%T The Relationship Between Students’ Habit in Playing Video Games and Their Vocabulary Mastery of Eleventh Grade Students of Taman Harapan Vocational School in 2019/2020 Academic Year %X This research is attempted to discover the relationship between the students’ habit in playing video games (X) and their vocabulary mastery (Y). The hypothesis tested is whether or not there is a significant relationship between the students’ habit in playing video games and their vocabulary mastery. It was conducted in June on the eleventh-grade students of Taman Harapan Vocational School. The instruments are habit in playing video games questionnaire and vocabulary test. In calculating the correlation between students’ habit in playing video games and their vocabulary mastery, the writer used Pearson Product Moment Correlation formula. In calculating the normality of the data, the writer used Kolmogorov-Smirnov in SPSS 24 program. The result of the analysis shows that the data of the two variables have normal distribution. The result of normality of the data distribution of X variable is 0.165 and it is bigger than 0.05 and the result of normality of the data distribution of Y variable is 0.57 and it is bigger than 0.05. In calculating the linearity of the data, the writer used SPSS 24 program. In the linearity test, the result of significance is 0.694 and it is bigger than 0.05. The result of the correlation between students’ habit in playing video games and their vocabulary mastery (rxy) is 0.730 and it is bigger than the rtable (rt) = 0.297. As rxy>rxt, it can be said that Ho is rejected, and Hi accepted. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between the students’ habit in playing video games and their vocabulary mastery of eleventh-grade students of Taman Harapan Vocational School. %L repository14398 %D 2020 %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka %A Muhamad Farhan %A Neti Hartati