%X Abstrak The Objective of the research is to study the relationships of Strategic Planning Competence. Adversity Quotient, and Lecture Empowerment with work productivity of the Head of Study Program in Private University. The research was conducted at the private university with a sample 0f 60, selected randomly. The research concludes that there is a positive correlation between: (1) Strategic Planning Competence and Work Productivity; (2) Adversity Quotient and Work Productivity; (3) Lecturer Empowerment and Work Productivity. Furthermore, there is positive correlation between (4) Strategic Planning Competence, Adversity Quotient and Lecturer Empowerment with work productivity. Based on the results, Work Productivity could be enhanced by improving strategic planning competence, adversity quotient, and Lecturer Empowerment Keywords : Strategic Planning Competence, Adversity Quotient, Lecturer Empowerment, Work Productivity %I UHAMKA Press %A Astuti Sri Astuti %D 2009 %V 1 %T Hubungan antara Kemampuan Perencanaan Strategik, Ketahanmalangan dan Pemberdayaan Dosen dengan Produktivitas Kerja Ketua Progtam Studi pada Universitas swasta di Jakarta Timur %N 1 %J Jurnal Kepemimpinan Pendidikan %P 50-72 %L repository528