@article{repository5058, title = {ALPHA-GLUCOSIDASE INHIBITORY ACTIVITY OF ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA METABOLITES OF DAUN SALAM (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp.)}, journal = {Prosiding Internasional Seminar}, year = {2016}, publisher = {Fakultas Farmasi dan Sains Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka}, month = {August}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/5058/}, author = {Siska, Siska}, issn = {978-602-71959-2-9}, abstract = {Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease associated with abnormally high level of the sugar glucose in the blood. One of the treatment to lower the level of blood sugar is using the drug which inhibit the activity of {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-glucosidase. Daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp.) also known as bay leaves is a medicinal plant contains active compound which showed {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-glucosidase inhibitory activity. As every vascular plant contains endophytic bacteria, the purpose of this study was to determine the alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity of endophytic bacteria's metabolites of bay leaves. Isolation of endophytic bacteria was conducted using direct plating method of bay leaves using NA medium. The obtained bacterial isolates then cultivated in a liquid F4 medium, incubated for 5 days, and harvested by centrifugation to obtain endophyte's metabolites. The supernatant was used for enzyme inhibitory assay using p-nitrophenyl-Alpha-D-glucopyranose (p-NPG) as a substrate. Results showed that the alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity of the metabolites of 5 endophytic bacteria isolates was 37.67\%; 37.77\%; 36.21; 45.81\%; and 41.90\%. respectively. It can be concluded that the metabolites of endophytic bacteria of bay leaves have alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity.} }