%X The purpose of this study is to determine Cyber Security, Cyber Hardware, Information Systems against Fraud. The population of this study are users of information technology in Jakarta and Tangerang. This research method is a qualitative method and the type of primary data by collecting questionnaires. Types of primary data are data taken directly from the object of research, using a questionnaire with a total of 103 respondents. While secondary data is data obtained from documents from banks and other sources related to this research. The sampling technique is the analysis of the outer model (measurement model) and analysis of the inner model (structural model) using the Multivariate Structural Equation Model (SEM) SmartPLS 3. In participatory technique, the results of this study show that cybersecurity, cyber hardware has a positive effect on fraud. The performance of this research shows that Cyber security and cyber Hardware have an effect on Fraud, so that users or users are more careful in using information technology and always update it. Simultaneously, the R-Square value is 0.257 or 25%, which means cyber security, cyber hardware influenced by the information system against fraud by 25%. %N 2 %V 13 %P 22-32 %J International journal of emerging trends in social sciences %L repository17966 %T CYBER HARDWARE FRAUD IN JAKARTA AND TANGERANG %D 2022 %A Budiandru Budiandru