@article{repository22815, title = {THE MOST DOMINANT SOURCE OF STUDENT'S SELF-EFFICACY IN ENGLISH PUBLIC SPEAKING}, year = {2022}, number = {1}, pages = {16--24}, volume = {3}, journal = {ELLTER Journal}, month = {April}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.22236/ellter.v3i1.8940}, publisher = {English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher and Educations, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA}, url = {https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/ellter-j}, abstract = {Abstract: The objectives of this research are to investigate the most dominant source of self-efficacy that affects students' English public speaking skills and to discover the students' strategies in developing their self-efficacy. Moreover, this research is conducted among fourth semester of public speaking students consisting of 32 participants. In this case, the researchers used a descriptive qualitative method to analyse this phenomenon by applying a domain-specific sources of EPS self-efficacy questionnaire adapted from Zhang et al. in which the data was classified using a frequency Likert scale. The research finding reveals that the main source of self-efficacy that affects students' public speaking skills is the Psychological and Affective States. Another finding also shows that varied strategies are elaborated in order to develop self-efficacy, such as getting the assistance from teacher's feedback, finding friends as role model, being noticed by peers, and being able to control physical and emotion stress reactions. Keywords: Self-efficacy, English Public Speaking, EFL Students}, author = {Setyaningsih, Tri}, issn = {E-ISSN 2746-1424} }