%T Network Pharmacology Analysis Reveals Bioactive Compounds and Potential Targets of Sea cucumber for Cervical Cancer Therapy %X Cervical cancer is a leading cause of death among women in many countries, and finding effective anticancer treatments for this type of cancer is challenging due to high rates of HPV infection and low vaccination rates among women of childbearing age. Studies have shown that protein oncogenes produced by HPV stimulate cell growth, promoting tumor development and treatment resistance. It explores the potential therapeutic mechanisms of Scitophus hermanii in treating cervical cancer using network pharmacology, identifying PTGS2, EGFR, and NFE2L2 as targets. Bioactive compounds in sea cucumbers, such as Gangliosides, Stichoposide and variegatuside have the potential to prevent cancer cell proliferation by inhibiting the epidermal growth factor receptor expression. The review suggests that targeting pathways could be a promising strategy for the treatment of cervical cancer. SwissADME also predicted the drug-like properties of the active chemicals in sea cucumbers. This discussion sheds new light on the potential use of marine natural products for the treatment of various types of cervical cancers. %L repository29634 %D 2023 %J Network Pharmacology Analysis Reveals Bioactive Compounds and Potential Targets of Sea cucumber for Cervical Cancer Therapy %V 12 %P 1359 %I F1000 Research %A Irena Ujianti