%K Teaching Factory, Vocational School, Aspects of Human Resources, Aspect of Partnership, Aspect of Product %L repository563 %T THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHING FACTORY AND ITS IMPLICATION TO VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT’S COMPETENCE IN THE INDUSTRIAL AREA OF JAKARTA PROVINCE, INDONESIA %X This research aims to find out the implementation of teaching factory and its implications in improving the competence of vocational high school students in the Industrial Area of Jakarta. Teaching Factory (TEFA) is a model of learning with the support of the education quality and training, which is oriented, based school relationship with the industry and the business applying a production unit in the school. 70 teachers out of 85 and 83 students out of 105 were taken as a sample using Slovin technique. The findings have revealed that: [1] the basic principle of teaching factory is the integration of work experience into the school curriculum; [2] In the evaluation of the teaching factory activity; and [3] the reorientation and revitalization of the curriculum in line with the demands of vocational graduates are required. %A Sintha Wahjusaputri %A Somariah Fitriani %A Ihsana El Khuluqo Ihsana El Khuluqo