@phdthesis{repository14647, school = {Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka}, year = {2020}, title = {The Relationship between the Habit of Watching English Movies and the Vocabulary Ability of the Tenth Grade Students of SMKN 8 Bekasi in the First Semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year}, abstract = {The objective of this research is to find the empirical evidence of whether or not there is any significant relationship between the habit of watching English movies and the vocabulary ability of the tenth-grade students of SMKN 8 Bekasi in the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. According to the English teacher information, there is no excellent class, so the writer assumed that students' vocabulary ability in this school are quite the same, then the writer chooses one class (class of accountant) with 33 students by using random sampling as a research sample. The writer uses a quantitative survey method with the correlational research. In collecting the data, the writer uses questionnaire to measure students' habit of watching English movies, and the vocabulary test to measure students' vocabulary ability. The data are collected and calculated by using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation to see whether there is any significant relationship between the two variables. From the result of calculating by using the Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient Correlation, the writer found that the r xy {\ensuremath{>}} r table = 0.35 {\ensuremath{>}} 0.34. The result can be concluded that the H0 is rejected, and the Hi is accepted. After finding the result of correlation analysis, the writer analyzes the correlation coefficient significant test. In calculating the data by using correlation coefficient significant test, the writer found that ttable {\ensuremath{>}} tobserved= 1.70 {\ensuremath{>}} 2.05. It means that the H0 is rejected, and the Hi is accepted. Those can prove that there is a relationship between students' habit of watching English movies and students' vocabulary ability at tenth-grade on the first semester of SMKN 8 Bekasi in the 2020/2021 academic year. From the research result, the writer hopes that this is useful for English teacher and reader.}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/14647/}, author = {Inayah, Tsamrotul and Wardoyo, Susilo} }