%L repository3863 %X This study aims to determine professionalism differences between certified and uncertified kindergarten teacher. The total population in the study was 46 certified teachers and 46 non-certified teachers in Menes Sub-district. The writer selected the population by using purposive sampling techniques. This study used an ex-post facto. Based on the interpretation category scores revealed by Riduwan, the finding shows that the certified kindergarten teacher meets the category which is 4773% while the result of the professionalism of teachers who uncertified is 4226%. The Hypothesis testing used was t-test. The finding shows that t = 71,373 and table = 2,368 thus t = 71,373> table = 2,368 and it can be concluded that there are differences in the professionalism of kindergarten teachers who are certified and uncertified. %A Chandrawaty Chandrawaty %T PROSIDING SEMINAR ANTARABANGSA PEDAGOGI KE-8 (PedA8) 2017 THE DIFFERENCES KINDERGARTEN TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM BETWEEN CERTIFIED AND UNCERTIFIED (Research in Cisata, 2016)