@article{repository396, year = {2017}, month = {July}, journal = {International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences}, volume = {4}, title = {CHALLENGE FOR SCHOOL MANAGEMENT INCLUSIVE IN INDONESIA THROUGH EDUCATION STRATEGY}, pages = {436--440}, number = {4}, issn = {2349-5219}, url = {https://www.ijires.org/index.php/issues?view=publication&task=show&id=296}, abstract = {The fostering of inclusive schools in Indonesia has yet to be considered optimal in helping children with special needs in reaching a better future. Various reasons have been stated by schools that are designated as inclusive schools. In Jakarta, there are 164 inclusive schools spread over five regions. Complaints thrown by schools that were studied in this research include inadequate facilities and infrastructure, human resources that are unable to fulfill requirements, lack of a dedicated supervising teacher, low public participation number from children with special needs, and understanding and attitude from parents and the public which were not conducive towards children with special needs. These are phenomenal challenges. From various perspectives of inclusive schools, there are problems that indicate the challenges which can hamper the execution of inclusive education in Indonesia. The focuses of this research are the management of inclusive schools, the learning process, education strategy, the profile of inclusive students, and background of parents of children with special needs.}, author = {Connie Chairunnisa, Connie} }