@misc{repository17007, title = {Hasil Turnitin Artikel yang berjudul "HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS, CONSUMPTION PATTERN AND HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY BEFORE AND DURING COVID-19 IN BANTEN PROVINCE"}, publisher = {Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/17007/}, author = {Ahmad Faridi, AF}, abstract = {Households that are accustomed to food insecurity will find a more difficult situation at this time, exacerbated by Covid?19 as fewer resources to comply with social distancing recommendations. Food insecure individuals may also be less flexible in their jobs to enable them to earn income while staying at home, or may be at higher risk of losing their jobs altogether, thereby reducing (or eliminating) their incomes. Design of this study is a crosssectional study using purposive sampling, where 218 households were obtained as respondents. These factors can put food insecure households at a higher risk of contracting Covid-19 and greater food insecurity due to the economic effects of Covid-19 mitigation efforts. The characteristics of the head of the family in this study as a whole were between the ages of 26-35 years with a high school education level, working as private employees with an income level of more than regional wages.The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the family, consumption patterns and food security before and during Covid-19 occurred in the province of Banten. The results showed that there were differences in family consumption patterns before and during Covid-19 with values (p=0.001) and there were differences in the average score of family food security before and during Covid-19 with values (p=0.001). The covid-19 pandemic conditions affect the consumption pattern and food security of the family, therefore it is necessary to modify various diets so that the family can survive} }