@inproceedings{repository934, booktitle = {INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR-SRIPATUM UNIVERSITY}, title = {TO AVOID STARTUP BUSINESS FAILURE THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP, CUSTOMER DEVELOPMENT, AND DESIGN THINKING APPROACH}, year = {2017}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/934/}, abstract = {This study is based on the phenomenon which is that many entrepreneurs, either new or existing, of either small, medium, or large-sized level, experience business failure. Many new entrepreneurs slowly realize that their business is wasting money and leads to bankruptcy. Ministry of Communication and Informatics of Republic of Indonesia has launched a program called Gerakan Nasional 1.000 Startup Digital. The program launced on 17 June 2016 is expected to result in 1,000 startup businesses in Indonesia in 2020. Since its launching, there are 16,500 registered participants who are from six cities in Indonesia. In the first stage were 2,267 participants selected to continue to the next stage. After assessment on ideas and formulated problems to solve, only 41 participants were successfully chosen as prospective startup business. It indicates that most of startup businesses have not been able to both formulate creative and innovative ideas and find required business solutions. The objective of this study is to explain how a startup business does not fail while operating. Besides, it is also aimed to explain the importance of entrepreneurship approach, customer development approach, and design thinking approach for providing a guideline, skills, and effective belief to particularly new entrepreneurs to make their business successful.}, author = {Hartono, Bambang Dwi} }