@article{repository798, journal = {The Potency of Binahong Leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) Subfraction with Ethanol 70\% as an Antihyperuricemic Agent}, title = {The Potency of Binahong Leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) Subfraction with Ethanol 70\% as an Antihyperuricemic Agent}, publisher = {Proceedings of the 1st Muhammadiyah International Conference on Health and Pharmaceutical Development (MICH-PhD 2018), pages 143-146}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/798/}, abstract = {Hyperuricemia is an abnormally high level of uric acid in a blood. Binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) is one of the plants traditionally used as an antihyperuricemic remedy. This study aims to determine the ethanol 70\% subfraction activity of binahong leaves on the uric acid level of male white mice. Antihyperuricemia assay was conducted for 36 days by dividing 24 mice into six groups. There are normal control who was given standard feed and Na CMC 0.5\%, positive control was given purine and allopurinol 0.8 mg/20 g BW and the assay group was given a purine feed and binahong leaves subfraction SF 3 with a dose of 1.83 mg/20gBW, 3.60 mg/20gBW, and 5.40 mg/20gBW. Blood sampling was conducted by orbital sinus after 2 hours from induction of potassium oxonate. Blood sampling was measured with an enzymatic method using a clinical spectrophotometer. The result showed that the third dose had no significant difference to the positive control with a percentage of decrease of 56.6\%. The conclusion is that binahong leaves subfraction has the same activity as an antihyperuricemic agent with allopurinol at dose 5.40 mg/20gBW.}, author = {Vera Ladeska, Vera and Ani Pahriyani, Ani and Monika Silviani Gunawijaya, Monika} }