%I Uhamka %T Artikel 31_Isti %X This experiment as conducted to analyze velocity of the laminar flow on a plate by using Stokes theorem. The sample used was honey and oil which has a density of 643,4gr / cm³ and 762,2 gr / cm³. When the density of the two samples have known, it will be easier to obtain viscosity with compared both sample and test samples each having results as 0,00594 Ns/m² for honey and 0,00503 for the oil. The results of these calculations will be obtained pressure for each samples treated with different speeds the flow of each sample was different. The plate which flowing honey has a velocity 0,046 m /s² and velocity 0,002 for oil with spiral plate, while for honey and oil in zigzag plate have both of velocity 0,02 m /s²and 0,0058 m /s². %A TIH Tri Isti Hartini %L repository34209