%0 Thesis %9 Bachelor %A Cahyanti, Silvia Mutiara %A Roslaini, Roslaini %A Hartati, Neti %B Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %D 2020 %F repository:14629 %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka %T The Relationship Anxiety And Students’ Speaking Skill In The Second Semester Students Of The English Department At FKIP UHAMKA Jakarta In The 2019/2020 Academic Year %U http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/14629/ %X The purpose of the research is to get the empirical data of whether or not there is relationship between anxiety and the ability to speak English of the first semester students of the English department of FKIP UHAMKA Jakarta in the 2018/2019 academic year. The research was started in September and finished in November 2019. The sample of the research was Survival Listening Speaking class and the participants consisted of 30 students. The method was quantitative data by using questionnaire to obtain the data of the anxiety and doing a monolog in a video for measuring the speaking skill. The finding of the research showed that the calculation of correlation analysis by Pearson Product Moment was r observe (ro) is 0,4792 and r table (rt) is 0.349 in the level significance P = 0.05 with n = 30. It means that ro is higher than rt (0.47 > 0.349). Therefore, Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. In brief, there was a relationship between students’ anxiety and theirspeaking skill of the secondsemester students of the English department of FKIP UHAMKA Jakarta.