%L repository5028 %T ACADEMIC SPEAKING FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS %X The author wrote this module as a guideline for students on what to learn from this course. The theories were given and discussed together in the classroom. Subsequently, the students performed their presentation following what had been discussed before. At each meeting, students presented the selected topic, at least once. Currently, all learning and teaching activities are held online because of the Coronavirus pandemic. During this pandemic, students present their chosen topic through zoom meeting. When doing the midterm test, the lecturer contacted each student to do their presentation via video call. After the midterm test, the students will perform some presentations with various issues. However, this time students will present the topic longer within the stipulated time frame and they have to choose materials from the National or International Accredited Journals or book sections. Students have to be able to organize their time well. Students should select the issues related to Teaching and Learning, Teaching Methods, and Teaching English Skills such as Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Hopefully, after practicing their presentation extensively, students can overcome their problems such as, nervousness, anxiety, and in confidence. Giving a presentation is not an easy activity as it needs practice, English knowledge, experience, and motivation. %D 2020 %A Syaadiah Arifin