%I UHAMKA %L repository24116 %T An Islamic perspective on Advancing women's property rights %X Data in various countries with Muslim-majority populations show that men have more property than women (O Neil and Toktas, 2015; 2015). This is partly influenced by a patriarchal culture that provides more opportunities for men and less space for women to work. The patriarchal culture indirectly creates a division of labor that places men more likely to get wealth; men work outside the home while women take care of domestic issues such as taking care of children at home. In other words, in a patriarchal culture, men are placed as economic actors. On the other hand, women who are required to take care of domestic problems will have an economic dependence on their husbands. It is not surprising that property ownership in patriarchal culture is the domain of men. %A Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad