Games and Their Vocabulary Mastery of Eleventh Grade Students of Taman Harapan Vocational School in 2019/2020 Academic Year. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Ihsana El Khuluqo_The Development of Classroom Climate Study in Indonesia (a Historical Perspective) creator: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo subject: Q Science (General) description: Improving the micro-scale education quality through classroom climate improvement can be conducted, either by the teacher or school principal according to the each capacity. These efforts have been widely implemented abroad. Nevertheless, it is still rare in Indonesia because of the lack of adequate insirumenis or measurement tools, or even the lack of teacher capacity and principals in conducting the improvement. In America or Ausiralia, classroom climate improvement has become an integral part of the learning process and the education process in schools. In Indonesia, the improvements need to be pursued in order to become a good habit. The author has started that effort by developing standardized, valid and reliable classroom climate insiruments starting from primary education, secondary and higher education. The instruments have been used for classroom action research in order to improve the classroom climate. These efforts still need to be strengthened and disseminated to education providers, teachers and school principal to stimulate them and other researchers to use the classroom climate insirument in order to improve the learning and education quality in schools. date: 2020 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo (2020) Ihsana El Khuluqo_The Development of Classroom Climate Study in Indonesia (a Historical Perspective). Talent Development and Excellence, 12 (1). pp. 406-414. relation: title: The Relationship between the Habit of Watching English Movies and the Vocabulary Ability of the Tenth Grade Students of SMKN 8 Bekasi in the First Semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year creator: Inayah, Tsamrotul creator: Wardoyo, Susilo subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: The objective of this research is to find the empirical evidence of whether or not there is any significant relationship between the habit of watching English movies and the vocabulary ability of the tenth-grade students of SMKN 8 Bekasi in the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. According to the English teacher information, there is no excellent class, so the writer assumed that students' vocabulary ability in this school are quite the same, then the writer chooses one class (class of accountant) with 33 students by using random sampling as a research sample. The writer uses a quantitative survey method with the correlational research. In collecting the data, the writer uses questionnaire to measure students’ habit of watching English movies, and the vocabulary test to measure students’ vocabulary ability. The data are collected and calculated by using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation to see whether there is any significant relationship between the two variables. From the result of calculating by using the Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient Correlation, the writer found that the r xy > r table = 0.35 > 0.34. The result can be concluded that the H0 is rejected, and the Hi is accepted. After finding the result of correlation analysis, the writer analyzes the correlation coefficient significant test. In calculating the data by using correlation coefficient significant test, the writer found that ttable > tobserved= 1.70 > 2.05. It means that the H0 is rejected, and the Hi is accepted. Those can prove that there is a relationship between students’ habit of watching English movies and students’ vocabulary ability at tenth-grade on the first semester of SMKN 8 Bekasi in the 2020/2021 academic year. From the research result, the writer hopes that this is useful for English teacher and reader. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Inayah, Tsamrotul dan Wardoyo, Susilo (2020) The Relationship between the Habit of Watching English Movies and the Vocabulary Ability of the Tenth Grade Students of SMKN 8 Bekasi in the First Semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Penerapan Model Discovery Learning Berbasis LKPD Untuk Meningkatkan Self-Efficacy Dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Materi Pola Bilangan Kelas VIII-G SMP Negeri 174 Jakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 creator: Indah, Yusnaini Nurul creator: Soro, Slamet subject: L Education subject: QA Mathematics subject: Skripsi description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika peserta didik dan self-efficacy menggunakan model pembelajaran discovery learning berbasis LKPD materi pola bilangan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan subjek penelitian peserta didik kelas VIII-G SMP Negeri 174 Jakarta yang berjumlah 36 peserta didik. Data hasil self-efficacy peserta didik diperoleh melalui angket. Sedangkan data hasil belajar matematika peserta didik diperoleh melalui tes hasil belajar. Data hasil angket self-efficacy dianalisis dengan menghitung skor setiap pertanyaan, menghitung skor total dari masing – masing peserta didik, membandingkan skor total antara angket sebelum tindakan dan angket sesudah tindakan, serta menghitung persentase angket pada setiap dimensi. Sedangkan data yang di peroleh melalui tes hasil belajar dianalisis berdasarkan Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yaitu sebesar 75 dan dihitung persentase ketuntasannya. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa (1) Rata – rata skor untuk angket self-efficacy mengalami peningkatan dimana sebelum tindakan skor rata – rata angket self-efficacy 75 dan setelah diberi tindakan menjadi 82, selain itu persentase pada setiap dimensi self-efficacy dari sebelum tindakan menjadi sesudah tindakan mengalami peningkatan hal ini dapat dilihat dari persentase dimensi magnitude dari 72,45% menjadi 83,49%, untuk dimensi generality dari 77,85% menjadi 81,33% dan untuk dimensi strength dari 75% menjadi 81,25%, (2) Hasil tes diakhir pembelajaran diperoleh nilai rata – rata sebesar 80,56 dengan persentase ketuntasan peserta didik sebesar 80,56% dengan kualitas yang tergolong tinggi, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa hasil belajar peserta didik dapat ditingkatkan melalui model pembelajaran discovery learning. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Indah, Yusnaini Nurul dan Soro, Slamet (2020) Penerapan Model Discovery Learning Berbasis LKPD Untuk Meningkatkan Self-Efficacy Dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Materi Pola Bilangan Kelas VIII-G SMP Negeri 174 Jakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Analisis Sikap Siswa Kelas VIII Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis creator: Iskandar, Luthfiyah Aulia creator: Jusra, Hella subject: L Education subject: QA Mathematics subject: Skripsi description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap siswa kelas VIII terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 79 orang siswa kelas VIII. Dari 79 orang siswa, peneliti memfokuskan lagi kepada tiga orang siswa yang memiliki kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dalam kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis dokumen dan transkrip wawancara. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dan angket sikap siswa kelas VIII terhadap matematika. Angket yang disusun terdiri dari 2 bagian, bagian pertama berisikan 5 pertanyaan seputar sikap sedangkan bagian kedua berisikan 31 pernyataan berdasarkan aspek kepercayaan diri, kecemasan matematika, kesenangan matematika, dan self-regulated learning. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas siswa kelas VIII kadang menyukai dan tidak menyukai matematika. Bagi siswa yang menyukai matematika, mayoritas siswa memiliki alasan bahwa mereka menyukai matematika karena matematika dapat meningkatkan kemampuan, keterampilan atau pengetahuan mereka. Serta dapat merasa kesulitan bahkan kebanyakan merasa bermasalah dengan soal matematika. Sementara itu, bagi siswa yang tidak menyukai matematika, kebanyakan mereka berpendapat bahwa matematika sulit. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas siswa kelas VIII memiliki sikap kepercayaan diri serta kecemasan terhadap matematika dalam kategori rendah dan memiliki sikap kesenangan terhadap matematika serta self-regulated learning dalam kategori sedang dan rata-rata nilai kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa kelas VIII berada dalam kategori penilaian baik. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Iskandar, Luthfiyah Aulia dan Jusra, Hella (2020) Analisis Sikap Siswa Kelas VIII Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: The Relationship Between Students’ Listening Habit for English Songs and Their Speaking Skill creator: Khoiriya, Uswatun creator: Wijirahayu, Suciana creator: Sari, Heni Novita subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: The objective of this study was to know the relationship between students’ listening habit for English song and their speaking skill. The research was conducted in the Department of English Education of Muhammadiyah University Prof. DR. Hamka Jakarta in the 2018/2019 academic year. The sample of this research was around 103 from the third semester students. The method of this research was quantitative method and the technique used in this research was the correlational technique. The writer used the data instruments both the students’ speaking scores and questionnaire of Listening Habit. Dealing with students’ speaking scores, the data was collected from the lecturer of both survival listening speaking and transactional listening speaking subjects in the Department of English Education UHAMKA Jakarta. Meanwhile, the questionnaire used the Likert scales into 30questions and 3 items of essay. The result of this research showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ listening habit for English song and their speaking skill in which the correlation value was 0,567 ρ<α (0.00 < 0.05).It means that Ho was rejected and Hi was accepted. In other words, there is a significant relationship between students’ listening habit for English song and their speaking skill.The calculation of indicators listening habit to song that there was significant correlation between attention and the score of speaking 1, in other hand there were no significant between repetitive action, getting the meaning and the score of speaking 1. However, there was significant correlation between repetitive action, attention of listening habit to song, getting the meaning and the score of Speaking 2. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Khoiriya, Uswatun dan Wijirahayu, Suciana dan Sari, Heni Novita (2020) The Relationship Between Students’ Listening Habit for English Songs and Their Speaking Skill. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: The Relationship Between Students’ Reading Habit And Their Vocabulary Knowledge At The Seventh Grade Of SMPN 174 Jakarta On The First Semester In 2019/2020 Academic Year creator: Nuramalia, Novi creator: Ithriyah, Siti subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: This study aims to find empirical evidence whether there is any relationship between the students’ reading habit and their vocabulary knowledge at the seventh grade students of SMPN 174 Jakarta in 2019/2020 academic year or not. This study use Quantitative method with research design Correlation. The sample used is Random Sampling. On the validity test of the questionnaire, there are 25 questions with 18 questions are valid. On the validity test of vocabulary test, there are 50 questions with 24 questions are valid. For reliability test of questionnaire use K.21 formula, the result of the reliability test of questionnaire is rh = 0.800 > rt = 0.324 so it can be concluded that the questionnaire is reliable. The result of the reliability test of vocabulary test is rh = 0.805 > rt = 0.324 so it can be concluded that the vocabulary test is reliable. In the hypothesis test, t-test was obtained th -0.345 with tt 1.70 at P 0.95 and dk (n-2) = 33 so, H0 is accepted. Because H0 is accepted, Hi is rejected so, there is no significant relationship between two variables. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Nuramalia, Novi dan Ithriyah, Siti (2020) The Relationship Between Students’ Reading Habit And Their Vocabulary Knowledge At The Seventh Grade Of SMPN 174 Jakarta On The First Semester In 2019/2020 Academic Year. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: The Relationship Between Habits of Listening to English Songs and Vocabulary Mastery of the Second Semester of Students of the eighth Grade of SMPN 82 Jakarta in the 2019 / 2020 Academic Year creator: Nurhaeni, Siti Urfah creator: Sumarsono, Sigit creator: Supraptiningsih, Nurhandayani subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: The research aims to find out empirical evidence the non-causal relationship between habit of listening to English songs and vocabulary mastery on 2019/2020. The method of the research was an associative quantitative survey upon 252 students as the population. The numeric data were collected from 31 sample respondents through a questionnaire and a vocabulary test. Based on Pearson’s Correlation Analysis, the observed correlation coefficient (ro) was 0.792. Through a t-test, the coefficient was significant therefore the Null-Hypothesis has been rejected. The conclusion was there have not been a relationship between habits of listening to English songs and vocabulary mastery of the Second Semester of students of the Eighth Grade of SMPN 82 Jakarta in the 2019 / 2020 Academic Year’. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Nurhaeni, Siti Urfah dan Sumarsono, Sigit dan Supraptiningsih, Nurhandayani (2020) The Relationship Between Habits of Listening to English Songs and Vocabulary Mastery of the Second Semester of Students of the eighth Grade of SMPN 82 Jakarta in the 2019 / 2020 Academic Year. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Literasi Budaya Betawi Pada Pembelajaran Matematika creator: Permatasari, Vyvy Hindun creator: Kurniasih, Meyta Dwi subject: L Education subject: QA Mathematics subject: Skripsi description: Batik Betawi, tari cokek, ondel-ondel, rumah kebaya, dan permainan kelereng merupakan unsur peninggalan kebudayaan Betawi yang harus dilestarikan. Unsur budaya Betawi tersebut dapat dijadikan media pembelajaran karena di dalam unsur tersebut terdapat gambar yang dapat diaplikasikan pada pelajaran matematika. Unsur budaya Betawi yang dapat dijadikan media pembelajaran matematika di sekolah misalnya batik Betawi motif tumpal. Batik Betawi dengan motif tumpal dapat dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran bangun datar di kelas. Karena di dalam motif batik tumpal terdapat motif segitiga dan berbagai macam bentuk segiempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana literasi budaya Betawi pada pembelajaran matematika. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menunjukkan bahwa Batik Betawi motif tumpal dapat mempengaruhi literasi pada pembelajaran matematika dan juga batik Betawi motif tumpal dapat dijadikan media pembelajaran bangun datar. Dengan demikian, salah satu unsur budaya Betawi yaitu batik Betawi motif tumpal dapat dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran materi bangun datar karena dapat menjadi solusi dalam memvisualisasikan objek yang bersifat konkret dan lebih mudah dipahami oleh siswa. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Permatasari, Vyvy Hindun dan Kurniasih, Meyta Dwi (2020) Literasi Budaya Betawi Pada Pembelajaran Matematika. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: The relationship between the students’ habits of listening to English songs and the listening comprehension at the eighth-grade students of SMPN 52 Jakarta on the first semester in the 2020/2021 academic year creator: Rochmatik, Tika creator: Sari, Heni Novita subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: This research objective was to discover the relationship between the students’ habits of listening to English songs and the listening comprehension. The method that the writer used in this research was the correlation research. The population of this research were the eighth-grade students of SMPN 52 Jakarta. There were 6 classes. And then, the writer choosed one class (8 D) consisted 35 students as the sample of the research by using the random sampling. There were two instruments in collecting the data. The first instrument was a questionnaire to measure the students’ habits of listening to English songs and the second instrument was a listening comprehension test to measure the students’ listening comprehension. The data were collected and calculated by using both questionnaire and listening comprehension test. After collecting the data, the writer analyzed the pre-requisite test analysis of those normality and linearity test. The result of the research were normal and linear. Then, the writer analyzed the research hypothesis by using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation analysis. The result was ro was higher than rtable (ro > rtable = 0,418 > 0,325) so, Ho was rejected and Hi was accepted. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the students’ habits of listening to English songs and the listening comprehension The writer analyzed ttest significance by using ttest. The result was to is higher than ttable (to > ttable = 2,67 > 1,69) so, Ho was rejected and Hi was accepted. It can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the students’ habits of listening to English songs and the listening comprehension. The writer hopes the result of the research is useful for the writer and the English teacher. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Rochmatik, Tika dan Sari, Heni Novita (2020) The relationship between the students’ habits of listening to English songs and the listening comprehension at the eighth-grade students of SMPN 52 Jakarta on the first semester in the 2020/2021 academic year. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: An Analysis of Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 01 Citeureup, Bogor Perception on Indonesia Folklores Existed in English Reading Textbook creator: Safira, Diaphenia creator: Komara, Cahya subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: This study investigates tenth grade students’ perception of English textbooks which contain Indonesia Folklores as its reading material. We find nowadays that a lot of reading materials or text existed in students’ English textbook which are written based on Indonesia folklores, such as Sangkuriang, Malin Kundang, or any other story. This phenomenon is interesting knowing that commonly reading materials or text in English textbook are dominantly contained English famous folklores or fiction story such as Cinderella, Snow White, and etc. Therefore, this study focuses on finding out students’ original perspective on Indonesia Folklores in English textbook which may have three possibilities; either positive, neutral, or negative views. To get the answer, this study applied both closeended and open-ended questionnaires as instruments of the research within mix method research’s design (quantitatively and qualitatively). The respondents were 60 tenth grade students’ in SMAN 01 Citeureup, Bogor as the place to do research. The result of the close-ended questionnaire was 1) Reading Indonesia Folklores is interesting, fun, and motivating or mean (X)= 43 and 2) Reading Indonesia Folklores emerge cultural awareness or mean (X)= 47. responses in positive agreement with Indonesian Folklores in English Textbook. It was followed by one item in the open-ended questionnaire to get a more accurate perception, which asked about in your perspective, an English textbook containing folklore is useful in increasing interest in reading in learning English as well as protecting cultural preservation. Please give a reason? If not included also the reason? The finding reveals that students have a positive perception of Indonesia folklores in English Textbook, which makes them motivated and make their cultural awareness. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Safira, Diaphenia dan Komara, Cahya (2020) An Analysis of Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 01 Citeureup, Bogor Perception on Indonesia Folklores Existed in English Reading Textbook. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Pengaruh Media Berbasis Visual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV SDN 1 Puding Besar creator: Saudia, Desta creator: Kusnadi, Engkus subject: L Education subject: QA Mathematics description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari media pembelajaran berbasis visual terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas IV SDN 1 Puding Besar materi keliling dan luas bangun datar Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Metode penelitiannya adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian True Eksperimen. Sampel yang digunakan adalah Teknik Sampling Jenuh. Pada uji validitas dengan menggunakan Korelasi Point Biserial sebanyak 30 soal pilihan ganda dengan 25 soal valid dan 5 soal Drop. Sedangkan pada uji realibilitas menggunakan rumus KR-20 memperoleh rhitung 0,93 >Rhitung = 0,93 > Rtabel = 0,444, maka data tesebut reliabel. Selanjutnya data analisis uji persyaratan yaitu uji normalitas dengan menggunakan Uji Liliefors diperoleh hasil dari kelas eksperimen yaitu Lhitung < Ltabel yaitu 0,1677 < 0,190. Sedangkan hasil dari kelas kontrol yaitu Lhitung < Ltabel yaitu 0,1664 < 0,190 Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua data berdistribusi normal. Sedangkan uji homogenitas dengan menggunakan uji Fisher diperoleh dari hasil post-test kedua kelas yaitu Fhitung < Ftabel yaitu 1,21 < 2,15, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa uji homogenitas tersebut memiliki data varians kelompok berdistribusi homogen. Pada uji hipotesis digunakan uji-t pada soal post-test kelas eksperimen dan kontrol yaitu thitung = 2,91 > 2,02 Ttabel maka Ho ditolak yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh media berbasis visual terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas IV SDN 1 Puding Besar. