%J THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND WORK DISCIPLINE ON TEACHER PERFORMANCE REGARDING WORK MOTIVATION AS INTERVERNING VARIABLE (A CASE STUDY OF YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN PONDOK PESANTREN AL KHOLIDIN) %N 1 %L repository584 %T THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND WORK DISCIPLINE ON TEACHER PERFORMANCE REGARDING WORK MOTIVATION AS INTERVERNING VARIABLE (A CASE STUDY OF YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN PONDOK PESANTREN AL KHOLIDIN) %V 1 %D 2017 %I International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research %P 70-95 %X The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of leadership, organizational culture and work discipline on teacher performance regarding work motivation as an intervening variable. The method applied is quantitative method. The data were collected through observation, interview, documentation, book review, and questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 22. The population was 173 participants, all teachers of YPPPI. Of 121 selected participants, 30 participants were chosen using random proportional sampling for the test instrument. Likert-scale model was used to analyze all variables which are teacher performance, leadership, organizational culture, work discipline, and work motivation. The formula of product moment was used to calculate the test validity, while Cronbach’s Alpha was used for reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied for data analysis; correlation, simple regression, and path analysis were used for hypothesis test. The results of the research showed structural Model-1: Y = ρyx1 X1 + ρyx2 X2 + ρyx3 X3 + ρy Ɛ1, correlation coefficient r12=0,485, r23=0,401, r13=0,657, and path coefficient pyx1=0,801, pyx2=0,797, pyx3 = 0,241, pyx1 = R-squared =0,423, with structural regression Model-1 : Y = 0,801 X1 + 0,797 X2 + 0,241X3 + 0,281 Ɛ1. Moreover, the results show structural Model-2 : Z = ρzx1 X1 + ρzx3 X3 + ρzy Y + ρz Ɛ2, correlation coefficient r13 = 0,657, and path coefficient pzx1= 0,253, pzx3=0,1991, pzy=0,730, R-squared 0,483 and 0,89 for α = 0,05, with structural regression Model-2: Z = 0,416 X1 + 0,175 X3 + 2933 Y + 0,476Ɛ2. The findings showed that the quality of teacher performance increase through the improvement of leadership, organizational culture, work discipline and work motivation. Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, Teacher Performan %A Dwi Hartono Bambang %A zubaidah zubaidah