%X Although the participating farmers of transmigration program are provided with enough land to fulfill their basic needs, their ability to cultivate the land is very limited. From a case study of Tulang Bawang Transmigration Area, Lampung, it is indicated that the farmer's ability to cultivate their land is influenced not only by the technical aspects itself but also by the socio economic aspects such as their previous occupations levels of education and capital ownership. %I BPPT, Jakarta %A Muchdie Muchdie %A Hartono G Hartono %D 1991 %T FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEMAMPUAN TRANSMIGRAN UNTUK MENGGARAP LAHAN USAHA: KAJIAN KASUS DI SATUAN KAWASAN PEMUKIMAN TRANSMIGRASI TULANG BAWANG, LAMPUNG %N 41 %J Majalah BPPT %P 32-40 %L repository191