%J International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) %N 8 %L repository2474 %T Digital Assessment Resources in Primary and Secondary School Classrooms Teachers’ Use and Perceptions %V 13 %D 2019 %I International Association of Online Engineering %P 167-173 %X This short article reports on teachers’ use and perception of digi- tal assessment recourses in primary school classroom. A total of eighteen pri- mary school teachers participated in the study where they were asked to experi- ence of using Kahoot and ZipGrade as digital assessment resources. Self- reflection survey was distributed to the teacher participants to capture their atti- tude and perception about the two applications. Findings revealed that teachers were positive towards the application of two assessment technology in class- room practice. The findings highlighted some factors that encouraged teachers to use Kahoot! and ZipGrade as digital assessment tools including the creation of fun learning environment, practicality, automated scoring and direct feed- back. Despite these benefits, two critical challenges were addressed by teachers when incorporating the digital application at school such as the school context as well as teachers. %A Herri Mulyono