@article{repository24049, year = {2022}, month = {December}, journal = {Muhibbul arabiyyah}, volume = {2}, title = {IMPLEMENTATION OF LALARAN NADZHOM METHOD IN NAHWU SCIENCE LEARNING IN AL-BARKAH AL-ISLAMIYAH ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL SOUTH TANGERANG}, pages = {103--114}, number = {2}, publisher = {Study Program Student Association (HMPS) Arabic Language Education, UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, Indonesia.}, issn = {2798-2963}, url = {https://muhibbul-arabiyah.iain-jember.ac.id/index.php/pba/about}, abstract = {The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Lalaran Nadzhom method in learning Nahwu at Al-Barkah Al-Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School, South Tangerang City. This study is qualitative research. Data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis with descriptive analysis. Validity check is done by triangulation of data. The background of this research is the application of the Lalaran method has become a tradition in memorizing Nadzhom Nahwu for a long time. The use of the Lalaran method is still used and applied in Islamic boarding schools to this day. The students have the freedom to express the chants or notes in the Nadzhom verses that they memorize. This can motivate students in memorizing Nadzhom. The research formulation in this study is one, namely the application of the Lalaran Nadzhom method in learning Nahwu at Al-Barkah Al-Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School. The results showed that the implementation of the Lalaran method in memorizing Nadzhom Nahwu was carried out in several stages, there are planning, implementation and evaluation stages.}, author = {KUSUMAWARDANI, EKA SANTI and Fahmi, Ari Khairurrijal and Ardy Zaini, Muhammad}, keywords = {Lalaran Method, Nadzham, Nahwu Science, Metode Lalaran, Ilmu Nahwu} }