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Saudia, Desta dan Kusnadi, Engkus (2020) Pengaruh Media Berbasis Visual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV SDN 1 Puding Besar. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Dokumen JMPF creator: Wulandari, Nora subject: H Social Sciences publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA date: 2020 type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Wulandari, Nora (2020) Dokumen JMPF. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. (Unpublished) relation: title: Serba-Serbi Ilmu Sosial, Sains, dan Kependidikan creator: Yanti, Prima Gusti subject: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion publisher: TareBooks date: 2020 type: Book Section type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Yanti, Prima Gusti (2020) Serba-Serbi Ilmu Sosial, Sains, dan Kependidikan. In: Serba-Serbi Ilmu Sosial, Sains, dan Kependidikan. TareBooks. relation: title: The Relationship between the Students’ habit of Watching English Movies and their English Speaking Skill on the seventh-grade Students of SMPN 128 Jakarta in 2018/ 2019 Academic Year creator: Yasinta, Alifia Ajeng creator: Zuhad, Ahmad creator: Hartati, Neti subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: The objective of this study was to find out the empirical evidence whether there is a relationship or not between the students’ habit of watching English movies and their English speaking skill of the seventh-grade students of SMPN 128 Jakarta in 2018/ 2019 academic year. This study was held in January 2019 with all of the seventh-grade students as the population and 30 students in VII-3 as the sample. The method of this study was a quantitative method in a form of a correlational study. The instruments used for collecting the data were a questionnaire on the student habit of watching English movies and a speaking test. The scores of the two variables were calculated by using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. Based on the result of the Chi-Square test, the data of two variables have normal distribution. The result of the normality test of X and Y variables are smaller than X2t= 17.1. The result of X= -65.9884 and Y= -51.4694. The scattered diagram, form a straight linear line. From the r-test, the result of ro= 0.11 is lower than rt= 0.361. As ro < rt, it can be said Ho is accepted and Hi is rejected. From the t-test, the result of to= 0.59 is lower than tt = 1.70. Therefore, there is no significant relationship between the students’ habit of watching English movies and their English speaking skill of the seventh grade of SMPN 128 Jakarta in 2018/ 2019 Academic Year. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Yasinta, Alifia Ajeng dan Zuhad, Ahmad dan Hartati, Neti (2020) The Relationship between the Students’ habit of Watching English Movies and their English Speaking Skill on the seventh-grade Students of SMPN 128 Jakarta in 2018/ 2019 Academic Year. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: The Relationship between the Habit of Watching English Movie and the Vocabulary Achievement of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education of the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka Jakarta in the 2020/2021 Academic Year creator: Yolanda, Yolanda creator: Hasibuan, Bahrul subject: L Education subject: Skripsi description: The objective of this study is to find the empirical evidence of whether or not there is any significant relationship between the habit of watching English movie and the vocabulary achievement of the fourth semester of English Education of the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka Jakarta. There were 30 students from two classes selected as the sample of this study. This study used a quantitative method with the correlational study as the method of the research. The instruments used for collecting data were the questionnaire and vocabulary achievement from the final-test scores. The data collected was calculated by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation to see whether there is any significant relationship between the two variables. The description and the analysis of the data show rxy < rtable = 0.131 < 0.361. Hence, it can be concluded that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. Thus, based on the result, it can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between the habit of watching English movie and the students’ vocabulary achievement. date: 2020 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Yolanda, Yolanda dan Hasibuan, Bahrul (2020) The Relationship between the Habit of Watching English Movie and the Vocabulary Achievement of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education of the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka Jakarta in the 2020/2021 Academic Year. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. relation: title: PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MURDER (Mood Understand Recall Digest Expand Review) DAN STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR FISIKA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS XI SMA DITINJAU DARI SELF REGULATED LEARNING creator: Sari, Vrisca Mega Arum creator: Kusdiwelirawan, Acep creator: Suminten, Nyai subject: QC Physics description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran MURDER (Mood Understand Recall Digest Expand Review) dan STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) terhadap hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas XI SMA ditinjau dari Self Regulated Learning. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode True Experimental Designs. Setelah data berdistribusi normal dan homogen berdasarkan uji normalitas dan homogenitas, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan Analisis Varians (ANAVA) dua jalur dan uji t-Dunnet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) terdapat adanya interaksi antara model pembelajaran MURDER dan STAD pada Self Regulated Learning tingkat rendah (th = 19,27 > tt = 1,692) yang menyatakan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik melalui kegiatan belajar berkelompok; (2) tidak terdapat adanya interaksi antara model pembelajaran MURDER dan STAD pada Self Regulated Learning tingkat tinggi (th = 0,2237 < tt = 1,692); dan (3) terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar yang diberikan model pembelajaran MURDER dengan STAD ditinjau dari Self Regulated Learning (th = 4,1782 > tt = 1,692). date: 2019-12-02 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Sari, Vrisca Mega Arum dan Kusdiwelirawan, Acep dan Suminten, Nyai (2019) PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MURDER (Mood Understand Recall Digest Expand Review) DAN STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR FISIKA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS XI SMA DITINJAU DARI SELF REGULATED LEARNING. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Prof.Dr. Hamka. relation: title: A Child Language Acquisition in Indonesian and English Language: A Longitudinal Case Study creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: DD Germany description: Learning a dual language at the same time during early childhood has caused the wrong perception. Its false perception makes the parents delay the start of learning a second /foreign language. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing the first and second language acquisition of a child in the Indonesian Language and English. The issues concentrated on the spoken utterances in Indonesian and English and its affecting factors. The research adopted a qualitative approach by using a case study, as the unit analysis is a child of 3 years old. For data collection, I employed the naturalistic approach, which I kept daily notes on the progress of a child’s linguistic and recorded the dialogues. Since it is a longitudinal study, the research was conducted for two years, from 2014 to 2015. The research has revealed that utterances spoken have primarily increased and the child has already understood the commands by following the instructions. Some concepts such as feeling, taste, color, and numbers as well as short phrases and simple words in Indonesian and English at the same time can be understood and uttered. She also can change the affirmative sentence to question in term of objects she sees in her surroundings. Factors such as linguistic input, imitation, environment, exposure, and language acquisition device can all affect the child’s utterance. Thus, it indicates that two languages can be taught at the same time at an early age, and it doesn’t cause misunderstanding or confusion. Keywords: utterance, language acquisition, exposure, L1 and L2. publisher: IAIN Salatiga date: 2019-12 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2019) A Child Language Acquisition in Indonesian and English Language: A Longitudinal Case Study. Register Journal, 12 (2). pp. 126-156. ISSN 2503-040X. relation: relation: title: EXOGENT FACTORS AT PT. METRO TARUNA JAKARTA THAT AFFECT EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE creator: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie subject: H Social Sciences (General) subject: HA Statistics subject: HB Economic Theory description: This study aims to determine the effect of training and work discipline as exogenous factors on employee performance at PT Metro Taruna Jakarta. The 82 respondents as a sample and data analysis and process techniques used are validity, reliability, descriptive analysis, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test, multiple linear regression analysis, simultaneous test, coefficient test, and correlation coefficient of determination. Based on the results of data processing Correlation and Determination Coefficients, the nature of the relationship between training, work discipline and employee performance is affected, because the correlation coefficient is 0.910 and the coefficient of determination r2 = 0.824 or 82.4%, meaning 82.4% variation or change in employee performance variables is the contribution of the influence of training and work discipline variables, while the remaining 17.6% is contributed by the influence of other factors such as compensation, workloads that are not comparable to payments, lack of motivation, high levels of work stress, low levels of promotion and others. publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. HAMKA date: 2019-09 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie (2019) EXOGENT FACTORS AT PT. METRO TARUNA JAKARTA THAT AFFECT EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE. AGREGAT:Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 3 (2). pp. 112-124. ISSN 2549-5658 relation: relation: title: Communication skill: A Challenge for Vocational High School Students in the 21st century creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: PE English description: For vocational high school graduates to be accepted in business and industry, increasing the ability to use international languages, one of which is English is one of the main goals. Thus, the purpose of this community service is to train the students in understanding presentations appropriately. While the particular objectives are: 1) Improve the knowledge of strategies of writing and presentations in English well; 2) Enrich English vocabulary; 3) Improve writing and speaking skill; 4) Increase self-confidence, and 5) Prepare them to become professional graduates in terms of mastering English. There are thirty students of 12th grade of SMKN 56 North Jakarta participating in this training. The training was conducted within 12 hours, which was divided into three sessions for two days. At each meeting, students were monitored and practiced under the trainers’ guidance. The trainers also showed two examples of good presentations on YouTube. The training techniques are the lecture, discussion, brainstorming, and demonstration / direct practice that train students to understand every step by step in presentation and writing. The results show that students’ self confidence developed, and vocabulary mastery, writing, and presentation skills increased as well. Out of 30 students, 5 participants delivered a presentation without reading the text. Although the results were not significant, the students had active participation in the discussion and practiced in groups and gave the speech in public. The evaluation result was 38.79 with a 1-4 scale with an excellent category. It is concluded that this training is highly needed and useful for vocational students. Keywords: communication skill, vocational high school, public speaking. publisher: LPPM UHAMKA date: 2019-04 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2019) Communication skill: A Challenge for Vocational High School Students in the 21st century. Jurnal SOLMA, 8 (1). pp. 150-158. ISSN 2614-1531 relation: relation: title: Transformational Leadership and Neurofeedback: The Medical Perspective of Neuroleadership creator: Edison, Rizki Edmi creator: Juhro, SolikinM creator: Aulia, A Farid creator: Widiasih, Puti Archianti subject: Q Science (General) description: The world is now facing such a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous situation known as VUCA that it has generated such new challenges. Therefore, it is imperative that a leader to have competences that always grow. Transformational leadership is a type of leadership deemed superior to anticipate those challenges, where a leader is supposed to always be agile in achieving the organizational goals. This study aimed at analyzing a correlation among leadership aspects (through Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire/MLQ assessment), cognitive functions (through Wechsler Bellevue assessment), and brain activity pattern/brain mapping (through Electroencephalography/EEG). Then, we gave a stimulus through neurofeedback to train the participants’ control over their brain waves. The results revealed that all participants that became the research samples had a transformational leadership type with idealized influence (behavior) and inspirational motivation subtypes. Moreover, the presence of stimulation to the brain (neurofeedback) enabled the participants to control their brain waves when they were conscious. The leaders will be able to perform optimally when they can control their brain waves and when they are conscious. publisher: Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development date: 2019-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Edison, Rizki Edmi dan Juhro, SolikinM dan Aulia, A Farid dan Widiasih, Puti Archianti (2019) Transformational Leadership and Neurofeedback: The Medical Perspective of Neuroleadership. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 8. pp. 46-62. ISSN 2345-6744 relation: relation: title: AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI KAPANG SIMBION SALURAN CERNA RAYAP (Macrotermes givus Hagen) TERHADAP Staphylococcus aureus DAN Escherichia coli creator: Azka M, Maulana creator: Wahyudi, Priyo creator: Dwita, Lusi Putri subject: R Medicine subject: RS Pharmacy and materia medica description: Kapang simbion adalah mikroorganisme yang hidup di dalam jaringan tubuh hewan tanpa membahayakan inangnya. Metabolit sekunder yang dihasilkan diyakini merupakan kemampuan simbiosis mutualisme antara kapang dan inangnya. Hewan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rayap (Macrotermes gilvus Hagen). Rayap merupakan hewan yang secara empiris digunakan oleh masyarakat amerika latin untuk pengobatan asma, bronchitis, dan flu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri kapang dari saluran cerna rayap (Macrotermes gilvus Hagen). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah cara sebar dengan melakukan pengenceran pada sampel rayap yang digunakan. Produksi senyawa mtabolit antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode kultivasi yang selanjutnya di ektraksi. Uji potensi antibakteri dilakukan menggunakan metode agar difusi. Satu isolat kapang simbion diperoleh dari saluran pencernaan Macrotermes gilvus Hagen yang memiliki hasil potensi relatif terhadap Staphylococcus aureus 2, 49 x 10-2 kali kloramfenikol dan terhadap Escherichia coli 2, 40 x 10-2 kali kloramfenikol. Kata kunci: Kapang simbion, Saluran cerna rayap, Macrotermes gilvus Hagen, Antibakteri date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Azka M, Maulana dan Wahyudi, Priyo dan Dwita, Lusi Putri (2019) AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI KAPANG SIMBION SALURAN CERNA RAYAP (Macrotermes givus Hagen) TERHADAP Staphylococcus aureus DAN Escherichia coli. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. relation: title: HUBUNGAN KEPATUHAN MINUM OBAT DENGAN KUALITAS HIDUP PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS TIPE 2 DI PUSKESMAS KELURAHAN RAWA BUNGA JAKARTA TIMUR creator: Fitriani, Anisa creator: Maifitrianti, maifitrianti creator: Wulandari, Nora subject: R Medicine subject: RS Pharmacy and materia medica description: Kepatuhan memegang peranan penting yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan terapi dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien. Menurut beberapa penelitian, semakin tinggi tingkat kepatuhan minum obat maka akan semakin tinggi kualitas hidup seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan minum obat dengan kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan melibatkan pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi di Puskemas Kelurahan Rawa Bunga Jakarta Timur. Data kepatuhan minum obat diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner Morisky Medication Adherens Scale (MMAS-8) dan nilai HbA1C, data kualitas hidup pasien menggunakan kuesioner EuroQoL 5 Dimensions 5 Levels (EQ-5D-5L) dan (EQVAS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan minum obat paling banyak terdapat pada pasien dengan kriteria kepatuhan sedang (52,5%) dan lebih hasil HbA1C yang tidak terkontrol sebanyak 24 pasien (57,5%). Hasil penelitian juga menunujukan kualitas hidup pasien DM Tipe 2 paling banyak terdapat pada kriteria tinggi (95%). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kepatuhan minum obat dengan kualitas hidup (p>0,05) di semua domainnya. Kata Kunci ; Kepatuhan, Kualitas Hidup, MMAS-8, EQ5D5L, EQVAS date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Anisa dan Maifitrianti, maifitrianti dan Wulandari, Nora (2019) HUBUNGAN KEPATUHAN MINUM OBAT DENGAN KUALITAS HIDUP PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS TIPE 2 DI PUSKESMAS KELURAHAN RAWA BUNGA JAKARTA TIMUR. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. relation: title: Hubungan Tingkat Konsumsi Zat Gizi Makro, Frekuensi Jajan, Pengetahuan Ibu dengan Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Dasar di Sekolah Citra Alam Tahun 2019 creator: Hanifa, Misbahul subject: Q Science (General) description: Kelompok yang rentan mengalami masalah gizi, terutama kekurangan energi dan protein adalah anak usia sekolah (6-12 tahun), kemudian obesitas, gagal tumbuh, anemia gizi besi, karies gigi serta infeksi cacing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan tingkat konsumsi zat gizi makro, frekuensi jajan dan pengetahuan ibu dengan status gizi indeks IMT/U anak sekolah dasar di Sekolah Citra Alam yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus-September tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross-sectional. Sampel berjumlah 67 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Pengambilan data dengan observasi, wawancara langsung recall 2 x 24 jam, FFQ, dan Self Questionnaire pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi anak sekolah. Hasil uji statistik chi-square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara tingkat konsumsi energi (p<0,05), tingkat konsumsi lemak (p<0,05), dengan status gizi. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara jenis kelamin (p>0,05), tingkat konsumsi protein (p>0,05), tingkat konsumsi karbohirat (p>0,05), frekuensi jajan (p>0,05), pengetahuan ibu (p>0,05) dengan status gizi. date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Hanifa, Misbahul (2019) Hubungan Tingkat Konsumsi Zat Gizi Makro, Frekuensi Jajan, Pengetahuan Ibu dengan Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Dasar di Sekolah Citra Alam Tahun 2019. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka. relation: title: Hubungan Pengetahuan Gizi, Ketersediaan Sarapan dan Citra Tubuh dengan Kebiasaan Sarapan Pada Remaja di SMA 74 Jakarta Tahun 2019 creator: Karim, Ulfah Khairani subject: Q Science (General) description: Remaja merupakan kelompok usia yang paling banyak melewatkan sarapan. Asupan energi sarapan pada remaja rata-rata masih belum mecukupi Angka Kecukupan Gizi untuk sarapan. Melewatkan sarapan dapat menyebabkan beberapa masalah gizi, diantaranya kekurangan energi kronik (KEK), anemia, kegemukan hingga obesitas. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kebiasaan sarapan antara lain pengetahuan gizi, ketersediaan sarapan dan citra tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi, ketersediaan sarapan dan citra tubuh dengan kebiasaan sarapan pada remaja. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 74 Jakarta pada bulan Juli 2019. Responden merupakan siswa-siswa angkatan 2017 dan 2018 yang berjumlah 86 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Cross Sectional serta dilakukan analisis data dengan uji Chi Square. Pengambilan data pengetahuan gizi, ketersediaan sarapan, citra tubuh dan kebiasaan sarapan menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner dan formulir recall 24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 76,7% remaja memiliki kebiasaan sarapan yang kurang baik, 64,0% remaja memiliki pengetahuan gizi yang baik, sebanyak 94,2% telah tersedia sarapan dan sebanyak 51,2% remaja memiliki citra tubuh yang negatif. Berdasarkan analisis data menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan gizi, ketersediaan sarapan dan citra tubuh dengan kebiasaan sarapan (p=> 0,050). Saran peneliti kepada remaja agar membiasakan sarapan sebelum pergi ke sekolah dan mengonsumsi makanan yang bergizi seimbang sebagai menu sarapan. date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Karim, Ulfah Khairani (2019) Hubungan Pengetahuan Gizi, Ketersediaan Sarapan dan Citra Tubuh dengan Kebiasaan Sarapan Pada Remaja di SMA 74 Jakarta Tahun 2019. