%J DIDAKTIKA Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar %N 2 %L repository7173 %T The Comparison of the Effect of Different Types of Learning Models on Science Process Skills of Pre-Service Elementary School Teacher %V 3 %D 2020 %I Program Studi PGSD, Jurusan PSD, FIP, UNY %P 121-128 %X The aim of this research was to compare the influence of learning models on the science process skills of preservice elementary school teachers. The research method was quasi-experimental with The Matching Only Design. The research population was all 5th-semester students of pre-service elementary school teachers with 350 students. The sample was class 5E, 5G, and 5H selected by Cluster Random Sampling. The instrument was the science process skills test. The data was analyzed using the Median test. The results showed a significant difference in science process skills between Inquiry Learning, Problem Based Learning, and Discovery Learning. %A Mutia Sari Prima %A Sri Lestari Handayani %A Nurwahyuni Nurwahyuni