%J ELLTER Journal %R 10.22236/ellter.v3i2.10063 %N 2 %L repository24340 %T THE INVESTIGATION OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR LEARNING STRATEGY ON HIGH, MIDDLE, AND LOW ACHIEVERS' STUDENTS IN INDONESIA %V 3 %D 2022 %I Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UHAMKA %X This study investigates the English grammar learning strategy used by high, middle, and low achievers’ students in Indonesia. The aim is to reveal which types of strategies that high, middle, and low achievers’ students applied most while learning English grammar and to check whether or not there is a difference in grammar learning strategy used by high, middle, and low achievers’ students. A lot of researchers have concentrated their interest on the grammar learning strategy area, including in Indonesia; however, little or no research has been conducted to examine the grammar learning strategy among high, middle, and low achievers' students. Furthermore, the grammar learning strategy instruments used by other Indonesian researchers are highly diverse. This study is focused on finding the strategies that high, middle, and low achievers’ students used through Pawlak’s Grammar Learning Strategy Inventory or GLSI (2018) with 100 participants (high vs middle vs low achievers’ students) involved. The results showed that there are significant differences of grammar learning strategies used by low, middle and high achievers' students. Social strategies are the most commonly used grammar learning strategies by low and middle achievers’ students in Indonesia, while metacognitive strategies are the most frequently used by high achievers’ students. %P 54-63 %A Regita Cahyani %A Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah %A Cahya Komara