@article{repository595, year = {2017}, journal = {Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR)}, volume = {158}, title = {Multicultural Approach in Learning as the Attempt of Reinforcing Indonesian Diversity in Elementary School}, publisher = {Atlantis Publisher}, issn = {2352-5398}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/595/}, abstract = {These days, the dynamics of social interaction in Indonesia is affected by various issues that are threatening the diversity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This study aims to describe the multicultural approach in learning in elementary school as an effort to strengthen the student's values of multiculturalism from an early age. The descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze various problems related to the implementation of multicultural approach in learning. The research was conducted in five public elementary schools in PasarRebo Sub-district, East Jakarta. The results of the research explains that the multicultural approach should be a soft skill for the teachers and all components of the primary school management as an effort in fostering tolerance, living in peace, mutual protection, mutual freedom from threats, and to achieve the peaceful and harmonious Indonesia.}, author = {Suswandari, Suswandari} }