%N 8 %T Design and Use of a Mobile Application to Prevent Teachers’ Absenteeism in a Higher Education Setting %X In this paper, we present a digital application developed to pre- vent teachers’ absenteeism in a private university in Indonesia. In particular, we evaluated the development and the application of an Android-based attendance management system (AAMS) to monitor teachers’ attendance and their teaching activity at a private university in the capital city of Jakarta, Indonesia. Adopting a design-based research approach, we observed the development procedure and interviewed three end-users of the application, i.e. teachers. The findings of the study revealed the potential use of AAMS as a digital tool to prevent absentee- ism among university teachers. The three main challenges were highlighted during the application of AAMS, including the processing time duration and system error, the reporting and analytics issues, and the input manipulation. Furthermore, a recommendation is offered on the basis of the findings. %L repository2472 %D 2019 %J International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) %P 4-15 %V 13 %I International Association of Online Engineering %A Herri Mulyono