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka. relation: title: Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Gizi Melalui Media Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Perilaku Konsumsi Sayur Dan Buah Pada Siswa SMPN 1 Tajur Halang Tahun 2018 creator: Lestari, Arum Indah subject: R Medicine subject: RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine subject: Skripsi description: Pada Kelompok Umur ≥10 Tahun Terdapat 93,5% Dengan Kategori Kurang Mengonsumsi Sayur Dan Buah. Kurang Adanya Media Edukasi Gizi Untuk Menyebarluaskan Informasi Mengenai Sayur Dan Buah Menjadi Faktor Penyebabnya. Video Dan Food Model Merupakan Satu Diantara Media Edukasi Lainnya Yang Menggunakan Dua Indera Sekaligus, Indera Penglihatan Dan Indera Pendengaran. Tujuan Penelitian Ini Adalah Mengetahui Pengaruh Media (Video Dan Food Model) Terhadap Pengetahuan Gizi, Sikap, Dan Konsumsi Sayur Dan Buah. Penelitian Ini Dilaksanakan Pada Bulan Agustus Sampai Dengan September 2018 Dengan Sasaran Responden 70 Siswa Kelas IX Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negri 1 Tajur Halang, Bogor. Penelitian Ini Menggunakan Metode Penelitian Quasi Experiment Dengan Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Sedangkan Pembuatan Video Berdurasi ± 8 Menit Menggunakan Tahapan Pra-Produksi, Produksi Dan Pasca Produksi, Dengan Rancangan Video Versi IT. Analisis Data Yang Digunakan Adalah Uji Wilcoxon Dan Uji Paired Sample T-Test Untuk Melihat Perbedaan Sebelum Dan Sesudah Intervensi Antara Variabel Pengetahuan Gizi Dan Konsumsi Sayur Dan Buah. Hasil Penelitian Ini Menunjukkan Bahwa Tidak Ada Perbedaan Rata-Rata Porsi Konsumsi Sayur Dan Buah Pada Kelompok Kontrol Dan Kelompok Perlakuan (P Value>0,05). Namun, Pada Kelompok Intervensi Terdapat Perbedaan Rata-Rata Pengetahuan Gizi Pretest Dan Posttest (P=0,000), Dan Perbedaan Rata-Rata Sikap Pretest Dan Posttest Pada Dengan (P=0,000). Sedangkan Pada Kelompok Kontrol Tidak Terdapat Perbedaan Rata-Rata Pengetahuan Gizi Pretest Dan Posttest (P=0,888), Dan Perbedaan Rata-Rata Sikap Pretest Dan Posttest (P=0,686). Berdasarkan Hal Tersebut Disimpulkan Bahwa Ada Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Gizi Melalui Media Video Dan Food Model Terhadap Perubahan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Pada Kelompok Intervensi. date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Lestari, Arum Indah (2019) Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Gizi Melalui Media Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Perilaku Konsumsi Sayur Dan Buah Pada Siswa SMPN 1 Tajur Halang Tahun 2018. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka. relation: title: USING ANIMATION BOOK OF SEX EDUCATION TO INCREASE SEX UNDERSTANDING FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS creator: Mimin, Ninawati subject: DJ Netherlands (Holland) subject: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion description: Many of child sexual abuse cases had occurred in Indonesia in recent years. One of the causes of the high incidence of child sexual abuse was the absence of early sex education both in the family and at school. Sex education in children must be adjusted to the stage of child development and use methods and media that are easily understood by children. Sex education for primary school child mostly occurs in the way we talk about body parts, body function, how we teach children to care for, respect and protect their bodies, and when we prepare our children for puberty. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the book of sex education animated cartoons to improve the student’s sexuality understanding. The method used was quasi-experimental with a pretest posttest one group design. The analysis technique used was the comparative test with paired sample t-test. The results of this study indicated that there were differences in students' sexual understanding before and after the application of this book. This book Using was effective to improve sex understanding of elementary school students. date: 2019 type: Conference or Workshop Item type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Mimin, Ninawati (2019) USING ANIMATION BOOK OF SEX EDUCATION TO INCREASE SEX UNDERSTANDING FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. In: International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS) 2019, August 22-24, 2019, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan. relation: relation: title: Fakto-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Status Gizi Anak Penyandang Autis, ADHD dan Down Syndrome Usia 5-18 Tahun di Rumah Autis Jakarta creator: Mulyasari, Lisa subject: R Medicine subject: Skripsi description: Autis adalah kelainan perkembangan sistem saraf pada seseorang yang kebanyakan diakibatkan oleh faktor hereditas dan kadang-kadang telah dapat dideteksi sejak bayi berusia 6 bulan. ADHD adalah gangguan perkembangan dalam peningkatan aktivitas motorik anak-anak hingga menyebabkan aktivitas anak-anak tidak lazim dan cenderung berlebihan, sedangkan Down Syndrome merupakan kondisi kelainan genetik yang terjadi pada masa pertumbuhan janin pada kromosom 21/trisomi 21 dengan gejala yang sangat bervariasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi status gizi anak penyandang Autis, ADHD & Down Sydrome. Penelitian dengan design cross sectional ini dengan jumlah sampel 30 orang. Pengambilan data tentang berat badan anak, tinggi badan anak, asupan konsumsi energi, karbohidra, protein,dan lemak, pendapatan orang tua, pendidikan orang tua, aktivitas fisik anak dan pengetahuan orang tua tentang diet makan anak. Dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara pendidikan, pendapatan, aktivitas fisik, konsumsi karbohidrat, protein, lemak dan ada hubungan antara konsumsi energi dan pengetahuan ibu dengan status gizi. date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Mulyasari, Lisa (2019) Fakto-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Status Gizi Anak Penyandang Autis, ADHD dan Down Syndrome Usia 5-18 Tahun di Rumah Autis Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Investigating the Contributing Factors to Teaching Anxiety during Teaching Practicum: A Case of Indonesian Pre-Service EFL Teachers creator: Mulyono, Herri subject: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion subject: DD Germany description: A body of literature has shown that teaching anxiety is one among other critical issues encountered by pre-service teachers when performing classroom teaching during a teaching practicum program. The current study attempted to examine the contributing factors to this anxiety among pre-service teachers performed the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) during their practicum in primary and secondary schools in Indonesia. To this end, 202 pre-service EFL teachers were asked to complete Teaching Anxiety Scale (TCHAS) questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed to the collected quantitative data. Findings of the study revealed that there was statistical difference between male and female on the anxiety factorof ‘beingunabletoanswerstudents’question’(F=6.724,p<.05)butnot on other factors of ‘incompetent in classroom’ (F = 3.568, p>.05), ‘dislike teaching’ (F = .001, p>.05), ‘career uncertainty’ (F = 1.238, p>.05), and ‘the negative attitude of the students’ (F = 3.713, p>.05). Findings of the study also showed that teaching anxiety was experienced by pre-service EFL teachers teaching at primary school, lower secondary school and upper secondary school during the teaching practicum with similar level of anxiety. date: 2019 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: other language: en identifier: identifier: Mulyono, Herri (2019) Investigating the Contributing Factors to Teaching Anxiety during Teaching Practicum: A Case of Indonesian Pre-Service EFL Teachers. Indonesian Research Journal in Education, 3 (2). pp. 236-248. relation: relation: title: Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Gizi Terkait Pesan Gizi Seimbang Menggunakan Media Podcast Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Mengenai Obesitas Pada Remaja Di SMA Labschool Kebayoran Tahun 2019 creator: Muthmainnah, Aisyah Fajrin subject: RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine subject: Skripsi description: Obesitas merupakan salah satu masalah gizi pada remaja saat ini. Akibat dari obesitas adalah meningkatnya resiko penyakit tidak menular seperti hipertensi, penyakit kardiovaskuler, diabetes mellitus, kanker, osteoporosis dan lain-lain yang berimplikasi pada penurunan produktivitas dan usia harapan hidup. Salah satu faktor terjadinya obesitas adalah kurangnya pengetahuan dan informasi yang didapatkan remaja tentang obesitas. Oleh karena itu, edukasi gizi menggunakan media yang selama ini dekat dengan remaja harus dimanfaatkan dalam rangka pencegahan obesitas pada remaja. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah quasy experimental menggunakan desain penelitian non-equivalent control group design pada remaja SMA Labschool Kebayoran kelas X sebanyak 68 remaja. Subyek dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 34 responden menjadi kelompok eksperimen dan 34 responden menjadi kelompok kontrol. Pada kelompok eksperimen diberikan podcast dan booklet yang diberikan pendampingan selama 1 minggu. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol diberikan booklet tanpa podcast. Data pengetahuan dan sikap terkait pesan gizi seimbang mengenai obesitas pada remaja diperoleh dari data primer berupa kuesioner. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh peningkatan pengetahuan pada kelompok ekperimen dan kelompok kontrol (p=0,000; p<0,05). Terdapat pengaruh peningkatan sikap pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol (p=0,000; p<0,05). Selain itu, terdapat perbedaan pengaruh pada kelompok ekperimen dengan kelompok kontrol terhadap pengetahuan (p=0,000; p<0,05) namun tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh pada kelompok ekperimen dengan kelompok kontrol terhadap sikap (p=0,143; p>0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa baik media podcast dan booklet maupun media booklet tanpa podcast terkait pesan gizi seimbang mengenai obesitas pada remaja dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap. Maka dari itu, podcast dan booklet dianggap sebagai media yang efektif digunakan dalam memberikan edukasi gizi pesan gizi seimbang mengenai obesitas pada remaja. date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Muthmainnah, Aisyah Fajrin (2019) Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Gizi Terkait Pesan Gizi Seimbang Menggunakan Media Podcast Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Mengenai Obesitas Pada Remaja Di SMA Labschool Kebayoran Tahun 2019. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Analisis Konsumsi Jajanan Tinggi Gula Garam Lemak Pada Remaja Siswa SMAS Muhammadiyah di DKI Jakarta creator: Rachmawati, Amelia Nur subject: R Medicine subject: RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine subject: Skripsi description: Masa remaja terjadinya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dari masa kanak-kanak menuju masa dewasa dengan berbagai perubahan fisik, psikologi, dan kognitif serta peralihan dari bentuk tubuh sehingga terjadi perubahan-perubahan fisik bagi remaja putra dan remaja putri. Pada keadaan ini, status gizi remaja umumnya dipengaruhi oleh pola konsumsi jajanan yang di beli. Berdasarkan Survei Konsumsi Makanan Individu 2014, gabungan asupan gula garam lemak, DKI Jakarta menepati posisi teratas yang setengah penduduknya mengonsumsi gula garam lemak melebih rekomendasi (29,7%). Dari hasil analisis di atas dan dikaitkan dengan kecenderungan beberapa PTM di Indonesia dari tahun 2007 ke tahun 2013 dapat dilihat terjadi kenaikan proporsi penduduk yang menderita obesitas, hipertensi, diabetes mellitus (DM) dan stroke yang cukup memprihatinkan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui analisis konsumsi jajanan tinggi gula garam lemak pada remaja siswa SMAS Muhammadiyah di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 183 orang. Responden penelitian ini merupakan siswa kelas 11 IPA SMAS Muhammadiyah yang aktif dan bersedia wawancara berusia 16-17 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata responden memiliki status gizi normal (44,3%), tingkat pengetahuan gizi cukup (78,1%), pola konsumsi jajanan tinggi gula garam lemak kategori sering (34,4%). Berdasarkan uji statistik, ter dapat hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi (p-value = 0,039) dan pola konsumsi jajanan tinggi gula garam lemak (p-value = 0,000) terhadap status gizi pada siswa SMAS Muhammadiyah di DKI Jakarta. date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Rachmawati, Amelia Nur (2019) Analisis Konsumsi Jajanan Tinggi Gula Garam Lemak Pada Remaja Siswa SMAS Muhammadiyah di DKI Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Hubungan Perilaku Diet Penurunan Berat Badan, Tingkat Stres dan Citra Tubuh dengan Status Gizi pada Siswi SMA PGRI 3 Jakarta creator: Wahyuni, Dini Dwi subject: R Medicine subject: RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine subject: Skripsi description: Masalah status gizi yang terjadi pada remaja dapat menyebabkan timbulnya berbagai masalah baru yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan. Status gizi remaja dipengaruhi oleh berbagai macam faktor (multifaktorial) meliputi perilaku diet penurunan berat badan, tingkat stres dan citra tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku diet penurunan berat badan, tingkat stres dan citra tubuh dengan status gizi pada siswi SMA PGRI 3 Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswi SMA PGRI 3 Jakarta yang melakukan diet penurunan berat badan dengan jumlah sampel 53 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui kuesioner meliputi kuesioner karakteristik responden, perilaku diet penurunan berat badan, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) serta pemeriksaan fisik meliputi penimbangan berat badan, dan pengukuran tinggi badan. Analisis data dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan Fisher Exact. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan perilaku diet penurunan berat badan (p-value=0,046) dan citra tubuh (p-value=0,001) dengan status gizi pada siswi SMA PGRI 3 Jakarta. Tidak ada hubungan tingkat stres (p-value=0,568) dengan status gizi pada siswi SMA PGRI 3 Jakarta. date: 2019 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Wahyuni, Dini Dwi (2019) Hubungan Perilaku Diet Penurunan Berat Badan, Tingkat Stres dan Citra Tubuh dengan Status Gizi pada Siswi SMA PGRI 3 Jakarta. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka. relation: title: Hubungan Antara Motivasi Menulis Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dengan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Negosiasi Siswa Kelas X SMK Perguruan Rakyat 2 Jakarta creator: Asih, Sri Mardi creator: Emzir, Emzir creator: Yanti, Prima Gusti subject: A General Works description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Motivasi Menulis dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dengan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Negosiasi kelas X SMK Perguruan Rakyat 2 Jakarta. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK Perguruan Rakyat 2 Jakarta berjumlah 72 siswa, pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan simpel random samplingdari populasi sampel yang diambil hanya 30 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode korelasional. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan penyebaran pertanyaan, angket, dan tes pada keterampilan menulis teks negosiasi. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus Product Moment, sehingga diperoleh hasil (ry1) rhitung 0,360 dan (ry2) rhitung 0,646 dengan taraf signifikan α 0,95. Uji signifikansi korelasi dilakukan uji-t khusus untuk korelasi yang menghasilkan (ry1) thitung sebesar 1,88 dan (ry2) sebesar 1,86. Dalam table diketahui ttabel pada taraf signifikansi (α) 0,95 dengan derajat kebebasan (dk) 28 adalah 1,70. Dapat terlihat hasilnya, diperoleh (ry1) thitung sebesar 1,88 > ttabel 1,70 maka Ho ditolak sedangkan H1 diterima dan (ry2) thitung sebesar 1,86 maka Ho ditolak sedangkan H1 diterima. Berdasarkan kriteria tingkat korelasi di atas diperoleh r hitung sebesar 0,360 yang berarti berada di antara 0,200 sampai 0,399 dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa nilai motivasi menulis siswa kelas X SMK Perguruan Rakyat 2 Jakarta mempunyai hubungan yang rendah karena kemampuan berpikir kritis akan mempengaruhi keterampilan menulis teks negosiasi pada siswa. Sedangkat tingkat korelasi di atas r hitung sebesar 0,646 yang berarti berada diantara 0,600 sampai 0,799 dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa nilai kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa mempunyai hubungan yang kuat atau tinggi, karena kemampuan berpikir kritis akan mempengaruhi keterampilan menulis teks negosiasi pada siswa. date: 2018-12-04 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Asih, Sri Mardi dan Emzir, Emzir dan Yanti, Prima Gusti (2018) Hubungan Antara Motivasi Menulis Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dengan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Negosiasi Siswa Kelas X SMK Perguruan Rakyat 2 Jakarta. Masters thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. Uhamka. relation: title: PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SMP USWATUN HASANAH JAKARTA BARAT creator: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie creator: Anen Tumanggung, Anen creator: Istayatiningtias, Iis subject: L Education (General) description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pendidikan karakter di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), yang pada umumnya cenderung berorientasi pada pendidikan berbasis hard skill (keterampilan teknis), dan lebih bersifat mengembangkan intelligence quotient (IQ, sedangkan kemampuan soft skill yang tertuang dalam emotional intelligence (EQ) dan spiritual intelligence (SQ) masih sangat kurang. Lokasi penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak Uswatun Hasanah, yang berlokasi di Jl.Cendrawasih Cengkareng Jakarta Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pengunakan observasi berperan serta, wawancara, serta studi dokumentasi. analisis data bersifat induktif. Unruk menguji keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi, diskusi teman sejawat, serta menggunakan bahan referensi. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa model pendidikan karakter yang dilaksanakan di SMP Uswatun Hasanah, baru dilaksanakan pada tahap pembiasaan, dan belum pada tahapan perilaku serta budaya. