eprintid: 35108 rev_number: 8 eprint_status: archive userid: 5019 dir: disk0/00/03/51/08 datestamp: 2024-07-15 00:20:40 lastmod: 2024-07-15 00:20:40 status_changed: 2024-07-15 00:20:40 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: camelia, csf creators_id: cameliasafitri2408@uhamka.ic.id creators_orcid: 0000-0002-8280-3784 title: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Circular Economy: A Systematic Review ispublished: pub subjects: H subjects: HB subjects: LB divisions: sch_med abstract: Thecirculareconomyisanimportantstrategicapproachinpromotingglobalsustainabilitybyseparatingeconomicgrowthfromenvironmentaldegradation.Thetransitiontoacirculareconomyleveragesdigitaltechnologytoincreaseresourceefficiency,reducewasteandencouragecollaborationamongstakeholders.Thisresearchaimstoexploretheroleofdigitaltechnologyinsupportingentrepreneurialinnovationinthecontextofacirculareconomy.ThisresearchusesthePRISMA(PreferredReportingItemsforSystematicReviewsandMeta-Analyses)methodtocollectandanalyzerelevantliteraturefromreputabledatabasessuchasScopus,WebofScience,andScienceDirect.Theresearchresultsshowthatdigitaltechnologies,suchastheInternetofThings(IoT),artificialintelligence(AI),andbigdataanalysis,haveasignificantroleinfacilitatingentrepreneurialinnovationandacceleratingthetransitiontoacirculareconomy.Theimplicationsofthisresearchareimportantforpolicymakersandbusinesspractitionersindesigningmoresustainableandefficientstrategies.Thisresearchalsomakesanacademiccontributionbyfillingthegapintheliteratureregardingtheinteractionbetweendigitaltechnologyandentrepreneurialinnovationinthecirculareconomy,aswellasprovidingpracticalrecommendationsforimplementationinvariousindustrialsectors date: 2024 date_type: published full_text_status: public publication: https://journal.ppipbr.com/index.php/productivity/article/view/321/300 refereed: TRUE issn: 3032-2278 referencetext: Akhter, A., Islam, K., Karim, M., & Latif, W. 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