%I Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pengembangan al-Islam, kemuhammadiyahan dan Bahasa Arab (LPP-AIKA) Universitas Muhammamdiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA Jakarta %D 2015 %V 3 %L repository344 %J Moderatio Diskursus Islam dan Peradaban %P 77-92 %X This paper explains the functions of mosque as one of Islamic educational institutions. The data is the result of writer's research library. It is concluded from the research that mosque is one of Islamic educational institutions which is substantively neglected. Therefore, there should be a thought to encourage that mosque is not only a worship place in strict sense. Moreover, mosque is expected to play a wider role in various aspects of life. %A Dwi Fajri Muhammad Dwi Fajri %N 3 %T MASJID SEBAGAI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM