%X Health issues in the rural areas of Indonesia relate to the consequences of inadequate of social and environmental living conditions, such as improper sanitation facilities, poor hygiene practices, and low education levels, all exacerbated by the lack of adequate health service facilities. The government policy of adopting the Primary Health Care (PHC) strategy to improve the health status of the community has not been implemented as it potential could be. The main problem with the policy implementation is tha asingle model for programs has been applied to every area throughout the country, thereby limiting the possibilities for addressing the real health needs of rural people as they lack flexibility in accommodating regional socio-cultural differences. In an attempt to address these rural health issues in Indonesia, this study analyses and examines the possibility of implementing the Australian Community Health Centre model for improving the structure, and expanding the role, of the existing Indonesian Community Health Centres. The focus of the analysis is on the Australian Community Health Centre's organisational structure, planning strategy, and service management. Analysis of this study suggests that only part of the Australian Community Health Centre model can be applied to rural Indonesia. This is not only because Indonesia has already had its own health care system, but also because the socio-cultural Characteristic and the type of health problems rural Indonesia are different from those in Australia. %I Flinders University of South Australia %A Yulmaida Amir %D 1995 %T Rural Health Issues in Indonesia: Applicability of the Australian Community Health Centre Model %L repository23752