%N 01 %L repository196 %A Sessu Andi Sessu %D 2014 %T ANALISIS PENGELUARAN KONSUMEN UNTUK AIR MINUM DALAM KEMASAN DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP POTENSI PENINGKATAN KESEMPATAN KERJA DI SULAWESI SELATAN %X This study aims to determine consumer exspense for packaged drinking water have an impact on potential job opportunities in South Sulawesi. This research was conducted using surveys, interviews and questionnaires. Data were analyzed by simple and multiple linear regression, the constant elasticity Junction, and the labor force participation rate. The results showed that the level of education, income, number of family members and work positively influential on consumer exspense for packaged drinking water. In addition, the employment participation rate is still low against the bottled water industry in South Sulawesi. This means it has not reached the level of labor force participation is expected. %J Jurnal Ekonomi %V 19 %P 38-53