@book{repository73, title = {Developing Learning System in Pesantren: The Role of ICT}, editor = {Wintolo Apoko Tri}, volume = {1}, year = {2013}, month = {November}, address = {Bali}, publisher = {UHAMKA Press}, number = {1}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/73/}, abstract = {The development of information and communication technology has led to many changes, including in the field of education which is established the concept of e-learning. By using e-learning, learning is become more effective and efficient. Information and communication technology is also used in schools, it is possible to produce the concept of e-pesantren. Through the use of ICT, religion teachers and students at the school could be preaching, teaching and learning with greater ease, and the teaching models e-pesantren is also very useful, both for students and teachers (religion teacher), even for the managers of pesantren, of which is increasing prestige and institutional accountability. E-pesantren allows creating a system of distance education and virtual school / boarding. The integration of information and communication technology in education in schools is to improve the quality of education in schools and ease of propagation.}, isbn = {978-602-8040-71-6} }