@article{repository4362, year = {2014}, month = {November}, publisher = {University of Malaya}, title = {STRATEGY PLANNING PROGRAM STUDENT ENTREPRENEUR IN UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA INDONUSA ESA UNGGUL}, note = {In Press}, journal = {3rd International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education 2014}, issn = {978-983-9662-27-6}, abstract = {This study aimstoanalyzeandexploredevelopment human resourcesin order to realizethe strategicvision ofbecoming a universitycollegebasedintellect, innovationandentrepreneurship. The analytical methodusedwas qualitative research. Data was collected throughinterviews, documentationandobservation. The results showedplanning strategiesstudententrepreneurshipeducationprogramsregardingthe implementation ofthe curriculumused in theProgram Student Entrepreneur made by the university college based on the conditions set by the directorate of higher education and Kopertis. Faculty and staff in conducting guidance to students in accordance with the type of business students in running the business. Availability offundsin accordancewith theproportionexisting fundsin DIPA(Budget Implementation List) in the current yearbased ona contractassignmentProgram Student Entrepreneur asthe grant agreement.Facilities and infrastructureinthe form oflaboratoryandholdProgram Student Entreprenurproductionspace, office space, supportaccesstechnologyandmarketinformation, andaccess tofunding. Program materialsaregivenin the form ofaccounting practicallecturer, marketingstrategies, feasibilitystudies, legalandbusiness ethics, business groupformationandgroupeffortof makingoperating budget. These results implythe development ofentrepreneurialandsustainableinstitutionalizeddonetoimprovestudents' abilityto self-employmentin the face ofthe development ofscience and technology.}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/4362/}, author = {Rismita, Rismita} }