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah artikel jurnal untuk di publikasikan, dan draft buku pengembangan model pendidikan karakter di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, dengan disain sampai pada tahapan perilaku dan budaya. publisher: UHAMKA date: 2018-12 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie dan Anen Tumanggung, Anen dan Istayatiningtias, Iis (2018) PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SMP USWATUN HASANAH JAKARTA BARAT. Prosiding Kolokium Doktor dan Seminar Hasil Penelitian Hibah, 1. pp. 514-537. relation: relation: title: Learning Disability On Ishaan, Dyslexic Character Portrayed In The Movie “Like Stars On Earth” creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: Lifespan development disorders are psychological disorder, which are characterized by abnormal development. It is a severe development delay that occurs to certain people. Since learning disability is one of major lifespan development disorders under a psycholinguistic umbrella, this study aims to elaborate and analyse learning disability of dyslexia suffered by Ishaan, the main character in “Like Stars on Earth” movie as the unit analysis. This study adopted a descriptive qualitative approach by using a discourse analysis method. The film has shown that Ishaan has 31 out of 37 symptoms of dyslexia. Ishaan also experienced emotional and social problems due to wrong perceptions from his surroundings, which make him more depressed, and unable to show his real talent and full potential. It is inferred that dyslexics needs to get the support from parents, teachers and people surrounding to find out their talents to improve their self confidence as early as possible. In addition, specific holistic approach dealing with social and emotional factors conjunction with education aspect must be provided as well. publisher: International Refereed Scientific Journal date: 2018-12 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2018) Learning Disability On Ishaan, Dyslexic Character Portrayed In The Movie “Like Stars On Earth”. International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies (IntJCSS), 4 (2). pp. 347-364. ISSN 2458-9381 relation: relation: title: Learning Disability On Ishaan, Dyslexic Character Portrayed In The Movie “Like Stars On Earth” creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: PR English literature description: Lifespan development disorders are psychological disorder, which are characterized by abnormal development. It is a severe development delay that occurs to certain people. Since learning disability is one of major lifespan development disorders under a psycholinguistic umbrella, this study aims to elaborate and analyse learning disability of dyslexia suffered by Ishaan, the main character in “Like Stars on Earth” movie as the unit analysis. This study adopted a descriptive qualitative approach by using a discourse analysis method. The film has shown that Ishaan has 31 out of 37 symptoms of dyslexia. Ishaan also experienced emotional and social problems due to wrong perceptions from his surroundings, which make him more depressed, and unable to show his real talent and full potential. It is inferred that dyslexics needs to get the support from parents, teachers and people surrounding to find out their talents to improve their self confidence as early as possible. In addition, specific holistic approach dealing with social and emotional factors conjunction with education aspect must be provided as well. Keywords: Psychological disorder, Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, social aspect, and emotional aspect publisher: Dergipark date: 2018-12 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2018) Learning Disability On Ishaan, Dyslexic Character Portrayed In The Movie “Like Stars On Earth”. International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies, 4 (2). pp. 347-364. ISSN 2458-9381 relation: relation: title: The consistency between professed teaching practices and assessment practices: A case in mathematics class creator: Purnomo, Yoppy Wahyu creator: Kaur, Amrita creator: Ismail, Siti Noor Binti creator: Suryadi, Didi creator: Darwis, Sutawanir subject: L Education (General) description: The purpose of this research was to (1) develop scales for measuring teaching practices and assessment practices in mathematics class; (2) identify the profile of teaching practices and assessment practices in mathematics class; and (3) examine the consistency between relevant factors in teaching practices and assessment practices in mathematics class. The methods of cross-sectional surveys and a scale development study were used to achieve that purpose. The participants in this research included two sample groups of primary school teachers in Jakarta. The first sample consisted of 252 teachers and the second sample consisted of 325 teachers. This research found that there were two factors in each dimension of teachers’ practices in mathematics class. Teaching practices included the relational and instrumental practices, while the assessment practices included the assessment for learning and assessment of learning. This research also found that most of the teachers leaned toward traditional practices for both teaching practices and assessment practices, and that there was a consistency between relevant factors in those teaching and assessment practices. A more detailed discussion can be found in the findings and discussion section. publisher: Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram in collaboration with Asosiasi Dosen Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika PTKIN (Ad-Mapeta) date: 2018-12 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Purnomo, Yoppy Wahyu dan Kaur, Amrita dan Ismail, Siti Noor Binti dan Suryadi, Didi dan Darwis, Sutawanir (2018) The consistency between professed teaching practices and assessment practices: A case in mathematics class. Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika, 11 (2). pp. 101-113. ISSN 2085-5893 relation: relation: title: The Effect of Brand Image And Quality Of Educational Services On Customer Satisfaction creator: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie subject: HB Economic Theory subject: HC Economic History and Conditions description: This study aims to provide information on the influence of brand image, the quality of education services on consumer satisfaction. This research uses survey method with path analysis technique, with a sample of 244 respondents. The results of the study prove that (1) there is a positive and significant influence between brand image on customer satisfaction, by 66.7% (2) there is a positive and significant influence between the quality of education services on customer satisfaction by 71.4% (3) there positive and significant influence between brand image and education service quality on customer satisfaction by 78.1%. In order to encourage the level of customer satisfaction, the Faculty needs to pay attention to the expectations and complaints of its customers, and continue to improve the quality of education services. publisher: Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Tarumanegara date: 2018-10 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie (2018) The Effect of Brand Image And Quality Of Educational Services On Customer Satisfaction. Jurnal Manajemen, 22 (3). pp. 4-19. ISSN 1410-3583 relation: title: MUHAMMADIYAH- NAHDLATUL ULAMA (NU): MONUMENTAL CULTURAL CREATIVITY HERITAGE OF THE WORLD RELIGION creator: Binfas, Maman A. Majid creator: Fitriani, Somariah creator: Wahjusaputri, Sintha subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: Muhammadiyah and NU are two well-known socio-religious organizations in the world over the years. In spite of the fact that both organizations are characterized as religious social movement, each of them has their individual creativity, which is called al-thaqafat in their motions. This study aims to identify the organization of Muhammadiyah-NU as a religious heritage, which affects other religious organizations both in Indonesia and other countries. This research employed a qualitative approach by using historical method to obtain the actual reality. For data collection, literature reviews, documentation and interviews were also conducted to gather empiric facts. The researchers interviewed public figures of the organizations. Al-thaqafat becomes part of elements rather than cultivated culture, which is understood as habitual patterns of human creativity, including a religious organization. Both organizations are the result of an al-thaqafat religious creativity created by each founder and can be pursued into the world monumental heritage. Without denying, the existence of al-thaqafat creativity will continue to enlighten the world civilization. Therefore, Muhammadiyah and NU have been doing and keeping continuing al-thaqafat creativity enlightenment through their charitable organizations and institutions. The result is profoundly proven so that theyhave been in an existence more than a century. [Muhammadiyah dan NU adalah dua organisasi sosial keagamaan yang sudah dikenal oleh dunia selama ini. Meskipun organisasi tersebut bercirikan gerakan sosial keagamaan, namun keduanya memiliki kreativitas masingmasing yang bersifat al-thaqafat dalam gerakan yang dilakukannya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan Muhammadiyah-NU sebagai warisan budaya kreativitas keagamaan monumental yang mendunia, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan historical studies dalam model deskriptif untuk mendapatkan realitas yang sebenarnya. Kajian pustaka, dokumentasi dan wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan fakta-fakta dan data data yang empirik. Al-thaqafat menjadi elemen bagian daripada hasil budidaya yang dipahami sebagai pola kebiasaan yang menjadi kreativitas manusia, termasuk membentuk suatu organisasi keagamaan. Organisasi Muhammadiyah–NU adalah hasil dari sebuah al-thaqafat kreativitas keagamaan yang diciptakan oleh para pendirinya masing-masing yang lahir dari rahim alam Nusantara dan dapat diupayakan menjadi warisan monumental dunia. Tanpa dipungkiri hakikat keberadaan kreativitas al-thaqafat akan terus mencerahkan peradaban dunia. Oleh karena itu, Muhammadiyah–NU telah dan terus melakukan al-thaqafat kreativitas pencerahan, baik melalui institusi organisasi maupun amal usaha yang dikelolanya. Hasil dari jerih payah tersebut terbukti bahwa dua ormas ini masih bertahan hingga saat ini]. publisher: IAIN Tulungagung date: 2018-06-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Binfas, Maman A. Majid dan Fitriani, Somariah dan Wahjusaputri, Sintha (2018) MUHAMMADIYAH- NAHDLATUL ULAMA (NU): MONUMENTAL CULTURAL CREATIVITY HERITAGE OF THE WORLD RELIGION. Episteme, 13 (1). ISSN 907-7491. E ISSN 2502-3705 relation: title: MUHAMMADIYAH- NAHDLATUL ULAMA (NU): MONUMENTAL CULTURAL CREATIVITY HERITAGE OF THE WORLD RELIGION creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: L Education (General) description: Muhammadiyah and NU are two well-known socio-religious organizations in the world over the years. In spite of the fact that both organizations are characterized as religious social movement, each of them has their individual creativity, which is called al-thaqafat in their motions. This study aims to identify the organization of Muhammadiyah-NU as a religious heritage,which affects other religious organizations both in Indonesia and other countries. This research employed a qualitative approach by using historical method to obtain the actual reality. For data collection, literature reviews, documentation and interviews were also conducted to gather empiric facts. The researchers interviewed public figures of the organizations. Al-thaqafat becomes part of elements rather than cultivated culture, which is understood as habitual patterns of human creativity, including a religious organization. Both organizations are the result of an al-thaqafat religious creativity created by each founder and can be pursued into the world monumental heritage. Without denying, the existence of al-thaqafat creativity will continue to enlighten the world civilization. Therefore, Muhammadiyah and NU have been doing and keeping continuing al-thaqafat creativity enlightenment through their charitable organizations and institutions. The result is profoundly proven so that they have been in an existence more than a century. publisher: IAIN Tulungagung date: 2018-06 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2018) MUHAMMADIYAH- NAHDLATUL ULAMA (NU): MONUMENTAL CULTURAL CREATIVITY HERITAGE OF THE WORLD RELIGION. Episteme: jurnal pengembangan ilmu keislaman, 13 (1). pp. 173-193. ISSN 2502- 3705 relation: relation: title: THE STUDENT NURSES’ WRITTEN WORKS OF HEALTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE: ERROR ANALYSIS IN SYNTACTICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CATEGORY creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: H Social Sciences (General) subject: PN Literature (General) subject: PN0080 Criticism description: The research aims to examine and analyze student nurses’ written works in term of syntax and morphology category. Twenty-six students of the third semester, which participated in the research, took an English presentation course focusing on medical cases. The research fell under qualitative approach by analyzing students’ written works as primary data to find out the errors. In addition, the data were taken from observation, note taking and interview.The results have revealed that 186 error identifications were found consisting of 132 syntactical errors and 54 morphological errors. The students make errors in the types of article, preposition, parallel structure, the use of be, passive voice, word order, tenses, infinitive to, modal auxiliary, and subject determiner in syntactical category. While in morphological category, they make errors in the plural form, subject verb agreement, comparative adjective, and word form. Word order is as the most common language error in syntax category with 36 total errors or 19.35% out of 186. The second one is preposition with 26 total errors or 13.97%.While in morphology category, subject verb agreement is the most common one with 29 total errors or 15.59%. The second common one is word form with 13 total errors or 6.98%. It can be inferred that there are 132 (70.96%) of error identification in syntactical category and 54 error identifications or 29.04% in morphological category. In addition to its error identification in syntactical and morphological features, the research has found that the causes of students’ errors are due to intralanguage and interlanguage transfers as it has some slightly differences between Bahasa Indonesia and English in term of grammatical structure and language system. date: 2018-02-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2018) THE STUDENT NURSES’ WRITTEN WORKS OF HEALTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE: ERROR ANALYSIS IN SYNTACTICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CATEGORY. JURNAL PENELITIAN HUMANIORA, 19 (1). pp. 20-35. relation: title: THE STUDENT NURSES’ WRITTEN WORKS OF HEALTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE: ERROR ANALYSIS IN SYNTACTICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CATEGORY creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: DD Germany description: The research aims to examine and analyze student nurses’ written works in term of syntax and morphology category. Twenty-six students of the third semester, which participated in the research, took an English presentation course focusing on medical cases. The research fell under qualitative approach by analyzing students’ written works as primary data to find out the errors. In addition, the data were taken from observation, note taking and interview.The results have revealed that 186 error identifications were found consisting of 132 syntactical errors and 54 morphological errors. The students make errors in the types of article, preposition, parallel structure, the use of be, passive voice, word order, tenses, infinitive to, modal auxiliary, and subject determiner in syntactical category. While in morphological category, they make errors in the plural form, subject verb agreement, comparative adjective, and word form. Word order is as the most common language error in syntax category with 36 total errors or 19.35% out of 186. The second one is preposition with 26 total errors or 13.97%.While in morphology category, subject verb agreement is the most common one with 29 total errors or 15.59%. The second common one is word form with 13 total errors or 6.98%. It can be inferred that there are 132 (70.96%) of error identification in syntactical category and 54 error identifications or 29.04% in morphological category. In addition to its error identification in syntactical and morphological features, the research has found that the causes of students’ errors are due to intralanguage and interlanguage transfers as it has some slightly differences between Bahasa Indonesia and English in term of grammatical structure and language system. Keywords: Syntax; morphology; intralanguage and interlanguage transfer; error analysis. publisher: UMS date: 2018-02 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2018) THE STUDENT NURSES’ WRITTEN WORKS OF HEALTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE: ERROR ANALYSIS IN SYNTACTICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CATEGORY. Jurnal penelitian humaniora, 19 (1). pp. 20-35. ISSN 1411-5190 relation: relation: title: KONTRIBUSI KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA GURU creator: Hartono, Bambang Dwi subject: Q Science (General) description: Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai pengaruh (1) kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru, (2) motivasi kerja guru terhadap kinerja guru, dan (3) kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap motivasi kerja guru. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei, dengna teknik analisis jalur. Populasi berjumlah 153 orang. Sedangkan sampel sebanyak 110 orang. Data dihimpun melalui teknik angket, dan dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial, untuk uji hipotesis digunakan uji korelasi dan regresi sederhana serta analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) terdapat pengaruh langsung positif kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru. 2) terdapat pengaruh langsung positif motivasi kerja guru terhadap kinerja guru. 3) terdapat pengaruh langsung positif kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap motivasi kerja guru. Implikasinya, peningkatan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan motivasi kerja guru, akan meningkatkan kinerja guru. date: 2018 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Hartono, Bambang Dwi (2018) KONTRIBUSI KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA GURU. Jurnal Manajemen Kebijakan Bisnis dan Publik, 2 (2). relation: title: PENGARUH BUDAYA KERJA, KOMPETENSI DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA DOSEN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PROF DR. HAMKA creator: Hartono, Bambang Dwi subject: Q Science (General) description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan dan mengetahui pengaruh Budaya Kerja, Kompetensi dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap kinerja dosen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian deskriptif ini dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, metode survei, kuisioner dan teknik analisis jalur. Hasil pengujian hipotesis terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan Kompetensi (X1) terhadap Kinerja Dosen (X3) sebesar 59%, Disiplin Kerja (X2) tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap Kinerja Dosen (X3) karena kecilnya pengaruh hanya 4,6%, Kompetensi (X1) berpengaruh langsung terhadap Disiplin Kerja (X2) sebesar 40%, Kompetensi (X1) tidak berpengaruh langsung yang signifikan terhadap Kinerja Dosen (X3) melalui Disiplin Kerja (X2) dan terakhir terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan Disiplin Kerja (X2) terhadap Kinerja Dosen (X3) melalui Kompetensi (X2) sebesar 48,6%. Kinerja dosen yang terkait dengan 3 indikator dalam penelitian ini yaitu waktu, kualitas dan kuantitas dapat meningkatkan pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Peningkatan kompetensi dosen untuk melaksanakan suatu pekerjaan secara profesional berdampak baik terhadap kompetensi pendagogik, kompetensi professional, kompetensi kepribadian, dan kompetensi social. Indikator disiplin kerja dalam mentaati peraturan dan prosedur kerja, kehadiran tepat waktu, penyelesaian pekerjaan, dan penggunaan sarana dan prasarana mempunyai kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kinerja dosen melalui kompetensi. publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.HAMKA date: 2018 type: Monograph type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Hartono, Bambang Dwi (2018) PENGARUH BUDAYA KERJA, KOMPETENSI DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA DOSEN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PROF DR. HAMKA. Project Report. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.HAMKA. relation: title: PEER GROUPS AND DRUGS AS FACTORS OF DRUG ABUSE (Case Study of Drug Abusers Deciding to Be Drug Users in the Context of Interpersonal Communication in Jakarta) creator: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo creator: Rahman, Nurlina subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: This study aims to reveal the factors that trigger drug abusers to decide using NAZA (Narcotics, Alcohol, Additives) by understanding the peer groups or reference groups of NAZA itself. Phenomenological qualitative research methods are conducted to achieve these objectives. There were 16 informants, most of whom ranging in the age of 10 to 16 when they started using NAZA. Determination of informants is done using the snow-ball sampling method. The results of this study indicate that someone who possesses a tendency of drug abuse in the end decided to use NAZA by looking at the dominant factors, i.e peer groups and NAZA availability. It is expected that this research can give a deeper understanding to the society, especially families and academic institutions in order to trace the early symptoms of drug abusers, which has become a very worrisome social phenomenon nowadays. date: 2018 type: Conference or Workshop Item type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo dan Rahman, Nurlina (2018) PEER GROUPS AND DRUGS AS FACTORS OF DRUG ABUSE (Case Study of Drug Abusers Deciding to Be Drug Users in the Context of Interpersonal Communication in Jakarta). In: 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Humanities and Technology (ICSHT, 2018), Bayview Beach Resort, Batu Ferringhi, Penang, Malaysia. relation: title: Key Factors That Trigger People to Support Street Children in Indonesia creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: L Education (General) description: This study has an attempt to elaborate some factors affecting the establishment of “free schools” by community participant, which are intended to serve for street children and poor children (marginal children) in urban areas who do not have access to get proper education on account of economic and social issues. Qualitative approach was employed by using Miles and Hubberman model analysis to analyze the data. The data were taken from three schools (Sekolah Darurat Kartini, Sekolah Master and Sekolah Himmata), which are situated in Jakarta and Depok City. Participant observation, face-to-face interviews, documentary research studies, Internet online articles and literature reviews were used in data collection process. Some key respondents to obtain the data are the founders of schools, social guardians, pupils, parents and alumni. As a key instrument, the researcher also took part in the Sekolah Darurat Kartini’s activities for around two years from the end of 2011 until the middle of 2013. The research findings have revealed that the key factors of such schools’ establishment are altruism, determination and self-actualization are grouped into internal factors while parent’s upbringing, economic, social and educational background, wide communication network are grouped into external factors. Even though these factors are interrelated and interwoven holistically. Altruism is the most triggering primary factor what make the founders of the schools act and behave differently for the sake of other people’s future, particularly to street children. As future generations, street children have right to obtain access for education equally. To sum up, the provision and establishment of such schools bring a greatest impact to students’ development and at the end it benefits the nation. Keywords: Free schools, street children, altruism, and community participant publisher: Dergipark date: 2017-12 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2017) Key Factors That Trigger People to Support Street Children in Indonesia. Sakarya university journal of education, 7 (3). pp. 455-466. ISSN 2146-7455 relation: relation: title: Indonesian Mirabilis jalapa Linn. : A Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Investigations creator: Hanani, Endang subject: R Medicine (General) description: Introduction: Mirabilis jalapa Linn. is an important medicinal plant and used extensively by the people from different countries for the treatment of several disorders. The plant was the raw material for the herb-drug product, so some parameters identified were needed to ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of the product. Objective: The aim of this study was to undertake pharmacognostical studies to fulfill the work required for the identification the M. jalapa plant, which is collected from the Bogor area, Indonesia. Methods: Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation, fluorescence standards, phytochemical screening and physicochemical parameters were carried out on the above plant. Results: The parameters values of total ash, water soluble and acid insoluble ash were obtained 11.81, 5.06 and 0.41%, respectively. Moisture content, alcohol, water and ether soluble extractive were found to be 12.41, 11.02, 18.63 and 7.17% respectively. The results of preliminary phytochemical analysis of aqueous ethanolic extract of this drug were positive for alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, steroid, triterpenoids, saponin, phenols, glycosides and carbohydrate. