<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "SCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC\r\nBACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha\r\nWIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY"^^ . "For many years, herbs already utilized as traditional medicine to cure diseases,\r\nparticularly bacterial infections. One of potential herbs which reported has antibacterial activity\r\nis Eugenia polyantha Wight. This herbs is commonly used as spices for food by Indonesian\r\npeople. Due to the significant increasing of multidrug resistance bacteria globally, the invention\r\nof new antibiotics is urgently needed. One of alternative ways finding active compounds to solve\r\nthe problems is by using microbes inside plants. Unfortunately, no reports about endophytic\r\nbacteria from Indonesian Bay Leaves especially its potential as antibacterial. This research\r\naimed to find endophytic bacteria isolates from Indonesian Bay Leaves which has antibacterial\r\nactivity against Salmonella typhi. First, we isolated the bacteria from fresh E. polyantha leaves\r\non agar medium then cultivated it using NB medium and continued to antibacterial assay by disc\r\ndiffusion. The 16 sRNA of isolate with inhibition ability was sequenced. We got three endophytic\r\nbacteria isolates but only one isolate shown great antibacterial activity. According to the\r\nsimilarity result by BLAST analysis the isolate had similarity to Bacillus sp, thus, we named the\r\nisolate with B. subtilis strain WL-SM1."^^ . . . "Prosiding Kolokium Doktor dan Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tahun 2017"^^ . . . "SCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha WIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lulu"^^ . "Lulu Shofaya"^^ . "Lulu Lulu Shofaya"^^ . . "Wahyu"^^ . "Wahyu Hidayati"^^ . "Wahyu Wahyu Hidayati"^^ . . "Lutfika"^^ . "Lutfika Munaziah"^^ . "Lutfika Lutfika Munaziah"^^ . . "Fitri"^^ . "Fitri Yuniarti"^^ . "Fitri Fitri Yuniarti"^^ . . "Sigit"^^ . "Sigit Priyo Utomo"^^ . "Sigit Sigit Priyo Utomo"^^ . . "UHAMKA"^^ . . . "UHAMKA"^^ . . . . . . . "SCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC\r\nBACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha\r\nWIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY (Text)"^^ . . . "(222-227)V8N10CT.pdf"^^ . . . "SCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC\r\nBACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha\r\nWIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "SCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC\r\nBACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha\r\nWIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "SCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC\r\nBACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha\r\nWIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "SCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC\r\nBACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha\r\nWIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "SCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC\r\nBACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha\r\nWIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #779 \n\nSCREENING AND IDENTIFICATION ENDOPHYTIC \nBACTERIA FROM INDONESIAN BAY LEAVES (Eugenia polyantha \nWIGHT) WITH ANTIBACTERIA ACTIVITY\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "R Medicine (General)"@en . . . "RS Pharmacy and materia medica"@en . .