@inproceedings{repository594, title = {Cultural Properties as a Source for Learning History: A Case Study in Cilacap Regency, Indonesia}, year = {2018}, booktitle = {5th International Conference on Community Development (AMCA 2018)}, pages = {94--97}, url = {https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/series/assehr}, author = {Suswandari, Suswandari and Armiyati, Laely}, keywords = {cultural property, source for learning history, Cilacap regency}, abstract = {Abstract. This research aims to identify the potential of cultural property in Cilacap Regency as a source for learning history. The research is conducted using qualitative approach through three stages, namely identifying cultural property that can be used as a source for learning history and educational tourism, assessing the response of history teachers on the use of cultural property as a source for learning history, and assessing the strategy of using cultural property as learning sources. The results show that (1) Cilacap has 84 potential cultural properties that can be developed as learning resources. (2) The potential of the cultural properties has not been fully utilized by teachers as a source for learning history. (3) The reasons behind this are the teacher's lack of information about the cultural properties and the distance between the location of the cultural properties and the school. (4) History teachers in Cilacap use project-based learning as a method of using cultural properties as a learning resource.} }