@misc{repository17609, title = {Analysis of Students' Mathematic Problem-Solving Ability Based on Application of Learning Methods Electronic (e-learning)}, publisher = {International Proceedings Conferences Series}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/17609/}, abstract = {application of electronic learning methods (e-learning). The study was conducted at 199 Junior High School in Jakarta in class VII even semester 2019/2020. This research is a qualitative research. The research subject was 35 students of the VII-5 class, then 5 students were chosen to represent the category of problem solving abilities. Data collection in this study used test, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the mathematical problem-solving abilities of 35 students in class VII-5 were obtained by 1 student or 2.85\% included in the very high category, 7 students or 20\% included in the high category, 9 students or 25.71\% included in the medium category, 14 students or 40\% in the low category, and 4 students or 11.42\% in the very low category.}, author = {Tsurayya, Ayu} }