@phdthesis{repository14371, year = {2020}, school = {Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka}, title = {The Effectiveness of English Songs in the Teaching of Vocabulary to the Sixth Grade Pupils of SDN SUNGAI BAMBU 05 Pagi in the 2019-2020 Academic Year}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/14371/}, abstract = {This research was held at SDN Sungai Bambu 05 Pagi. The objective of the study is to find the empirical evidence of whether or not English songs is effective in the teaching of vocabulary to the sixth grade pupils of SDN Sungai Bambu 05 Pagi in the 2019-2020 academic years. The samples of this study were 28 students of VI D. The writer used quantitative design by employing pre-experiment method in doing this research. She used vocabulary test to find the students vocabulary pre-test and post-test scores and use t-test to analyse the effectiveness of English songs in the teaching of vocabulary. The test consisted of two parts; multiple choice, and matching with the total 50 items. After describing and analysing the data, it can be concluded that English songs is effective as an alternative strategy in the teaching vocabulary to the SDN pupils. It is proven that there is a significance score after several treatments in the classroom. The post-test score is 67.05 with the 15 pupils (53.57\%) of who were successful and 13 pupils (46.43\%) were failed. Moreover, the benefits of the research result are the teacher and the students feel more relaxed, less-stressful, and happy, the teacher and the students gain new word from the lyric so, they will try to pronounce the words, and the teacher and the students become more active.}, author = {Rizkiani, Ferina and Hasibuan, Bahrul and Aminah, Siti} }