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of alcoholic, chloroform and aqueous extracts showed 9, 7 and 4 spots respectively. Conclusion: The present study on botanical pharmacognosy and TLC profile of this plant above thus provides useful information for correct identification and quality control parameters for the crude drugs, and also will be useful in making monograph of the plant. publisher: Phcog.Net date: 2017-09-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Hanani, Endang (2017) Indonesian Mirabilis jalapa Linn. : A Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Investigations. Pharmacognosy Journal An Official Journal of Phcog.Net, 9 (5). pp. 683-688. relation: relation: 10.5530/pj.2017.5.108 identifier: 10.5530/pj.2017.5.108 doi: 10.5530/pj.2017.5.108 relation: title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN READING AND STUDY MOTIVATION BASED ON TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION WITH EDUCATION QUALITY IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN CENTRAL JAKARTA WITHIN DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE, INDONESIA creator: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie subject: L Education (General) description: This non-causal research was conducted towards 217 elementary school teachers and 141 respondents in Central Jakarta. The data gathering process was done using a questionnaire with a Likert scale model. The result of this research shows that: First, there is a positive relationsip between students’ reading interest (X1) and education quality (Y) with the regression equation Ŷ = 116,25 + 0,28X1with a correlation coefficient value of 0,320 and a coefficient of determiniation value of 0,102 = 10,2% significant towards α = 0,05, meaning that there is a relationship between student’s reading interest and education quality. The other 10,2% is influenced by other variables. Second, there is a positif relationship between study motivation (X2) and education quality with the regression equation Ŷ = 114,26 + 0,38X2, with a correlation coefficient value of 0,225 and a coefficient of determinitation value of 0,05 = 5% significant towards α = 0,05, meaning that there is a relationship between study motivation and education quality. The other 5% is influenced by other variables. Third, there is a positive relationship between eduation quality based on interest in reading and study motivation with the regression equationŶ = 85,238 + 0,251X1 + 0,277X2 with a correlation coefficient value of 0,207 and a coefficient of determination value 0,129 = 12,9%, meaning that there is a relationship between students’ interest in reading and study motivation combined with education quality as large as 12,9% while the rest is influenced by other variables. date: 2017-06 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie (2017) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN READING AND STUDY MOTIVATION BASED ON TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION WITH EDUCATION QUALITY IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN CENTRAL JAKARTA WITHIN DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE, INDONESIA. International Journal of Educational Administration, 9 (1). pp. 55-66. ISSN 0976-5883 relation: relation: title: TO AVOID STARTUP BUSINESS FAILURE THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP, CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT, AND DESIGN THINKING APPROACH creator: Hartono, Bambang Dwi subject: Q Science (General) description: This study is based on the phenomenon which is that many entrepreneurs, either new or existing, of either small, medium, or large-sized level, experience business failure. Many new entrepreneurs slowly realize that their business is wasting money and leads to bankruptcy. Ministry of Communication and Informatics of Republic of Indonesia has launched a program called Gerakan Nasional 1.000 Startup Digital. The program launced on 17 June 2016 is expected to result in 1,000 startup businesses in Indonesia in 2020. Since its launching, there are 16,500 registered participants who are from six cities in Indonesia. In the first stage were 2,267 participants selected to continue to the next stage. After assessment on ideas and formulated problems to solve, only 41 participants were successfully chosen as prospective startup business. It indicates that most of startup businesses have not been able to both formulate creative and innovative ideas and find required business solutions. The objective of this study is to explain how a startup business does not fail while operating. Besides, it is also aimed to explain the importance of entrepreneurship approach, customer development approach, and design thinking approach for providing a guideline, skills, and effective belief to particularly new entrepreneurs to make their business successful. date: 2017 type: Conference or Workshop Item type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Hartono, Bambang Dwi (2017) TO AVOID STARTUP BUSINESS FAILURE THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP, CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT, AND DESIGN THINKING APPROACH. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR-SRIPATUM UNIVERSITY, 25 September 2017, BANGKOK THAILAND. relation: title: A HYBRID CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION (SLTE): A CRITICAL REFLECTION OF TEACHER EDUCATORS creator: Nani Solihati, Nani creator: Mulyono, Herri subject: L Education (General) subject: LB2300 Higher Education subject: T Technology (General) description: Hybrid instruction, which combines face-to-face classroom interaction and virtual activities, has been a growing interest for many teachers in universities, particularly those in teacher education programmes. This article presents my colleague’s as well as my own critical reflections on our experience with practising hybrid classroom instruction in SLTE in a private university in Indonesia. Within this hybrid classroom, Google Classroom (GC) was incorporated as a companion of the face-to-face (F2F) classroom learning sessions of twenty-two preservice teachers taking the curriculum and materials development (CMD) module. To help with our reflection, we took notes during our observation and asked the students to write a journal after each of our teaching sessions. We highlight several benefits and challenges when incorporating GC in a hybrid classroom. Implications for the practice of a hybrid classroom in SLTE, particularly within the Indonesian higher education context, are also offered. date: 2017 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Nani Solihati, Nani dan Mulyono, Herri (2017) A HYBRID CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION (SLTE): A CRITICAL REFLECTION OF TEACHER EDUCATORS. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 12 (5). pp. 169-180. ISSN 1863-0383 relation: relation: identifier: relation: title: Multicultural Approach in Learning as the Attempt of Reinforcing Indonesian Diversity in Elementary School creator: Suswandari, Suswandari subject: Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains description: These days, the dynamics of social interaction in Indonesia is affected by various issues that are threatening the diversity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This study aims to describe the multicultural approach in learning in elementary school as an effort to strengthen the student's values of multiculturalism from an early age. The descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze various problems related to the implementation of multicultural approach in learning. The research was conducted in five public elementary schools in PasarRebo Sub-district, East Jakarta. The results of the research explains that the multicultural approach should be a soft skill for the teachers and all components of the primary school management as an effort in fostering tolerance, living in peace, mutual protection, mutual freedom from threats, and to achieve the peaceful and harmonious Indonesia. publisher: Atlantis Publisher date: 2017 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Suswandari, Suswandari (2017) Multicultural Approach in Learning as the Attempt of Reinforcing Indonesian Diversity in Elementary School. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), 158. ISSN 2352-5398 relation: title: TERNATE HISTORICAL SITE AS AN OBJECT BASED EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT creator: Suswandari, Suswandari subject: Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains subject: D204 Modern History description: This study aims to classify the historical sites of Ternate based on the timeliness of its existence. This study uses a critical qualitative historical approach and is conducted in several locations related to the history of Ternate. Data relating to the physical facts of Ternate history sites, then the location of research in the Ternate region of North Maluku. Data were collected from several findings and poured in filed notes. Then do the sorting and grouping to found description. Data were analyzed using critical historical analysis techniques. The Ternate history sites identified in this research consist of Ternate Museum of Ternate, Ternate Great Mosque, Kastela Fortress, Toluko Fortress, Kalamata Fortress, Oranje Bull, and Nala Fortress. Seven sites are conditions vary and still require government intervention to be used as an object of tourism which can then become an economic power for the people of Ternate. With the Education For Sustainable Development (EDS) approach, historical site development takes care of the needs and involves the community directly with full results for the benefit of the people of Ternate and the wider Indonesian community. publisher: Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) SIngkawang date: 2017 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Suswandari, Suswandari (2017) TERNATE HISTORICAL SITE AS AN OBJECT BASED EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. JETL (JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, TEACHING AND LEARNING), 2 (2). pp. 151-163. ISSN 2477-8478 relation: relation: title: POLA KONSUMSI ORANG DENGAN HIV/AIDS (ODHA) PEREMPUAN KE LOMPOK DUKUNGAN SEBAYA NUSA TENGGARA BARAT creator: Mardhiati, Retno subject: R Medicine (General) subject: RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine description: Women living with HIV infected from their husband are more experiencing decline inconfdence and quality of live. This confdence influences the food consumption patterns. Thiss a descriptive research with quantitative data using cross sectional design. The data werecollected by interviewing women living with HIV using questionnaire in 2012. The populationn this study is the whole member of West Nusa Tenggara peer support group, totaling 25person. The sample is the total population using saturated sampling technique. The result shows that most of women living with HIV are having food consumption frequency three times(72%), and snack consumption frequency twice (40%). Most women living with HIV statedthat they rarely consume vegetable everyday (40%) and rarely consume fruits everyday (84%).and most women living with HIV never consume packed food (68%) and rarely consume fastfood (60%). Milk consumption habit of women living with HIV is very rare, only 4% of therespondents who stated always consuming milk. Sweet tea drinking is also rarely done (60%)and most of the respondents don’t consume coffee (56%). The proportion of the respondentswho stated consuming packed drink often is 8%. Herbal medicine and supplement are stillrarely consumed, and most of the respondents stated that they never consume supplement(44%) and herbal medicine (80%). Nutrition education approach effort is an important to do towomen living with HIV through peer support group. publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka date: 2016-12-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Mardhiati, Retno (2016) POLA KONSUMSI ORANG DENGAN HIV/AIDS (ODHA) PEREMPUAN KE LOMPOK DUKUNGAN SEBAYA NUSA TENGGARA BARAT. ARGIPA (Arsip Gizi dan Pangan), 1 (2). pp. 111-119. ISSN Print ISSN: 2502-2938 Online ISSN: 2579-888X relation: relation: title: THE CONTRIBUTION OF SELF-REFLECTION IN PORTFOLIO TOWARD STUDENTS' PROGRESS OF ESSAY WRITING CLASS ON THE FIFTH SEMESTER OF ENGLISH TEACHER TRAINING EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH PROF. DR. HAMKA JAKARTA creator: Setyaningsih, Tri subject: LB Theory and practice of education subject: LB2300 Higher Education description: ABSTRACT TRI SETYANINGSffi. 0908066102. The Contribution of Self-reflection in Portfolio toward Students' Progress of Essay Writing Class in Department of English Education, Uhamka, Jakarta. Thesis. The Department of English Education, Post Graduate School of Muhammadiyah University of Prof. Dr. Hamka. Keywords: writing, portfolio, self-reflection Self-reflection in portfolio gives contribution to student's writing skill. Writing is considered to be a sequence of complicated process in which the students need to organize their ideas and develop it into a systematic order. Due to its complexity process, students often find problems in writing such as ideas organization, sentence arrangements, punctuation, and capitalization. However, the students need to improve their writing since they are going to be an academician, and they have to produce an academic paper in order to get their degree. It is also significant for teachers to help and to assist the students in improving their writing. This study examines the fifth semester of essay writing students in UHAMKA to find out whether or not self-reflection in portfolio gives contribution in improving students' writing skill. In this case, questionnaire, observational field notes, and document of students' self-reflections were used to collect data about the students' awareness about self-refection, portfolio and writing based on their perspective. Furthermore, there are three main findings of this research, which are: (1) The students can develop and organize their ideas in portfolio through their previous drafts of narrowing a topic, brainstorming, and outlining process, (2) The students can handle their difficulties in sentence problem by using guided questions in self-reflection, (3) Teacher can assess students' writing through portfolio scoring rubric which involves aspects of students' process and progress in writing class. The findings somehow have proven that self-reflection in portfolio indeed has given contribution toward students' writing through a set of guided questions so that the students become more aware of their strength and weakness in every draft of their writing. Knowing their strength and weaknesses will eventually help students to produce better writing on their own that lead them to be autonomous learners. It can be concluded that teaching writing is not just a matter of teaching students to write better; indeed, it is a matter of how teacher helps students in making writing and reading as their habit. date: 2016-11-10 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Setyaningsih, Tri (2016) THE CONTRIBUTION OF SELF-REFLECTION IN PORTFOLIO TOWARD STUDENTS' PROGRESS OF ESSAY WRITING CLASS ON THE FIFTH SEMESTER OF ENGLISH TEACHER TRAINING EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH PROF. DR. HAMKA JAKARTA. Masters thesis, UHAMKA. relation: title: MANAJEMEN BERBASIS KULTUR RELIGI PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI MUHAMMADIYAH creator: Bunyamin, Bunyamin subject: L Education (General) description: Tidak ada yang menyangkal bahwa Muhammadiyah adalah peletak dasar dan pelopor pembaruan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Gelisah dengan disintegrasi sosial yang bermuara pada dikotomi dua kutub pendidikan pesantren dan sekolah. KH. Ahmad Dahlan mulai melakukan gerakan pembaruan dengan memasukkan pendidikan agama pada sekolah umum dan memasukkan pendidikan umum di madrasah. Spiritualisasi sekolah dimulai dari kegiatan pendidikan agama ekstrakurikuler yang diselenggarakan KH. Ahmad Dahlan di dua sekolah pemerintah: kweekschool di Jetis, Yogyakarta dan OSVIA di Malang. KH. Ahmad Dahlan melihat potensi sangat strategis pelajar di kedua sekolah tersebut sebagai sekolah guru dan pamong praja, jika mendapatkan pelajaran agama maka mereka akan menjadi sosok intelektual yang ulama sebagai pioner dakwah, selain itu KH. Ahmad Dahlan juga melakukan modernisasi pendidikan Islam dengan merintis lembaga madrasah yang di dalamnya diajarkan studi umum (MT. Arifin, 1987: 18). Semangat Muhammadiyah dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan masyarakat melalui jalur pendidikan tidak hanya diakui oleh kalangan sendiri tetapi juga oleh kalangan luar, keseriusan Muhammadiyah dalam bidang pendidikan dibuktikan dengan dibuatnya rumusan tujuan pendidikan yang terus berubah sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Pada tahun 1936 rumusan tujuan pendidikan Muhammadiyah adalah “bahwa Muhammadiyah membangun perguruan-perguruan itu dengan berdasar tiga tingkatan yaitu, pertama, menggiring anak-anak Indonesia menjadi orang Islam yang berkobar-kobar semangatnya. Kedua, berbadan sehat, tegap bekerja. Ketiga, hidup tangannya mencari rizki sendiri sehingga kesemuanya memberi faedah yang besar dan berharga hingga badannya dan juga hidup bersama” (Qomari Anwar: 60.). Seiring perkembangan zaman, rumusan pendidikan Muhammadiyah mengalami beberapa perubahan, dan fase yang terakhir adalah “tujuan pendidikan Muhammadiyah terwujudnya manusia muslim yang berakhlak mulia, cakap, percaya pada diri sendiri dan berguna bagi masyarakat dan negara, beramal menuju terwujudnya masyarakat Islam yang sebenar-benarnya (Qomari Anwar: 61). Dari rumusan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan Muhammadiyah telah mencakup dimensi fitrah manusia, yakni religiusitas, intelektualitas, moralitas, kolegialitas/social dan self confidential. publisher: UHAMKA Press date: 2016 type: Book type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Bunyamin, Bunyamin (2016) MANAJEMEN BERBASIS KULTUR RELIGI PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI MUHAMMADIYAH. UHAMKA Press, Jakarta, Indonesia. ISBN 978-602-1078-37-2 relation: title: Aisyiyah Organization and Social Change for Women creator: Lelly Qodariah, Lelly subject: HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform description: The rise of Indonesian women cannot be separated from the role of Aisyiyah organization since it was established in 1917. The examples are in education, social, religious, charity and society for more than four thousands of Aisyiyah Bustanul Afthal Kindergarten, big hospitals, health business such as mother children health, economic activities, the orphanage, women documents mainly Aisyiyah about women who have to struggle and have activity in the society. The documents such as books of “ A guidance to be a meaningful wife in Islam”, “Adabul Marah fil Islam”, “ A guidance to be harmonious family” and “The relation of men and women in Muhammadiyah”.Something interesting that the book of “A guidance to be harmonious family” becomes the reference for Family Planning Department to support government program in forming the prosperity family. From the facts above, it can be concluded that Aisyiyah has positive contribution for Indonesian and women to develop their own potential optimally in accordance with the role that want to be implemented in the society. publisher: Journal of Education and Practice date: 2016 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Lelly Qodariah, Lelly (2016) Aisyiyah Organization and Social Change for Women. Journal of Education and Practice, 7 (24). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2222-1735 relation: relation: title: Pengaruh Pemberian Komik Edukasi Sarapan Sehat Terhadap Perubahan Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Kebiasaan Sarapan Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri Ciputat 04 Tahun 2016 creator: Noorosawati, Nadya creator: Furqan, Mohammad creator: Safitri, Debby Endayani subject: Q Science (General) description: Sarapan pagi sangat bermanfaat bagi anak usia sekolah untuk memelihara ketahanan tubuh, agar dapat beraktifitas atau belajar dengan baik, membantu memusatkan pikiran untuk belajar dan memudahkan penyerapan pelajaran, serta membantu mencukupi zat gizi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian komik edukasi sarapan sehat terhadap perubahan pengetahuan, sikap, dan kebiasaan sarapan anak Sekolah Dasar setelah mendapatkan intervensi dengan menggunakan media komik. