%A Sani Muhammad Abdul Halim Sani %P 64-72 %I Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pengembangan al-Islam, kemuhammadiyahan dan Bahasa Arab (LPP-AIKA) Universitas Muhammamdiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA Jakarta %L repository450 %J Moderatio Diskursus Islam dan Peradaban %X Humans are unique creatures because humans proceed with their environment and become f good learners. It is because humans have a great source of basic skills that are different from other creatures of God's. Source existing in human determines the direction, life orientation so that it becomes a source of truth in the form of rationalism according to the philosophy of science. The source owned by humans is intelligence. Human intelligence is a tremendous potential for oneself or to impact others. Intelligence in humans has an element and important position because intelligence is the source knowledge and develops that knowledge for humanity. The development of knowledge supported by intelligence bears a modern civ' 'Action where humans act as those who determine history not determined by history, in c o'drier., the well maximizing of intelligence makes humans like God who creates. Humans ornate by maximizing intelligence capability to be creative and innovative. That capability is one of ire things that make humans as Khalifah to be a part of history and worship Aiiar. Keyword; Humans, caliph, sense %T MANUSIA SEBAGAI KHALIFAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF AKAL %V 2 %D 2014 %N 1