%I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. HAMKA %X Citric acid is one of acid source that can increase dissolving time of effervescent tablet. This study aims at determining the optimal concentration of citric acid as acid source on dissolving time of effervescent tablet. Pericarp mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) dry extracts macerated with water, and powder made by spray drying process. Dry powder obtained was made into 5 formulas effervescent tablets used different concentrations of citric acid, i.e. 20.0, 22.5, 25.0, 27.5, and 30.0%. The tablets were evaluated included organoleptic evaluation, weight uniformity, size uniformity, hardness, friability, and dissolving times. The data in this research were physical properties of granule and tablets. For physical granule properties, i.e. flow time was fulfilling criteria, its flow time under 10 seconds for 100 g of granule. And also for angle of repose it was fulfill the criteria, it value was 25- o 45 . The tablet data of dissolve time fulfilling criteria its value was under 1-5 minutes all. For pH value all the formula were safe to be consumed, the average value was 4.347. By one-way ANOVA test dissolving time data there were differences each other. It could be concluded that the optimum concentration of citric acid as an acid source on dissolving time of the pericarp mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) dry extract effervescent tablets was formula 4 with citric acid concentration of 27.5%. %N 1 %A Inding Gusmayadi %A Fahjar Prisiska %A Wilda Febriani %V 5 %T OPTIMASI KONSENTRASI ASAM SITRAT SEBAGAI SUMBER ASAM TERHADAP WAKTU LARUT TABLET EFFERVESCENT EKSTRAK KERING KULIT BUAH MANGGIS (Garcinia mangostana L) %J Farmasains %D 2018 %L repository914