%J Prosiding Seminar Nasional Dan Kolokium %L repository4073 %T PENGARUH MODEL BRAIN BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KREATIF MATEMATIK SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA KELAS V SDN PEKAYON 15 JAKARTA TIMUR %D 0217 %I UHAMKA Press %P 93-100 %X The purpose of the research is to find out to know there is the influence or not of using Brain Based Learning method to the student's ability of mathematical creative thinking. The proposed of hypothesis in this research is: "there is an influence in using Brain Based Learning method to the student's ability of mathematical creative thinking". The research was held at Pekayon 15 Jakarta Elementary School 5th grade at the second semester of the school year 2016/2017. Samples of this research are 60 students consist of 30 from experiment class and 30 from control class. This research used Quasi Experiment method. The independent variable : Brain Based Learning method. The dependent variable : student's ability of mathematical creative thinking. Instruments previously tested using the validity test and reliability test. The Validity test by using Pearson Product Moment which are 8 valid questions and 2 invalid questions. Normality test through Lilliefors Test and homogeneity test using Fisher Test. the research concluded that there is an influence in using Brain Based Learning method to the student's ability of mathematical creative thinking. %A Ninawati Mimin