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quasy Experiment Design dengan metode purposive sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V (lima) yang berjumlah 145 siswa di SDN Ciputat 04, Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan kepada 104 siswa dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Media pendidikan gizi yang digunakan adalah komik yang berjudul “Ayo Sarapan Sehat!” karya PERGIZI PANGAN Indonesia dan Departemen Gizi Masyarakat FEMA IPB. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Paired Sample t-Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat rata-rata skor pengetahuan, sikap, dan kebiasaan sarapan yang lebih tinggi pada kelompok perlakuan komik dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Maka dari itu, komik dianggap sebagai media yang lebih efektif dalam menyampaikan informasi gizi bagi anak Sekolah Dasar. date: 2016 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Noorosawati, Nadya dan Furqan, Mohammad dan Safitri, Debby Endayani (2016) Pengaruh Pemberian Komik Edukasi Sarapan Sehat Terhadap Perubahan Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Kebiasaan Sarapan Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri Ciputat 04 Tahun 2016. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka. relation: title: Pengaruh Pemberian Kopi Robusta Terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif Pada Pengunjung Kedai Kopi-Kopi dan Kedai Famous Tahun 2016 creator: Rahayu, Sri creator: Rochani, Nuraini Susilo creator: Alib Birwin, AB subject: Q Science (General) description: Kopi merupakan salah satu minuman yang banyak digemari diberbagai negara. Jenis kopi yang paling banyak dibudidayakan yaitu kopi arabika dan kopi robusta. Di Indonesia kopi robusta yang memiliki tingkat produksi lebih tinggi sebanyak 542.519 ton dibandingkan dengan kopi arabika 168.994 ton. Jarang yang mengetahui manfaat kopi bagi kemampuan kognitif, seperti meningkatkan konsentrasi, daya ingat dan berpikir logis. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh pemberian kopi robusta terhadap kemampuan kognitif (konsentrasi, daya ingat dan logika). Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi True-Experimental dengan rancangan Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Sampel penelitian ini dari pengunjung Kedai Kopi-Kopi dan Kedai Famous. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 60 pengunjung dengan pembagian, 30 orang kelompok kontrol dan 30 orang kelompok eksperimen. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukan bahwa rata-rata umur responden pada kelompok eksperimen antara 20-28 tahun sedangkan kelompok kontrol antara 20-36 tahun. Kedua kelompok berdominan responden laki-laki, tingkat pendidikan kedua kelompok sebagian besar perguruan tinggi, kedua kelompok sebagian besar mahasiswa dan frekuensi konsumsi kopi perhari 1-2 cangkir. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukan adanya perbedaan signifikan hasil tes kognitif sebelum dan sesudah pemberian kopi robusta pada kelompok eksperimen, dan penurunan rata-rata (mean) hasil tes kognitif pada kelompok kontrol. Adanya perbedaan signifikan hasil tes kognitif antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol. date: 2016 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Rahayu, Sri dan Rochani, Nuraini Susilo dan Alib Birwin, AB (2016) Pengaruh Pemberian Kopi Robusta Terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif Pada Pengunjung Kedai Kopi-Kopi dan Kedai Famous Tahun 2016. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka. relation: title: THE USE OF LEARNERS’ DIARIES AS AN APPLICATION OF METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN LEARNING IF CLAUSES ON THIRD SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM UHAMKA 2013/2014 ACADEMIC YEAR creator: Tiarsiwi, Fidaniar subject: L Education (General) description: This study was conducted to investigate how students’ metacognition can be reflected in a diary. The study focused on how diaries could illustrate students in planning their learning, how they could describe their monitoring and how they could indicate their mental process in evaluating their learning. Twenty-one participants of third semester students were involved. Nine of them were selected to be probed intensively for their metacognitive habits in learning If Clauses. Then, they were divided into three groups according to the level of students’ progress and their mid test score. The first group was assumed as novice learners, the second group was categorized as medium level students and the last group was presumed as expert learners. In its implementation, the study was carried out for six meetings. The participants were instructed to write their learning activities and what they had achieved in learning If Clauses. They were given guidelines so that they could document their learning experiences within a framework and avoid giving irrelevant information. They wrote their diary entries on the sheets that they created by themselves and submitted until the end of the course. For research purpose, the diary entries were photocopied with permission. To support and gain more information about their habit in using the target language, the researcher observed the students’ social media as well. This study revealed that expert learners were better diarist in documenting what they did when learning. What they wrote on their diaries reflected whether or not their metacognitive knowledge was used in learning. The medium level students also indicated that their capability in realizing the use of their cognition was up and down. They were good at evaluating their shortcoming and monitoring some progress, but they were poor at planning and modifying strategies. Meanwhile, the novice learners less reflected how they learned on their documentation. It could be illustrated that they did not have any motivation to plan their learning, evaluate and monitor their learning. Keywords: metacognitive, learner diaries, learning grammar, learning strategy date: 2016 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Tiarsiwi, Fidaniar (2016) THE USE OF LEARNERS’ DIARIES AS AN APPLICATION OF METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN LEARNING IF CLAUSES ON THIRD SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM UHAMKA 2013/2014 ACADEMIC YEAR. Masters thesis, MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF PROF. DR. HAMKA. relation: title: Hubungan Status Gizi, Asupan Cairan, Kebiasaan Minum dan Pengetahuan Hidrasi dengan Status Hidrasi pada Petugas Pelaksana Sarana-Prasarana Umum di Kelurahan Pondok Ranggon Jakarta Timur Tahun 2017 creator: Zakiya, Putri Nur Cazmi creator: Furqan, Mohammad creator: Faridi, Ahmad subject: Q Science (General) description: Dehidrasi merupakan suatu keadaan dimana tubuh banyak kehilangan cairan. Dehidrasi dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas kerja dan konsentrasi daya ingat. Dampak dehidrasi jangka pendek dapat dirasakan secara langsung ketika tubuh kekurangan cairan. Status hidrasi dapat dipengaruhi oleh status gizi, asupan cairan hingga kebiasaan minum. Status hidrasi dapat diperiksa dengan cara membandingkan warna urin dengan skala warna urin atau skala PURI (Periksa Urin Sendiri). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional untuk mengetahui hubungan dari setiap variabel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebanyak 2.9% petugas yang berstatus gizi sangat kurus, 7.4% kurus, 57.4% normal, 8.8% overweight dan 23.5% yang obesitas. Diketahui 47.1% responden terhidrasi dengan baik, 42.6% dehidrasi ringan dan 10.3% mengalami dehidrasi berat. Diketahui 73.5% responden memiliki kebiasaan minum yang baik, 2.9% responden memiliki kebiasaan minum sedang dan 23.5% responden memiliki kebiasaan minum buruk. Diketahui 41.2% responden mengasup cukup cairan dan 58.8% responden mengasup kurang cairan. Diketahui sebanyak 92.6% memiliki pengetahuan hidrasi baik dan sebanyak 7.4% berpengetahuan kurang. Pada penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara status gizi dengan status hidrasi, ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kebiasaan minum dengan status hidrasi, ada hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan cairan dengan status hidrasi dan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan hidrasi dengan status hidrasi. date: 2016 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Zakiya, Putri Nur Cazmi dan Furqan, Mohammad dan Faridi, Ahmad (2016) Hubungan Status Gizi, Asupan Cairan, Kebiasaan Minum dan Pengetahuan Hidrasi dengan Status Hidrasi pada Petugas Pelaksana Sarana-Prasarana Umum di Kelurahan Pondok Ranggon Jakarta Timur Tahun 2017. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka. relation: title: Religion Conflicts in Indonesia Problems and Solutions creator: Wahjusaputri, Sintha subject: H Social Sciences (General) subject: HT Communities. Classes. Races description: Religious perspectives which place religion as a source of conflict have initiated various attempts to reinterpret and accordingly find some common ground at a certain level which hopefully may reduce conflicts among religious communities due to the existence of mutual tolerance. At the exoteric level, religions are different, but at the esoteric level, religions are not similar. All religions are viewed as equally valid paths toward God. However, in many ways, the reality shows that the tension among religious communities is closely related to the factors that are beyond the scope of religion. It is important for all religious believers to keep the peace among them. As far as the record of religious conflicts in Indonesia is concerned, it shows three major patterns: conflicts among adherents of different religions, conflicts between one religion with a group accused as heretical, and internal conflicts of the same people of faith with those who have different understanding of the religion. In any point of views, however, such conditions would be so detrimental to the human race in general, and society and the state of Indonesia in particular. This paper examines intensively about the issues and attempts to uncover the nature of the root‐causes underlying them. date: 2015-12-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Wahjusaputri, Sintha (2015) Religion Conflicts in Indonesia Problems and Solutions. Sociology Study, 5 (12). pp. 931-936. relation: doi: 10.17265/2159‐5526/2015.12.004 identifier: doi: 10.17265/2159‐5526/2015.12.004 relation: title: ENHANCING OF STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL REFLECTIVE THINKING ABILITY THROUGH KNOWLEDGE SHARING LEARNING STRATEGY IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL creator: Ishaq Nuriadin, Ishaq creator: Yaya S. Kusumah, Yaya creator: Jozua Sabandar, Jozua creator: Jarnawi A. Dahlan, Jarnawi subject: CC Archaeology description: This study aims to find out enhancement of students’ mathematical reflective thinking ability through knowledge sharing learning strategy in Senior High School. The method of study used quasi experiment by non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study are eighth grader students of Senior High School in Tangerang City, Banten Province. Sampling technique used cluster random sampling with the numbers of students are 140 students. The instruments used in the form prior mathematical knowledge test and mathematical reflective thinking ability test. Data analysis are done by requisite test, namely data normality test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Test) and homogeneity test (Levene Test). The statistic analysis of the data was conducted with one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and Scheffe Test. The results of study are as follows: (1) there is enhancement difference of mathematical reflective thinking ability of the students learning with knowledge sharing strategy and conventional learning; (2) there is enhancement difference of mathematical reflective thinking ability between students learning with knowledge sharing strategy (KSS) and conventional learning based on school level and prior mathematical knowledge (MPK) of students (higher, middle, lower); (3) The interaction between learning strategy (KSS) and prior mathematical knowledge (higher, middle, lower) influenced student’s enhancement of mathematical reflective thinking ability. publisher: International Journal of Education and Research date: 2015-09 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ishaq Nuriadin, Ishaq dan Yaya S. Kusumah, Yaya dan Jozua Sabandar, Jozua dan Jarnawi A. Dahlan, Jarnawi (2015) ENHANCING OF STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL REFLECTIVE THINKING ABILITY THROUGH KNOWLEDGE SHARING LEARNING STRATEGY IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. ENHANCING OF STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL REFLECTIVE THINKING ABILITY THROUGH KNOWLEDGE SHARING LEARNING STRATEGY IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 3 (9). pp. 255-267. ISSN 2411-5681 relation: relation: title: Self-Conception of The Vagrants in Jakarta creator: Syaiful Rohim, Aim subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: This research aims to identify the self construction and communicating acts amongst the homeless while they are doing their daily activities as a vagrant in downtown Jakarta. The method being used for this research is a qualitative method with phenomenologist paradigm which aims to understand human behaviors from an experimental perspective. Result shows that vagrants, especially those who has the same profession, tend to share the area of work in order to avoid conflicts among them. Description from the subject in establishing communication with other vagrants are done by sharing area of expertise from himself and other vagrants. Results also showed that almost all the subjects tend to close their “darker” side from others who don’t know that they are vagrants by impression management. These people came into existence not only because of a poor culture which shows nomadic type of living habit, but it’s also because of the structure and vast majority which sees them with a negative stigma for every type of occupation they choose including a forced action because they were left without any choices other being a vagrant. publisher: Semarang State University (UNNES) date: 2015-03-01 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Syaiful Rohim, Aim (2015) Self-Conception of The Vagrants in Jakarta. Self-Conception of The Vagrants in Jakarta, 7 (1). pp. 54-58. ISSN 2086-5465 relation: relation: DOI: identifier: DOI: relation: title: The Handling of Juvenile Delinquency Through the Arrangement of Senior Secondary School ( SMA ) Islamic Education Curriculum”, aimed at formulating the Lesson Plan creator: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo subject: L Education (General) description: Problem statement: The research on juvenile delinquency with the theme “The Handling of Juvenile Delinquency Through the Arrangement of Senior Secondary School ( SMA ) Islamic Education Curriculum”, aimed at formulating the Lesson Plan ( Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran /RPP ) which is one of learning tools of the materials for handling juvenile delinquency in SMA, that is implemented through the integration of 6 subjects ( Civics, Social Science, Indonesian Language, Sports, Health and Arts Education, Sciences Education and Mathematics) in the schools encountered South Jakarta of DKI Jakarta province. The special targets intended to achieve are 1) Identifying the factors supporting the societies’ involvement in actively taking a role in the process of formulating the sets of SMA curriculum development, 2) Improving, empowering, and developing the schools’ attention by involving the societies’ roles in the formulation of sets of curriculum for SMA in handling the juvenile delinquency through the six subjects in the schools. The plan of the research will be directed to the formulating of program, formula, and implementation of curriculum sets in the form of Lesson Plan ( RPP ) for grade I in the first year and grade II, III for the second year through the integration of six subjects with the Islamic education, especially in the schools encountered the province of DKI Jakarta. Approach: The design of this research is descriptive, in which descriptive research is a method that is used to find the knowledge widely as possible from the research object at a particular time. The technique of Data Collection and Analysis is done by using data collection technique in the form of library research and field study Results: The program of handling the juvenile delinquency in SMA, through the integration of 6 subjects, having competence that is by understanding the verses of Al Qur’an, it improves and changes the students’ attitudes, creating the respectful and well mannered as the model and having tight solidarity/brotherhood and tolerant. By understanding the Al Qur’an verses the deviant behaviors will be prevented. Conclusion: The juvenile delinquency will not be worse if there is serious involvement from students families, societies, as well as the closest people in anticipating the worse juvenile delinquency, because the societies’ awareness in developing the young generation is strongly needed, and hopefully there is related and continuing participation in building the adults’/students’ identities to the better future, in order to create the generation for nation continuity who have morality and noble characteristics. publisher: Proceeding the 2015 International seminar on education date: 2015-01-18 type: Book type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo (2015) The Handling of Juvenile Delinquency Through the Arrangement of Senior Secondary School ( SMA ) Islamic Education Curriculum”, aimed at formulating the Lesson Plan. Proceeding the 2015 International seminar on education. relation: title: Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu, Tingkat Pendapatan Orang Tua Dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Gizi Anak Dengan Status Gizi Siswa-Siswi Sekolah Menengah Pertama Al-Hikmah Petukangan Selatan. creator: Agustin, Devi Tri creator: S.R, Nur’aini creator: Faridi, Ahmad subject: Q Science (General) description: Status gizi merupakan salah satu faktor yang sangat berpengaruh pada kualitas sumber daya manusia karena mempengaruhi kecerdasan, produktivitas, dan kreativitas. Dalam upaya peningkatan status gizi pada hakekatnya harus dimulai sedini mungkin pada usia anak remaja. Pada usia ini harus diperhatikan untuk menunjang produksi fisik otak yang merupakan syarat agar anak mempunyai kecerdasan tinggi. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah hubungan tingkat pendidikan ibu, tingkat pendapatan orang tua dan tingkat pengetahuan gizi anak dengan status gizi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dua variabel, variabel terikat (Dependen) dan variabel bebas (Independen) pada waktu yang sama. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Stratified Random Sampling. Hasil analisis bivariat Dari 4 variabel terdapat 2 variabel yang memiliki hubungan yang bermakna yaitu hubungan jenis kelamin dengan status gizi dengan Pvalue = 0,005, dan hubungan tingkat pengetahuan gizi anak dengan status gizi dengan Pvalue = 0,002. Sedangkan 2 variabel lainnya tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna, variabel tersebut antara lain yaitu Hubungan tingkat pendidikan ibu dengan status gizi dengan Pvalue = 1,121 dan Hubungan tingkat pendapatan orang tua dengan status gizi dengan Pvalue = 2,760. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan perlu diadakan penelitian selanjutnya mengenai Status Gizi pada remaja untuk memberikan informasi kepada anak remaja, serta memberikan pengetahuan mengenai status gizi melalui buku-buku bacaan dan peran UKS untuk mensosialisasikan tentang gaya hidup sehat. date: 2015 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Agustin, Devi Tri dan S.R, Nur’aini dan Faridi, Ahmad (2015) Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu, Tingkat Pendapatan Orang Tua Dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Gizi Anak Dengan Status Gizi Siswa-Siswi Sekolah Menengah Pertama Al-Hikmah Petukangan Selatan. Bachelor thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka. relation: title: Unveiling the Indonesian Identity through Proverbial Expressions: The Relation of Meaning between Authority and Globalization creator: Prima Gusti Yanti, PGY subject: L Education (General) description: The purpose of the study is to find out relation of moral massage between the authority and globalization in proverb. Proverb is one of the many forms of cultural identity of the Indonesian/Malay people filled with moral values. The values contained within those proverbs are beneficial not only to the society, but also to those who held power amidst on this era of globalization. The method being used is qualitative research through content analysis which is done by describing and uncovering the forms and meanings of proverbs used within Indonesia Minangkabau society. Sources for this study’s data were extracted from a Minangkabau native speaker in the sub district of Tanah Abang, Jakarta. Said sources were retrieved through a series of interviews with the Minangkabau native speaker, whose speech is still adorned with idiomatic expressions. The research findings show that there are 30 existed proverbs or idiomatic expressions in the Minangkabau language often used by its indigenous people. The thirty data contain moral values which are closely interwoven with the matter of power and globalization. Analytical results show that the fourteen moral values contained within proverbs reflect a firm connection between rule and power in globalization; such as: responsible, brave, togetherness and consensus, tolerance, politeness, thorough and meticulous, honest and keeping promise, ingenious and learning, care, self-correction, be fair, alert, arbitrary, self-awareness. Structurally, proverbs possess an unchangeably formal construction; symbolically, proverbs possess meanings that are clearly decided through ethnographic communicative factors along with situational and cultural contexts. Values contained within proverbs may be used as a guide in social management, be it between fellow men, between men and nature, or even between men and their Creator. Therefore, the meanings and values contained within the morals of proverbs could also be utilized as a counsel for those who rule and in charge of power in order to stem the tides of globalization that had already spread into sectoral, territorial and educational continuums. Keywords—Continuum, globalization, identity, proverb, rulepower. publisher: waset date: 2015 type: Article type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Prima Gusti Yanti, PGY (2015) Unveiling the Indonesian Identity through Proverbial Expressions: The Relation of Meaning between Authority and Globalization. