@misc{repository27352, year = {2023}, month = {August}, title = {Poster Investigation of U-shaped Plastic Optical Fiber as Refractive Index Sensor for Liquids Assessment}, address = {Jakarta}, publisher = {Fakultas Teknologi Industri dan Informatika}, url = {https://ft.uhamka.ac.id/}, abstract = {U-shaped fiber optic sensors are fabricated and analyzed to measure the sensitivity of the developed sensor and optimized the detection of the refractive index (RI) of a given liquid. In this research, three types of sensors with different curvature radii (3 mm, 4 mm, and 5 mm) and different angles (30?C and 60?C) with 60 cm length of polymer fibers have been developed to characterize and analyze which type of sensor that will give optimal reading. The research analyzed the RI sensitivity using impurity-free liquid (mineral water) and non-impurity liquid (saline water and used cooking oil). The result}, author = {Ramza, Harry} }