%T Developing Reading Skill of EFL Learners Through Metacognition %X Reading is not simply a cognitive process; however, it takes metacognition to help the learners in order that the learners gain comprehension of the written text. The current study tried to explore how the learners of vocational high school developed their reading comprehension using metacognition. The finding was that the learners acknowledged that metacognition supported the development of reading comprehension of the learners. Metacognition enabled the learners to gain self-awareness about their lacks, focused on those lacks and regulated their learning in order to gain comprehension of the written text. The result showed that the learners were optimistic and motivated in developing their reading comprehension; however, the test result was not satisfactory. The reading performance of the learners were low. The current study suggested that future research investigate the correlation among self-awareness, motivation and reading performance of the learner. %K Reading skill, reading comprehension, cognitive process, metacognition %L repository16262 %D 2018 %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. HAMKA %A Erwin Victor Parulian