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation, 9 (10). pp. 3291-3297. relation: relation: title: Buku Panduan Pembinaan RUSUNAWA UHAMKA creator: Baadilla, Irwan subject: H Social Sciences (General) publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.HAMKA date: 2014-06-01 type: Book type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Baadilla, Irwan (2014) Buku Panduan Pembinaan RUSUNAWA UHAMKA. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.HAMKA. relation: title: The Governance of Darurat Kartini School as the Realization of the Implementation of Educational Independence by Community: A Case Study Research in a Marginal Children School Jakarta, Indonesia creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: L Education (General) description: This study explored the school governance in Sekolah Darurat Kartini (SDK), a school for marginal children-urban poor people, aimed at investigating the implementation of the concept of school governance in terms of its principles and model. The qualitative approach was applied by using case study methods, and the main fieldwork was conducted in the Ancol Pademangan district of north Jakarta, from March, 2012 to April, 2013. For data collection, this study relied on interviews, participant observation, documentary analysis, and literature reviews. The Miles and Hubberman analysis method was employed for data analysis.Research findings have revealed: 1) the mode of authority in pedagogical pursuits as practiced during the course of this study represents a combination of four educational models - competitive market (CM), school empowerment (SE), local empowerment (LE) and quality control (QC); 2) the principles of good governance for scholarly endeavors consist of those that preserve its legitimacy and voice, direction, performance, accountability and fairness. The use of standards are noted as having been implemented from a distinguished perspective; 3) the codes of authority within the scholastic infrastructure have adapted to and are aligned with the prevailing economic and social conditions, the legal implications and resultant identity, the degree of autonomy and financial independence as well as community participation; 4) the role of leadership has a profound effect on the process of learning and teaching in addition to having a direct impact on graduation rates. These findings are further supported through the direct measurements taken during the study involving the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor elements of the pupils. Keywords: school governance; leadership; school autonomy; community participation; community independence publisher: Macrothink date: 2014-03 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah (2014) The Governance of Darurat Kartini School as the Realization of the Implementation of Educational Independence by Community: A Case Study Research in a Marginal Children School Jakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Education, 6 (1). pp. 148-168. ISSN 1948-54762014 relation: relation: title: Social Capital Impact on Student's Empowerment creator: Syae Purrohman, Purnama subject: D History (General) description: Doctorate degree Dissertation date: 2014-01-07 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Syae Purrohman, Purnama (2014) Social Capital Impact on Student's Empowerment. Doctoral thesis, Central China Normal University. relation: title: Multimedia Development of English Vocabulary Learning in Primary School creator: Syaiful Rohim, Aim subject: L Education (General) description: In this paper, we describe a prototype of web-based intelligent handwriting education system for autonomous learning of Bengali characters. Bengali language is used by more than 211 million people of India and Bangladesh. Due to the socio-economical limitation, all of the population does not have the chance to go to school. This research project was aimed to develop an intelligent Bengali handwriting education system. As an intelligent tutor, the system can automatically check the handwriting errors, such as stroke production errors, stroke sequence errors, stroke relationship errors and immediately provide a feedback to the students to correct themselves. Our proposed system can be accessed from smartphone or iPhone that allows students to do practice their Bengali handwriting at anytime and anywhere. Bengali is a multi-stroke input characters with extremely long cursive shaped where it has stroke order variability and stroke direction variability. Due to this structural limitation, recognition speed is a crucial issue to apply traditional online handwriting recognition algorithm for Bengali language learning. In this work, we have adopted hierarchical recognition approach to improve the recognition speed that makes our system adaptable for web-based language learning. We applied writing speed free recognition methodology together with hierarchical recognition algorithm. It ensured the learning of all aged population, especially for children and older national. The experimental results showed that our proposed hierarchical recognition algorithm can provide higher accuracy than traditional multi-stroke recognition algorithm with more writing variability. publisher: ICCE 2014 Organizing Committee, Japan contributor: Chen-Chung LIU, LIU contributor: Hiroaki OGATA, OGATA contributor: Siu Cheung KONG, KONG contributor: Akihiro KASHIHARA, KASHIHARA date: 2014 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Syaiful Rohim, Aim (2014) Multimedia Development of English Vocabulary Learning in Primary School. pp. 1-577. relation: title: PEMBINAAN USAHA EKONOMI PRODUKTIF (UEP) KARANG TARUNA DI KELURAHAN SRENGSENG KOTA ADMINISTRASI JAKARTA BARAT creator: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie subject: H Social Sciences (General) subject: HB Economic Theory description: Salah satu upaya masyarakat dan pemerintah untuk menanggulangi kenakalan remaja pada waktu itu (1960) membuat proyek percontohan Karang Taruna, hingga saat ini Karang Taruna dijadikan sebagai wadah pembinaan dan pengembangan generasi muda. Seiring dengan waktu yang berjalan melalui instansi pemerintah (Kementerian Sosial) Karang Taruna Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang berjumlah sekitar tiga ribuan tersebut perlu diberdayakan melalui Usaha Ekonomi Produktif Dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat diperoleh gambaran bahwa UEP Karang Taruna berada dalam kondisi kurang sehat karena banyak tantangan yang dihadapi terutama manajemen pengelolaannya dan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan yang kurang memuaskan. Tindakan korektif yang perlu diambil agar membawa perubahan yang signifikan adalah meningkatkan efektifitas dan kinerja dengan perbaikan pengelo laan UEP Karang Taruna melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan kewirausahaan , sedangkan tindakan yang perlu dilakukan untuk membawa perubahan yang signifikan terhadap citra UEP Karang Taruna adalah memberdayakan keberadaannya seoptimal mungkin, baik dari Pemda maupun dari masyarakat. date: 2013-10 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie (2013) PEMBINAAN USAHA EKONOMI PRODUKTIF (UEP) KARANG TARUNA DI KELURAHAN SRENGSENG KOTA ADMINISTRASI JAKARTA BARAT. Jurnal Solma, 2 (1). pp. 63-74. ISSN 2252-584X relation: title: ROLE OF FAMILY ENVIRONMENT IN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT creator: Gunawan, Rudy subject: HQ The family. Marriage. Woman description: Family environment as the environment is known first and foremost a child has a decisive role in helping the development of his personality. One effort is the essential meaning is to invite the children to enable themselves with moral values to have and develop the basics of character development. These efforts demonstrate the need for the position and responsibilities of parents. Help parents in laying the foundations and development in the character formation of children is to create conditions that encourage children to have the basics of good character and in its development involves two subjects namely parents as educators and children as the educated. This paper comprehensively want to see how the character formation of children in the family environment seen from the pattern adopted by foster parents, with the approach of descriptive analytical method. Thus the character that develops in children can be seen from the pattern adopted by foster parents in the home. publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta contributor: Widyastuti Purbani, Widyastuti contributor: Satoto E. Nayono, Satoto date: 2011-11-09 type: Book Section type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Gunawan, Rudy (2011) ROLE OF FAMILY ENVIRONMENT IN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. In: Character Education For Integrity and Justice Toward Sustainable Future. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, pp. 96-104. ISBN 979-26-1909-7 relation: title: STUDI PENINGKATAN EFEKTIFITAS, KINERJA, MUTU DAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PADA KELOMPOK USAHA BERSAMA DI WILAYAH KOTA ADMINISTRASI JAKARTA SELATAN creator: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie subject: HA Statistics subject: HB Economic Theory description: Kelompok Usaha Bersama merupakan program Top-Down yang diciptakan dari Kementerian Sosial sebagai upaya mempercepat penghapusan kemiskinan bersamaan dengan diluncurkannya program BLPS (Bantuan Langsung Pemberdayaan Sosial), program pemberdayaan ini tidak berjalan mulus sesuai harapan sebagai program pendidikan, pembimbingan, dan pengarahan kepada keluarga fakir miskin untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan pendapatan serta kesejahteraannya.Berdasarkan hal tersebut dengan menggunakan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif dan survey lapangan dilakukan studi peningkatan efektifitas, kinerja, mutu dan kepuasan pelanggan pada Kelompok Usaha Bersama di Wilayah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh gambaran bahwa KUBE berada dalam kondisi tidak sehat karena banyak tantangan yang dihadapi terutama manajemen pengelolaan nya dan pelayanan terhadap pelanggan yang kurang memuaskan. Tindakan perbaikan yang perlu diambil agar membawa perubahan yang signifikan adalah meningkatkan efektifitas dan kinerja dengan perbaikan pengelo laan KUBE melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan kewirausahaan , sedangkan tindakan yang perlu dilakukan untuk membawa perubahan yang signifikan terhadap mutu dan kepuasan pelanggan adalah melalui pelayanan prima (Better, faster,cheaper,newer, and more simple). date: 2011-06 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Connie Chairunnisa, Connie (2011) STUDI PENINGKATAN EFEKTIFITAS, KINERJA, MUTU DAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PADA KELOMPOK USAHA BERSAMA DI WILAYAH KOTA ADMINISTRASI JAKARTA SELATAN. Jurnal Kepemimpinan Pendidikan, 3 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2086-2881 relation: title: Penulisan Akademik: Konsep, Jenis, dan Langkah-Langkah Penulisannya creator: Ade Hikmat, Ade creator: Nani Solihati, Nani creator: Sugeng Riadi, Sugeng subject: L Education publisher: Uhamka type: Book type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ade Hikmat, Ade dan Nani Solihati, Nani dan Sugeng Riadi, Sugeng Penulisan Akademik: Konsep, Jenis, dan Langkah-Langkah Penulisannya. Uhamka. (Unpublished) relation: title: BUKU PANDUAN TUTOR BLOK 6.4 AL ISLAM DAN KEMUMMADIYAHAN INTEGRASI AL ISLAM KEILMUAN 2021-2022 creator: Agus Rahmadi, Agus subject: A General Works publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA type: Book type: PeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Agus Rahmadi, Agus BUKU PANDUAN TUTOR BLOK 6.4 AL ISLAM DAN KEMUMMADIYAHAN INTEGRASI AL ISLAM KEILMUAN 2021-2022. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA. relation: title: ACADEMIC READING FOR 2ND SEMESTER STUDENTS creator: Arifin, Syaadiah subject: PE English description: The writer compiled this module to help students how to read Academic Reading. There are some tips and strategies that can help students understand the content of the reading. Reading strategies are adapted from “ Longman Preparation for TOEFL Test “and other supporting books for practice answering questions. It is expected that by using adequate reading strategies and exercises, students become eager to read academic writing. Before the midterms students are taught reading strategies as well as intensive exercises. The exercises are taken from online reading books such as the "Reading Comprehension Questions" 3rd Edition. After the mid term test, students will be provided with reading materials related to their major. The materials were taken from differen sources. type: Teaching Resource type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Arifin, Syaadiah ACADEMIC READING FOR 2ND SEMESTER STUDENTS. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) relation: title: 13.BDH MD 012 Kinerja dosen 2018 creator: Bambang, Dwi Hartono subject: Q Science (General) publisher: Prodi S2 MM type: Monograph type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Bambang, Dwi Hartono 13.BDH MD 012 Kinerja dosen 2018. Project Report. Prodi S2 MM. relation: title: Dok Gabungan SK nguji, dan BAP sidang Tesis bdh 2019 2020 creator: Bambang, Dwi Hartono subject: Q Science (General) publisher: MM Uhamka type: Monograph type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Bambang, Dwi Hartono Dok Gabungan SK nguji, dan BAP sidang Tesis bdh 2019 2020. Documentation. MM Uhamka. (Unpublished) relation: title: Laporan Sripatum creator: Bambang, Dwi Hartono subject: Q Science (General) publisher: Prodi S2 MM type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Bambang, Dwi Hartono Laporan Sripatum. Prodi S2 MM. (In Press) relation: title: ANALISIS MOTIVASI BISNIS DAN IMPLEMEN STRATEGI PEMASARAN KALANGAN ANAK MUDA: STUDI KASUS DI KOMUNITAS TANGAN DI ATAS creator: Bambang, Dwi Hartono creator: Budi Permana Yusuf, Budi creator: Khairunnas, Khairunnas subject: HD Industries. Land use. Labor description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan motivasi yang mendorong anak muda terjun ke dunia bisnis dan bergabung dengan komunitas Tangan Di Atas (TDA), serta strategi pemasaran seperti apa yang berkembang di kalangan komunitas TDA. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dan cenderung menggunakan analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan lingkungan alamiah sebagai sumber data, yaitu dengan mengkaji peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dalam kondisi dan situasi sosial di lingkungan komunitas TDA. Penelitian dilakukan ketika berinteraksi langsung dengan komunitas TDA. Wawancara dilakukan dengan pengurus inti TDA dan para pendiri yang tergabung dalam Wali Amanat. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa TDA adalah sebuah komunitas bisnis yang bervisi menjadi Tangan Di Atas atau menjadi pengusaha kaya yang gemar memberi kepada sesamanya. Penggunaan nama TDA merupakan perwujudan dari keyakinan pendirinya bahwa menjadi Tangan Di Atas itu lebih mulia dari pada Tangan Di Bawah (TDB). Dalam rangka mewujudkan cita-cita mulia itu, TDA mengejawantahkannya dengan semangat saling berbagi, saling mendukung dan bekerja sama dalam komunitas TDA. Semua itu telah diwujudkan dalam beberapa kegiatan di komunitas TDA. Dalam upaya membentuk pengusaha-pengusaha tangguh dan sukses yang memiliki kontribusi positif bagi peradaban, TDA melakukan berbagai langkah yang dituangkan dalam misi komunitas ini, yaitu: (1) Menumbuhkembangkan semangat kewirausahaan; (2) Membentuk 10.000 pengusaha miliader yang tangguh dan sukses sampai tahun 2018; (3) Menciptakan sinergi diantara sesama anggota dan antara anggota dengan pihak lain, berlandaskan prinsip high trust community; (4) Menumbuhkan jiwa sosial dan berbagi di antara anggota; (5) Menciptakan pusat sumber daya bisnis berbasis teknologi. TDA memiliki lima nilai yang senantiasa diinternalisasikan kepada para anggotanya, yaitu: (1) Silaturahim (saling mendukung, sinergi, komunikasi, kerja sama, berbaik sangka, teamwork, sukses bersama); (2) Integritas (kejujuran, transparansi, amanah, win-win, komitmen, tanggungjawab, adil); (3) Berpikiran terbuka (continuous learning, continuous improvement, kreatif, inovatif); (4) Berorientasi tindakan (semangat solutif, konsisten, persisten, berpikir dan bertindak positif, give and take, mindset keberlimpahan); (5) Fun (menjaga keseimbangan dalam hidup). Strategi pemasaran yang berkembang di komunitas TDA sangat diwarnai oleh lima visi dan nilai TDA, khususnya semangat silaturahim dan pengembangan bisnis berbasis teknologi. Saat ini hampir seluruh anggota komunitas TDA berbisnis secara online. Pemasaran online menjadi pilihan yang banyak diambil oleh komunitas TDA untuk menjual produknya. Kehadiran komunitas TDA sudah seyogyanya didukung oleh pemerintah untuk mendorong anak-anak muda terjun ke dunia bisnis. Kehadiran pelaku usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) seperti TDA menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi tingginya angka pengangguran di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Motivasi, Pemasaran, Komunitas, Bisnis. type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Bambang, Dwi Hartono dan Budi Permana Yusuf, Budi dan Khairunnas, Khairunnas ANALISIS MOTIVASI BISNIS DAN IMPLEMEN STRATEGI PEMASARAN KALANGAN ANAK MUDA: STUDI KASUS DI KOMUNITAS TANGAN DI ATAS. Prodi S2 MM UHAMKA. relation: title: Critical Review of M-Learning in Total Quality Management Classroom Practice in an Indonesian Private University creator: Bunyamin, Bunyamin creator: khoerul, Umam creator: lismawati, lismawati subject: DK Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics subject: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion publisher: International Association of Online Engineering type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Bunyamin, Bunyamin dan khoerul, Umam dan lismawati, lismawati Critical Review of M-Learning in Total Quality Management Classroom Practice in an Indonesian Private University. