%X The dataset examines the two perceived benefit and risk fac�tors that continuously influence university students’ willing�ness to use financial technology (Fintech). A non-probability sampling technique was employed to target the study par�ticipants. A total of 436 students from a private university in Jakarta, Indonesia, completed a self-administered online questionnaire. The collected quantitative data were screened and analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equa�tion Modeling (PLS-SEM). The quantitative analysis result re�vealed that students’ willingness to utilize Fintech continu�ously is associated with their perceived benefits from such Fintech use. Particularly, students perceived that the benefits of seamless transactions offered by the technology had been the most critical factors that promoted their strong willing�ness. The data provides new insight related to the university students’ use of Fintech for their economic and financial ac�tivities. The dataset is also significant for financial technol�ogy companies to target and attract more users, particularly from those university students. More importantly, the dataset will be useful for university program development to prepare their students with financial literacy %J The determinants of willingness to continuously use financial technology among university students: Dataset from a private university in Indonesia %A Ummu Ummu Salma AL Azizah %T The determinants of willingness to continuously use financial technology among university students: Dataset from a private university in Indonesia %L repository22878