%I Fakultas Agama Islam, UHAMKA %D 2011 %V 01 %L repository288 %J Jurnal Pendidikan Islam %P 1-25 %X Immunization status of knowledge in Islam hove a very important and special. Revelation of God who first received by the propet Muhammad not a command to worship principal (prayer, alms, fasting, and pilgrimage), but a command to read in the broad sense, such as observing and researching, because by reading that humans will acquire knowledge and with knowledge that under his rule, human beings can live in his time well, discussion and debate about how to acquire knowledge in the world of philosophy is very interesting to be anderstude, especially among western philosophy. Ibn Rushd as a muslim filosofy who greatly admired Aristotle in the context of science studies are well know in the western world because of its seriousness translating and reviewing and commenting on the writing of Aristotle, so he got the title as al-syarih (commentator) for Aristotle. Islam as a religion who believe strongly in science should remain the frame of all the debates that exist, particularly with respect to sources of knowledge, Islam will never shifted believe that is God the source of knowledge although humans have the freedom to use various methods to obtain it, that comfirmed by Ibn Rushd. %A Bunyamin Bunyamin %N 01 %T SUMBER ILMU PENGETAHUAN DALAM PANDANGAN IBNU RUSYD