%T EFL students’ perspective of Kahoot! as an assessment platform for English teaching and learning %X Technology has had a lot of influence on the world of modern education, one of which is in providing various assessment platforms such as Kahoot. Kahoot has given a positive outlook on college students because of three main aspects; feedback & learning benefits, meta�cognitive benefits, and learning environment benefits. This research explores junior high school students' perceptions of Kahoot as an assessment platform because of its potential to engage students and enhance their learning experience. This study adopts a qualitative method approach, using a survey to assess junior high school students' attitudes towards Kahoot as an assessment platform. The findings reveal that the majority of junior high school students have a positive perspective on Kahoot as a means of assessment. They appreciate its interactive nature, which makes assessment more interesting and fun. In addition, students appreciate the instant feedback provided by Kahoot, which allows them to identify areas for improvement and improve their language skills. %L repository33750 %A Neti Hartati %C Yogyakarta