@article{repository267, year = {2014}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on EDUCATION 2014 (ICEdu14)}, title = {REPRESENTASI GENDER DALAM NOVEL CABAUKAN, KEMBANG JEPON, KERUDUNG MERAH KIRMIZI}, pages = {130--137}, url = {http://www.edututorial.net/spps/icedu14.htm}, abstract = {This study used a qualitative approach to content analysis techniques. The approach used is a feminist literary literature. Aim of this study to find the representation of gender in the novel Cabaukan, Kembang Jepon, Kerudung Merah Kirmizi created by Remy Sylado. Criteria reveal gender issues are ( 1 ) the behavior , activities , thoughts female figures , ( 2 ) suppression experienced by female figures . The research data was collected from three Remy Sylado's novel, namely Cabaukan, Kembang Jepon, Kerudung Merah Kirmizi. The results of this study indicate gender representation differentiated between the colonial period and the period after independence. The behavior of women is found behavioral mimicry as an activity to equate the situation with the invaders. Activities undertaken in the field of women are still largely domestic. Thought leaders during the colonial women still around family life, and in the aftermath of independence has not changed optimally. During the colonial period there is the oppression of women in the domestic sphere, which caused the women do not have the economic power and when in public spaces experienced more sexual repression, both of invaders and of indigenous men. It was more due to ignorance and poverty. In the period after independence women have been able to demonstrate the existence of self to make a living in accordance with the skills possessed, but still there is oppression in the domestic and public spaces. Keywords: feminism, gender representation, public space, domestic space}, author = {Prima Gusti Yanti, PGY} }