%X The low level of knowledge and skills of posyandu cadres in anthropometric measurements impact on validity of nutritional status among infants and children aged 12 – 59 months. One of the contributing factors was the lack of training for Posyandu cadres. Therefore, this community partnership program provided a training program focused on anthropometric measurements among posyandu cadres in Cilandak Barat. Knowledge and skills of cadres before and after intervention are measured. The results showed a significant increase of knowledge score (11.13 to 14.67) and the skill score (26.59 to 39.00) (p value = 0.001). We concluded that the training program effectively increased the knowledge and skills of posyandu cadres. Keywords: Knowledge; skill; anthropometry; posyandu cadres. %I Universita Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka %A Anna Fitriani %A Desiani Rizki Purwaningtyas %D 2021 %V 9 %T Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Kader Posyandu dalam Pengukuran Antropometri di Kelurahan Cilandak Barat Jakarta Selatan %N 2 %J Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Kader Posyandu dalam Pengukuran Antropometri di Kelurahan Cilandak Barat Jakarta Selatan %R Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.22236/solma.v9i2.4087 %P 367-378 %L repository8611