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). ISSN 1865-7923 relation: title: A Child Language Acquisition in Indonesian and English Language: A Longitudinal Case Study creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: Learning a dual language at the same time during early childhood has caused the wrong perception. Its false perception makes the parents delay the start of learning a second /foreign language. Therefore, this study aims at analyzing the first and second language acquisition of a child in the Indonesian Language and English. The issues concentrated on the spoken utterances in Indonesian and English and its affecting factors. The research adopted a qualitative approach by using a case study, as the unit analysis is a child of 3 years old. For data collection, I employed the naturalistic approach, which I kept daily notes on the progress of a child’s linguistic and recorded the dialogues. Since it is a longitudinal study, the research was conducted for two years, from 2014 to 2015. The research has revealed that utterances spoken have primarily increased and the child has already understood the commands by following the instructions. Some concepts such as feeling, taste, color, and numbers as well as short phrases and simple words in Indonesian and English at the same time can be understood and uttered. She also can change the affirmative sentence to question in term of objects she sees in her surroundings. Factors such as linguistic input, imitation, environment, exposure, and language acquisition device can all affect the child’s utterance. Thus, it indicates that two languages can be taught at the same time at an early age, and it doesn’t cause misunderstanding or confusion. publisher: IAIN Salatiga type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah A Child Language Acquisition in Indonesian and English Language: A Longitudinal Case Study. REGISTER JOURNAL, 12 (2). pp. 126-155. ISSN 1979-8903 relation: relation: identifier: relation: title: Key Factors That Trigger People to Support Street Children in Indonesia creator: Fitriani, Somariah subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: This study has an attempt to elaborate some factors affecting the establishment of “free schools” by community participant, which are intended to serve for street children and poor children (marginal children) in urban areas who do not have access to get proper education on account of economic and social issues. Qualitative approach was employed by using Miles and Hubberman model analysis to analyze the data. The data were taken from three schools (Sekolah Darurat Kartini, Sekolah Master and Sekolah Himmata), which are situated in Jakarta and Depok City. Participant observation, face-to-face interviews, documentary research studies, Internet online articles and literature reviews were used in data collection process. Some key respondents to obtain the data are the founders of schools, social guardians, pupils, parents and alumni. As a key instrument, the researcher also took part in the Sekolah Darurat Kartini’s activities for around two years from the end of 2011 until the middle of 2013. The research findings have revealed that the key factors of such schools’ establishment are altruism, determination and selfactualization are grouped into internal factors while parent’s upbringing, economic, social and educational background, wide communication network are grouped into external factors. Even though these factors are interrelated and interwoven holistically. Altruism is the most triggering primary factor what make the founders of the schools act and behave differently for the sake of other people’s future, particularly to street children. As future generations, street children have right to obtain access for education equally. To sum up, the provision and establishment of such schools bring a greatest impact to students’ development and at the end it benefits the nation. publisher: Sakarya University type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fitriani, Somariah Key Factors That Trigger People to Support Street Children in Indonesia. Sakarya University Journal of Education (SUJE), 7 (3). pp. 455-466. ISSN 2146-7455 relation: relation: 10.19126/suje.365252 identifier: 10.19126/suje.365252 doi: 10.19126/suje.365252 relation: title: Da’wa and Politics: Lived Experiences of the Female Islamists in Indonesia creator: Fuad, Ai Fatimah Nur subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: Stories about women activism in the Tarbiyah movement in Indonesia has gained scholarly attention. The existing literatures, however, tend to focus on the official discourses. This article discusses female members’ everyday experiences within the the liqo activity, as part of the Tarbiyah movement (circle of religious teaching). It examines the extent to which liqo members experience, receive, and practice the da’wa ideology designed by the Tarbiyah movement. It focuses on cadres’ stories about the lived experiences they have had through joining the liqo, with special reference to the female liqo group in Jakarta. Using ethnographic approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews with 26 female liqo members from a total of 45 interviewees and 15 observations of the liqo sessions. The study concludes that although the official form of religiosity, piety and political identity have been promoted by the Tarbiyah movement and its leaders, the experiences and practices of women revealed a heterogeneity and complexity of meanings of being in the liqo. This study attempts to contribute to the existing analysis of the da’wa (Islamic preaching and mission) and politics of a contemporary female Islamist movement with a case study of the Indonesian Tarbiyah movement. type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fuad, Ai Fatimah Nur Da’wa and Politics: Lived Experiences of the Female Islamists in Indonesia. Contemporary Islam (Springer) 2019. relation: 10.1007/s11562-019-00442-x identifier: 10.1007/s11562-019-00442-x doi: 10.1007/s11562-019-00442-x relation: title: Da’wa and politics: lived experiences of the female Islamists in Indonesia creator: Fuad, Ai Fatimah Nur subject: H Social Sciences (General) subject: R Medicine description: Stories about women activism in the Tarbiyah movement in Indonesia has gained scholarly attention. The existing literatures, however, tend to focus on the official discourses. This article discusses female members’ everyday experiences within the the liqo activity, as part of the Tarbiyah movement (circle of religious teaching). It examines the extent to which liqo members experience, receive, and practice the da’wa ideology designed by the Tarbiyah movement. It focuses on cadres’ stories about the lived experiences they have had through joining the liqo, with special reference to the female liqo group in Jakarta. Using ethnographic approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews with 26 female liqo members from a total of 45 interviewees and 15 observations of the liqo sessions. The study concludes that although the official form of religiosity, piety and political identity have been promoted by the Tarbiyah movement and its leaders, the experiences and practices of women revealed a heterogeneity and complexity of meanings of being in the liqo. This study attempts to contribute to the existing analysis of the da’wa (Islamic preaching and mission) and politics of a contemporary female Islamist movement with a case study of the Indonesian Tarbiyah movement publisher: Springer type: Other type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Fuad, Ai Fatimah Nur Da’wa and politics: lived experiences of the female Islamists in Indonesia. Springer, Netherland. relation: relation: 10.1007/s11562-019-00442-x identifier: 10.1007/s11562-019-00442-x doi: 10.1007/s11562-019-00442-x relation: title: PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS DAN LEVERAGE TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM creator: Helwiyah, Helwiyah subject: Q Science (General) description: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh profitabilitas dan laverage terhadap harga saham Bank Swasta Nasional di Jakarta. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif eksperimen, dengan mendapatkan data dari dokumen sekunder melalui observasi selama 5 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Profitabilitas yang memiliki sub Net Profit Margin (NPM), Return On Investment (ROI) dan Return On Equity (ROE) memiliki koefisien korelasi R Ganda sebesar 0,521 terhadap harga saham pada bank swasta nasional di Jakarta. Sehingga makin tinggi NPM, ROI dan ROE, maka semakin tinggi pula harga sahamnya. Leverage dengan sub Deb Ratio (DR) dan Debt Equity Ratio (DER) juga memiliki koefisien korelasi R ganda 0,249, yang berarti makin tinggi DR dan DER maka semakin tinggi pula harga saham bank swasta nasional di Jakarta. Dengan demikian bank diharapkan meningkatkan kinerjanya dengan meningkatkan nilai NPM, ROI, ROE, DR dan DER untuk dapat meningkatkan harga saham. Kinerja keuangan pada sebuah perusahaan merupakan salah satu tolok ukur dalam menilai keberhasilan kebijakan manajemen. Tingkat kepercayaan pada investor dapat ditingkatkan dengan penilaian atas analisa laporan keuangan. Para calon investor pun diharapkan memahami kondisi keuangan perusahaan emiten agar dapat terpenuhi harapan akan capital gain. type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Helwiyah, Helwiyah PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS DAN LEVERAGE TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM. Jurnal Manajemen Kebijakan Bisnis dan Publik 2018, 3 (2). relation: title: Belajar dan Pembelajaran creator: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo subject: L Education publisher: Pustaka Pelajar type: Book type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Pustaka Pelajar. relation: title: OVERCOMING JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AMONG HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A CURRICULUM FOR COMMENDABLE MORALITY creator: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo creator: Pudjo Sumedi, Pudjo subject: HB Economic Theory description: The juvenile delinquency among high school students occurs in quarrels for no apparent reason. And sometime it leads to brawl between schools causing injury and even death of students. This troubling situation has made other students, teachers and parents and the community in general to be concerned and insecure. Religion value, spescifically speaking Islamic value that designated to be the alternative preventing tools seems difficult to ammalgamated to the existing educaional system in Indonesia. Using qualitative descriptive research, this research found out the difficulties are; first the insuficency of indonesian awarness at early parental education about morals adn good deed; second, the need of Islamic educational institution to improve the quality of teaching and learning program entirely. Based on these findings the proposed solution from this research are; first at the societal level, the improvement of societal awarness to teach about living harmoniously, honestly, in well-mannered, and democratic model. Second, at the educational level, the teachers and educators need to be improved continually. Following the development era, for instance, they should have the knowledge of psychology development, mental hygiene, assessment and measurement, respect, sympathy,understanding the students as individual who needs special attention and supervision. And themost important is demonstrate a commendable attitude that could be the role model for the child attitude. Conclusion : Empowerment of both societal and educational level is a crucial prerequisite for the succed of the formulation and implementation of the delinquency prevention program. type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ihsana El Khuluqo, Ihsana El Khuluqo dan Pudjo Sumedi, Pudjo OVERCOMING JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AMONG HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A CURRICULUM FOR COMMENDABLE MORALITY. Journal Of Education and Social Science, 5. ISSN 2289-1552 relation: title: Relationship Between Students’ Reading Habit and Their Vocabulary Knowledge creator: Ithriyah, Siti subject: L Education (General) type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Ithriyah, Siti Relationship Between Students’ Reading Habit and Their Vocabulary Knowledge. ethical lingua. relation: title: Surat tugas, Melaksanakan Penelitian dengan Judul "Efektivitas Pendekatan Pembelajaran Berbasis Video Online Terhadap Habits of Mind Calon Guru Biologi" pada Tanggal 5 Maret 2024 di Depok Jawa Bara creator: Mayarni, Mayarni subject: ZA4450 Databases publisher: Uhamka type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Mayarni, Mayarni Surat tugas, Melaksanakan Penelitian dengan Judul "Efektivitas Pendekatan Pembelajaran Berbasis Video Online Terhadap Habits of Mind Calon Guru Biologi" pada Tanggal 5 Maret 2024 di Depok Jawa Bara. Uhamka. relation: title: GENDER INEQUALITIES AND EMANCIPATION STRUGGLE IN THE NOVEL ISINGA creator: Prima Gusti Yanti, PGY subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: This research was to describe the gender inequalities in the novel Isinga. His goal was to expose the gender inequalities experienced by women Irewa, a character in the novel. The theory of gender inequalities include subordination, violence, marginalization, stereotype, and the double burden, then emancipation struggle. novel Isinga showed the injustice women Papua who are represented by the cast of Irewa. Irewa experienced marginalization because the role and functions of women only complement that determine all decisions and policies are men. Therefore the subordination against women figures into an event that lets because he only plays a role in the world and domestic reproduction. Irewa stereotype women as weak, make it accept physical violence and inner with resigned. Irewa very heavy workload because he had to meet all the needs of the family, her husband does not help in the least because Meage already handed over some pigs as a dowry that made him have no responsibility in the family. The implications of this novel shows behind all the injustice received Irewa make it rise helps fellow women. However, the Irewa were not able to penetrate the world of patriarchy represented by her husband, Meage. Keywords: gender inequality, novel, patriarchy, emancipation struggle type: Article type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Prima Gusti Yanti, PGY GENDER INEQUALITIES AND EMANCIPATION STRUGGLE IN THE NOVEL ISINGA. uhamka. pp. 26-32. relation: title: Article: Accountability And Transparency Of Sharia Micro Financial Institutions On Customer Trust With Financial Performance As An Intervening Variable creator: Rahayu, Dewi Pudji creator: Larasati, Meita creator: Habibi, Pahman creator: Setiawan, Edi subject: AC Collections. Series. Collected works description: This study aims to determine the effect of accountability and transparency of Islamic microfinance institutions on customer trust, with financial performance as an intervening variable in Islamic microfinance institutions, one of the significant microfinance in Indonesia. Methodology This research is a research gap, which tests the hypothesis (hypothesis testing) type causal. The aim is to determine the causal relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The research location used in this study is the Central Java Sharia BTM (Islamic microfinance institution) in Indonesia, which has 36 members. The results of the test indicate that accountability partially influences performance significantly and is positive, while transparency did not significantly affect. Tested together shows the performance variables are influenced by accountability and transparency. While equation 2 contains four hypotheses. It can be concluded that the accountability and performance variables have an insignificant influence on people's trust, but the performance of ROA and BOPO has a significant effect on trust. When you look at the value of the test together, it can be concluded that accountability, transparency, and performance do not affect people's trust. Limitations of the Research - This research is only conducted in a small number of Islamic microfinance institutions in Indonesia. It is exclusively owned by Muhammadiyah NGOs with locations only in Central Java, so research needs to be done in different places. A separate study needs to be done between accountability and transparency on the dependent variable of public trust. Research needs to be done using non-financial performance. The scientific contribution of this research was conducted to connect several research variables from other separate studies and where the research was carried out in Indonesia, especially related to Islamic microfinance institutions. Keyword : Accountability, Transparency, Financial type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Rahayu, Dewi Pudji dan Larasati, Meita dan Habibi, Pahman dan Setiawan, Edi Article: Accountability And Transparency Of Sharia Micro Financial Institutions On Customer Trust With Financial Performance As An Intervening Variable. ICBAE 2020. relation: title: Prosiding Forum Internasional di Osaka Jepang creator: Sari, Yessy Yanita creator: Mulyono, Herri creator: Zulaiha, Siti subject: Z719 Libraries (General) description: Judul : The Development a Digital Application to Promote Parent's Involvment in Character Education at Primary School type: Conference or Workshop Item type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Sari, Yessy Yanita dan Mulyono, Herri dan Zulaiha, Siti Prosiding Forum Internasional di Osaka Jepang. In: ICONEGS, Osaka Jepang, Osaka, Jepang. relation: title: Panduan Penulisan Akademik creator: Sugeng Riadi, Sugeng subject: DC France publisher: UHAMKA type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Sugeng Riadi, Sugeng Panduan Penulisan Akademik. UHAMKA. (Unpublished) relation: title: BUREAUCRATIC REFORM POLICY STRATEGY USING THE CIPP MODEL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES IN KEMENKO-POLHUKAM creator: Wahjusaputri, Sintha creator: Irawan, Bambang subject: H Social Sciences (General) description: This study aims to evaluate bureaucratic reform strategies in organizational units within the Coordinating Ministry of Politics, Law and Secutiry (Kemenko Polhukam). Bureaucratic Reformation has the main objective of realizing world-class governance characterized by the implementation of effective, efficient, accountable, transparent governance, clean from collusion, corruption and nepotism practices or clean government, so that can ultimately improve employees’ performances related to the tasks and functions of the Kemenko Polhukam which are synchronization and coordination of planning, drafting and implementing policies in the fields of politics, law and security. One area of reform that is quite important to improve is public services, especially in the current era of regional autonomy which provides opportunities for regions to innovate, creative, and create the best models for achieving quality improvement for the community. The research methodology used in this study was qualitative research that resulted descriptive data by using the CIPP (Contexts, Input, Process and Product) evaluation model. The results showed that bureaucratic reform in the Coordinating Ministry for Politics and Security was quite good, which increased from the previous year as much as 6.1%. Several bureaucratic strategies were implemented between changing the management, arranging the laws, arranging organization and governance, structuring the HR management system, strengthening supervision, strengthening public accountability teams, improving the quality of public services, monitoring and evaluating the related units. publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. HAMKA type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Wahjusaputri, Sintha dan Irawan, Bambang BUREAUCRATIC REFORM POLICY STRATEGY USING THE CIPP MODEL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES IN KEMENKO-POLHUKAM. AGREGAT:Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis. ISSN 2549-5658 e-ISSN: 2549-7243 relation: relation: 10.22236/agregat_vol3/is1pp1-16 identifier: 10.22236/agregat_vol3/is1pp1-16 doi: 10.22236/agregat_vol3/is1pp1-16 relation: title: Materi presentasi konferensi internasional ICNSSE 2020 creator: Wijirahayu, Suciana subject: Z719 Libraries (General) type: Conference or Workshop Item type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Wijirahayu, Suciana Materi presentasi konferensi internasional ICNSSE 2020. In: International Conference on Natural and Social Science Education (ICNSSE). (Unpublished) relation: title: Dokumen Affinity of Compounds in Hemigraphis Alternata (Burm.F.) T. Ander Leaves to Cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1): In Silico Approach creator: Yeni, Yeni subject: RS Pharmacy and materia medica publisher: UHAMKA type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Yeni, Yeni Dokumen Affinity of Compounds in Hemigraphis Alternata (Burm.F.) T. Ander Leaves to Cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1): In Silico Approach. UHAMKA. relation: title: Dokumen In Vitro Study of Kaempferia galanga L. Compound, δ- 3-Carene, Against 5-Lipoxygenase creator: Yeni, Yeni subject: RS Pharmacy and materia medica publisher: UHAMKA type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Yeni, Yeni Dokumen In Vitro Study of Kaempferia galanga L. Compound, δ- 3-Carene, Against 5-Lipoxygenase. UHAMKA. relation: title: EVALUASI PELATIHAN ULANGAN SEKOLAH BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI DALAM APLIKASI MICROSOFT POWER POINT DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH FATAHILLAH CILEDUG KOTA TANGERANG creator: arum, fatayan subject: L Education (General) description: Penggunaan power point sebagai media ulangan belum banyak diketahui guru dan siswa di sekolah. Pada kegiatan PKM di madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI) Fathillah dilakukan workshop penggunaan aplikasi power point bertujuan sebagai media ulangan. Kegiatan di ikuti 64 orang terdiri dari guru dan dilakukan evaluasi diakhir kegiatan, dengan kuesioner sebagai gambaran hasil kegiatan. Dari hasil kegiatan ini, data dianalisis menggunakan SEM smartpls dan ditemukan bahwa faktor luar motivasi dan kebiasaan pengguna berpengaruh positif terhadap minat dalam menggunakan aplikasi power point. Kesimpulan pelatihan ini berdampak pada minat peserta untuk power point untuk media ulamgan. Abstract: The use of power point as a test medium is not widely known by teachers and students in schools. In the PKM activity at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Fathillah, a workshop was held on the use of the power point application as a test medium. The activity was attended by 64 people consisting of teachers etc. and an evaluation was carried out at the end of the activity, with a questionnaire as a description of the results of the activity. From the results of this activity, the data were analyzed using SEM smartpls and it was found that external factors of motivation and user habits had a positive effect on interest in using power point applications. The conclusion of this training has an impact on the participants' interest in power points for review media. type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: arum, fatayan EVALUASI PELATIHAN ULANGAN SEKOLAH BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI DALAM APLIKASI MICROSOFT POWER POINT DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH FATAHILLAH CILEDUG KOTA TANGERANG. JMM. relation: title: Daring2017-Jurnal international Berreputasi-8 creator: daring2017, daring2017 subject: DD Germany type: Article type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: daring2017, daring2017 Daring2017-Jurnal international Berreputasi-8. Daring2017-Jurnal international Berreputasi-8. relation: title: Daring2017-Prosiding Internasional-25 creator: daring2017, daring2017 subject: DD Germany type: Article type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: daring2017, daring2017 Daring2017-Prosiding Internasional-25. Daring2017-Prosiding Internasional-25. relation: title: Daring2017-Prosiding National-30 creator: daring2017, daring2017 subject: DD Germany type: Article type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: daring2017, daring2017 Daring2017-Prosiding National-30. Daring2017-Prosiding National-30. relation: title: Artikel JKP 2023 creator: fetrimen, fetrimen subject: ZA Information resources publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: fetrimen, fetrimen Artikel JKP 2023. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. (Unpublished) relation: title: Laporan Pengabdian Masyarakat Ganjil 20/21 creator: fetrimen, fetrimen subject: ZA4450 Databases publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: fetrimen, fetrimen Laporan Pengabdian Masyarakat Ganjil 20/21. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA. (Unpublished)