@article{repository266, number = {2}, volume = {4}, journal = {Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics}, pages = {39--47}, title = {Facilitating Students' Creativity in an EFL Writing Classroom: Voices from the Field}, url = {http://www.faapi.org.ar/ajal/issues/402/Mulyono.html}, abstract = {This article documents an English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom writing activity to promote students' creativity. This writing activity had two main objectives: to provide students with writing activities that would promote their practical use of written English language as a means of communication, and to facilitate their creativity in engaging with and solving problems in their social community. A real-world pedagogic writing task was developed to achieve these two objectives. The activity was carried out in a junior secondary school extra-curricular activity with sixteen students from Years 7 and 8. Students' perceptions of the writing activity were positive, and their awareness of social issues in the community had improved after participating in the activity.}, issn = {2314-3576}, author = {Mulyono, Herri} }