%I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka %T The Relationship between Students’ Interest in Speaking and Their Speaking Score at the Eighth Grade of 91 Junior High School Jakarta in the 2020-2021 Academic Year %X The objective of this research is to find out the relationship between students‟ interest in speaking and their speaking score at the eighth grade of 91 Junior High School Jakarta in the 2020-2021 academic year. There were 36 students chosen as the sample of this study who were determined by using cluster random sampling technique. The research consists of two variables, the first is students‟ interest in speaking, and the second is students‟ speaking score. The writer used the Pearson Product Moment to know the relationship between both of variables. The result of the research showed that average score of students‟ interest in speaking is 91.77 and score of students‟ speaking skill is 66.33. Pearson Product Moment analysis showed that r observed is higher than r table (0.802 > 0.320), and then significance correlation showed that t observed is higher than t table (7.82 > 1.69). It means null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and alternative hypothesis (Hi) is accepted. So, it can be concluded there is a significance relationship between students‟ interest in speaking and their speaking score at the eighth grade of 91 Junior High School Jakarta in the 2020-2021 academic year. %D 2020 %A Kelvien Aditya Pratama %A Roslaini Roslaini %L repository14614